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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Hello, We removed a post from this thread in error. It is below. I apologize for the confusion. Thanks. I thought this one looked good. By a "nightmare" version, do you mean that you did not like it? I thought it looked ok, but I am no expert in karate kata, by any stretch. the karateka who performes it , is OK . the version he is doing is made up. the refrence is the first one or the third link. Wow i just checked that vid of the seienchin kata, i understand when u think its a nightmare kata and i agree when the version he is doing is made up. But thats not the offical "version" of the goju kata. They way ive learned it off many different gojuryu karate - ka ( okinawan and Japanese) are more peaceful. i quite enjoy it as many do. But yes totally agree with you!
  2. Red Steel is a new video game for the Wii. Orion posted a link to the trailer. You can check out the website, as well. I have hesitated to buy it because I have read some reviews that weren't all that great. But, if you read the site, it sounds like an interesting concept and game, at least. Basically, using the Wii controllers, you can mimic sward movements and control guns to a more in depth extent, etc. So, even if I don't buy this one, I'll be interested to see how they improve on this concept because I think it definitely has potential. Does anyone have the game, plan to buy it or have any other thoughts?
  3. We may have already had a thread like this, but I just thought it'd be interesting to ask how you found the MA school/dojo/whatever you are currently attending? Thanks.
  4. A_Train, Yeah, me either. I'm interested to find out, though. They are also selling a classic controller as well. So, if it's not your thing, but you still want to take advantage of the Nintendo only franchises, that could be a good thing. Orion, Yeah, Amazon.com ... and like everywhere here ... sold out quickly. I live in the middle of no where pretty much (beach area) and all we have here for Wii places is like a Wal-Mart. I didn't even bother trying to get a ride. Tried refreshing on Amazon, but it was gone in like a second, literally. It's not that bad on eBay, depending on what that bad is. I figure you can pay $80-$100 over retail to get it now or you can wait to get lucky or just get one in January. I look forward to testing out the online capabilities, as well.
  5. Is anyone trying to get one or already has one? I picked up one on eBay and found a deal for some games on ToysRUs.com (plus pre-ordering/backordering the new Zelda). Looking forward to giving it a try. Although... I really don't spend much time on gaming. I haven't played any games seriously in months and months. It's kinda sad. Thanks.
  6. We're glad to have you back again, Doug. Thanks for the kind words. KF is going to be homeschooled like Daddy. lol
  7. Hey all, As I have every year, I just wanted to mention that KarateForums.com is now 5 and 1/2 years old! I am thankful for everyone that has helped to cultivate KarateForums.com into what it is today, both current (Greg, Heidi, Aubrey, Shawn, Brian, Kerry and Kevin) and past (Doug, Laurie, Tammy, Pat, Scott and others) staff members. I am also thankful for all of our truly loyal members. I appreciate your support. Thank you for reading and for visiting KarateForums.com.
  8. Chuck Norris scored a 0 on the reaction test. The dot wouldn't dare change color while he stared at it.
  9. Yeah. We couldn't get anything going on the ground, at all. We didn't really try that hard, though. Ronnie only got 12 carries. We abandoned it pretty early.
  10. Ok, I just tried again and got .192 on the first try.
  11. After a few tries to warm up, I got .215.
  12. Welcome to KarateForums.com. It's good to have you.
  13. Yes, I have. I've watched probably the last 5-6 episodes and an assorted handful of the ones before that. My younger brothers watch it, so I started watching it with them. It's an enjoyable show.
  14. I actually don't have to stare at it for 30 seconds. If I stare at it for 1, the illusion takes effect.
  15. Hello, Thank you for visiting KarateForums.com. Please do not create two threads for the same subject for any reason. As you have done so in this case, I am going to close this one and redirect you to the other. http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=29345 Thanks.
  16. I think it's natural for the martial arts to scare SOME people. Part of the martial arts is fighting and/or violence (or, at least, perceived violence). That can be scary.
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