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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. I had the same immediate reaction, Laurie. But, a Google News search led me to the fact that it's a soccer match.
  2. Hey Laurie, No problem. I'm sure they have things that a vegan could eat in the normal sections (maybe I'm wrong, though they do have a lot of stuff). If there is a specifically brand that makes vegan products you like or maybe a specific product, run a search with it's name. I just searched for "vegan" and it came up with 472 things. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gro/104-7123092-2443105?url=search-alias%3Dgrocery&field-keywords=vegan So, it looks like they have some stuff, at least.
  3. Patrick


    I call it soda. But, my grandfather always asks if I want pop. Different times, locations, etc.
  4. It's a computer game.
  5. I picked this up on sale for $3.65 (I think) a few weeks ago. Never played any Half-Life games and ... well, I don't play that many games at all right now just out of being busy, but I'd like that to change. Anyway, does anyone have this game? Thoughts?
  6. Sorry to hear that.
  7. Yeah, I'm a fan of the series, as well. Have read all the books and seen all the movies.
  8. Christmas at Ground Zero.
  9. Patrick


    Any other soda drinkers here? I'll drink a majority of sodas and like them, but I would have to say that my favorite would be Coke or Cherry Coke. Most of the time, we drink store brands (or, more specifically, Sam's Choice).
  10. I don't really think he's out to mock people individually as much as just make people laugh. I have a friend who saw him in concert and he said he was great, as well.
  11. Any other Weird Al fans here?
  12. I understand your point here, but in fairness, being a cop isn't play thing, either. Neither is being a robber. Surely being a police officer is as serious as being a martial artist? It (what bearich linked to, anyway) says 36 months to 8 years. It's a toy. It's not a big deal and it's not a disgrace to anything, unless you think that play cop sets (with REAL badge!) are a disgrace to police officers. Not every 5 year old kid who has a basic interest in kicking and punching and jumping around and maybe watching a video with some cool martial arts guy wants to take Karate and go a few days a week for the rest of their life. Toys are about excitement and fun. They aren't trying to get a college diploma and a piece of paper they can show everyone. It's just for fun and for them to have fun. They aren't going to grow up and when they are 30 say that they are martial arts masters. And, like every punching bag, kickboxing movie and toy weapons set ever made, the upbringing and atmosphere is what has the most influence on whether or not they get into fights... not a toy set. I have no problem with it.
  13. I'm glad that you got your stuff back, but I worry about the next person she picks.
  14. I do enjoy reading, but I just get so busy that I don't get to read things except what's needed or in short bursts here and there. I bought myself a number of books related to the death of The Notorious B.I.G. and Bad Boy Entertainment related subjects, so I hope to get to those eventually. But, if I'm reading anything right now, it's Driver's Handbook by Division of Motor Vehicles, North Carolina Department of Transportation.
  15. What's the last movie you saw in theaters? We don't go to theaters hardly at all. The last one I saw, I think, was the second Pirates of the Caribbean movie. And that was only because we had gift certificates.
  16. Thanks for the replies. Yeah, my great grandmother liked Bob Ross a lot.
  17. Anyone into painting? I used to paint a bit, but I haven't in a long time. I'm hanging frames in my room now and a couple of them are paintings by my Great Grandmother, so I thought it'd be a good idea for a topic.
  18. Cool. Yeah, some people do prefer vinyl, I know. Music's a personal thing. As long as you like it, that's what matters. That's the kind of stuff I listened to as a kid, because I liked Michael Jackson (I think my Mom did, too) and my parents liked Def Leppard.
  19. Professionally, I manage a network of websites (including this one). That's pretty much what I see myself doing for the forseeable future. Personally, I'm going to be getting my driver's license probably in the next 4-5 months at the latest and I'll be moving out on my own within the next 23 months or so.
  20. Welcome.
  21. Do you have satelite or cable TV (or none)? We have DirecTV.
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