Hello, April Fools! Knowing how sensitive the whole buying ranks thing can be, we decided to take advantage of that to have a little fun. Getting any belt you want (even no belt) if you pay $5? Even the prospect of not getting a belt unless you pay? (Thanks baronbvp for giving me that opening... it hadn't even crossed our minds. ) This is what most would probably consider the stuff of McDojos. The PayPal payment link was real and if we had received any payments (we didn't), I would have changed their belts... and then changed them back and refunded their money after we made this announcement. JKDManCT is not a real person (if you look closely, JKDManCT has his style listed as TKD... doesn't make a whole lot of sense, lol). We also "promoted" 5 members (armanox, baronbvp, DancingSteve, Elky and obiwansbane) and gave them 7 days to pay or they would go back to their normal belt. All belts have been restored to their normal status. In advance, I appreciate everyone being a good sport. Thank you for visiting KarateForums.com.