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KarateForums.com Administrators
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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. As it probably doesn't do any good in the public forums, I have removed this and am going to PM him. Thanks.
  2. Hello, The first part didn't seem that confusing to me. What is the best fighting style for the Sai if your only method of training is by watching videos and reading books? The second part is a bit more sketchy, though. Maybe you could elaborate. Thanks.
  3. Hello, As has become tradition, I just thought that I would note that we are now 3 and 1/2 years old. Getting up there... Thank you for visiting KarateForums.com.
  4. italian_guy, Do you mean the vote totals? Yes, you can, if that is what you mean. http://www.karateforums.com/viewforum.php?f=11 (All of the threads have KFA 2004 before them). Thanks.
  5. Hello, Thank you to everyone who nominated, voted and participated in the process. To everyone who won, congratulations. To everyone who was nominated, congratulations. If you "lost" or were not nominated, do not take it badly. Although these awards do have meaning, they are also for fun. Not everyone can win. Now, without further ado, our winners: 1. Member of the Year delta1 2. Community Spirit Award delta1 3. Staff Member of the Year aefibird 4. Funniest Member of the Year Drunken Monkey 5. Thread of the Year Ki - Started by dmoney101 6. Article of the Year Trust in Training by White Warlock 7. Funniest Thread of the Year How to give a cat a pill. - Started by AngelaG http://www.karateforums.com/awards.php Once again, congratulations.
  6. Voting is closed. Results to be revealed tomorrow. Stay tuned.
  7. The day is upon us! Voting will be closing late this evening.
  8. Happy Birthday. And congratulations. Does she read KarateForums.com?
  9. We've had a good turnout so far. Anyone that hasn't voted, please do!
  10. Its alright, I'll have a quick go through. Reminded me that I needed to turn that ability off, if nothing else. Thanks.
  11. Hello, I think this debate has run its course, so I am going to close it. A few closing thoughts: This is a very International site, but since this discussion is about voting in the U.S. election, this discussion is primarily for Americans... As Americans, we have the responsibility of choosing our elected officials (those of us that can vote). This is a responsibility that should not be taken lightly or disregarded easily. It is one of the foundations of our society and something that many people have died for. I always tell people... vote for the candidate who you feel will best lead the country. Republican, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian, Green, Reform... even a write in candidate that is running. As long as you vote for the person you feel will lead the country in the most efficient way out of all candidates, you are doing your job and no vote is wasted. Anyone has the right to complain (not here, though, as we don't allow political discussions ), but those that complain that are eligable to vote but do not vote are bound to be reguarded as hypocrites. Voting is the ultimate action, more than protesting, writing a book, making a movie, etc. Those that are unable to vote, you can't hold that against them. Not being able is not the same as being able and not doing. Thanks.
  12. None of the replies have answered the question posed at the start of the thread. Please focus on that. Thank you.
  13. Well, here it is! Time to vote in the 2004 edition of the KarateForums.com Awards. The categories are listed below. Please click the link and vote in the poll. If you have any questions, please ask on this thread and do not respond on the others. Member of the Year http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=15961 Community Spirit Award http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=15962 Staff Member of the Year http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=15963 Funniest Member of the Year http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=15964 Thread of the Year http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=15965 Article of the Year http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=15966 Funniest Thread of the Year http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=15967 Voting will continue until sometime on November 16. Thank you for voting.
  14. Please vote for the Funniest Thread of the Year in the KarateForums.com Awards 2004. This final award distinguishes this thread as the funniest one of the year. This thread should have made you laugh till you were blue in the face. Here are the nominees: How to give a cat a pill. - Started by AngelaG http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=14789 the mullet - Started by Vito http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=14228 Voting will continue until sometime on November 16. Please do not respond to this thread. Thank you for voting.
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