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Everything posted by DarthPenguin

  1. Sunday 26 May Lifting session Bench Press 20kg x 5 40kg x 5 57.5kg x 3 67.5kg x 3 75kg x 6 Face pulls 20kg x 16 20kg x 16 20kg x 16 Triceps rope pushdowns (superset with cable biceps curls) 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 biceps cable curls 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 Had to make it quite a short session as needed to take my son out to his rugby session
  2. Thursday 23 May Judo session Have had a throat infection last couple of weeks which has kept me out of MA classes (don't think it is fair to come into close contact with people and pass it on). Has abated now so managed to a judo class, yay! Warm ups These are a lot harder than BJJ ones for me lol. Plus it shows how bad i am at cartwheels! Main body of class We had a full newaza class this week working on Sangaku (triangle chokes). First worked standard choke from on your back then worked it attacking a turtled up opponent. Initially with their hips up to make inserting the leg easier then with them flat on the group grabbing lapels. Also worked using it as a pin. Then did several rounds of sparring which went smoothly. I'm still working on my cross choke from guard and managed to pull it off several times. Also hit a bow and arrow choke which is another of my favourites and managed the turnover triangle we had been drilling in sparring so i was pleased!
  3. Tuesday 21 May conditioning session KB swing with 20kg KB 20 sets x 7 reps EMOM
  4. Monday 20 May Lifting session Trap Bar deadlift 70kg x 5 80kg x 5 90kg x 3 100kg x 3 115kg x 3 127.5kg x 7 Incline bench press (superset with straight arm rope pulldown) 45kg x 10 45kg x 10 45kg x 10 45kg x 10 Straight arm rope pulldown 45kg x 10 45kg x 10 45kg x 10 45kg x 10 Reverse cable curl (superset with triceps pushdowns) 15kg x 20 15kg x 20 15kg x 20 Triceps rope pushdowns 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20
  5. Friday 17 May conditioning session lighter session as really short on time KB swing with 16kg 20 sets x 7 reps. EMOM
  6. Monday 13 May Lifting Session Squat 20kg x 5 40kg x 5 65kg x 5 75kg x 3 85kg x 10 Decline bench press 40kg x 10 40kg x 10 40kg x 10 Cable pull through 40kg x 10 40kg x 10 40kg x 10 Triceps overhead extension (superset with biceps cable curls) 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 Biceps cable curls 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 ski erg 500m 2.22
  7. I didn't but like you i am rooting for Tyson. Don't like Jake Paul and don't like the exploitation of aging legends tbh. Hopefully Tyson has enough left to shut him up though they are using heavier gloves - wonder if Paul got worried that Tyson would go out to hurt him and tried to make it harder!
  8. I do find some carryover, and I even think I've seen some points on shio-nage that can help with one of the goofy three-steps we have to do now. Otherwise, what I find myself doing at times with Aikido techniques is seeing where I could insert TKD strikes or kicks to facilitate a technique. On the flip side, I see points in my TKD where I can work in some of the tai-sabaki to help with getting to different targets, or to the back of the opponent. Lately, I've been having a lot of fun working with the sensei on oyo and henka waza. The first is where he starts a technique, like ikkyo, and then something changes (like the opponent counters with some new technique or a movement) and he has to adjust but still stay within the technique, hence applying ikkyo again. The second (henka) starts the same way, let's say with an ikkyo application, but the uke counters, and this time he adapts and moves to a different technique, like kokyo-nage for instance. He's been having me work with him on this due to my extensive time in TKD, and seeing where I feel I can counter or move in order to thwart the technique. We end up brainstorming different things and basically nerding out over the possibilities (while still keeping them realistic and applicable), which has been an absolute blast. Joint locking techniques have always been tough for me as a Martial Artist, and I have no doubt Aikido will eventually get me up to speed in understanding all the moving parts in applying the techniques. 5/13/2024 Aikido Class: Monday Morning Class. We started off with ukemi, and we did some continuous front rolling "in place," which went ok. I got a little dizzy after a time and had to break, but it went ok. When we switched to the back rolls, that sent my world to hell in a handbasket; I definitely have to watch myself with the back rolls. Just one roll and I was stopping to collect my head. I did some backwards breakfalls instead, which the sensei said is absolutely ok to stick with. For technique work, we did kote-gashi, but we did it from a static position, without energy, which is different than how they usually do things. I'm more familiar with this type of application from our Ho Sin Sul and Hapkido training. I need to focus on extension and staying low/dropping with my body/center. This method was great for breaking down the technique. After this, I got to work with the sensei on the oyo waza; adjusting to a counter and staying within the form, i.e., if ikkyo is countered, adapt and reapply ikkyo. Like I said earlier, this was a lot of fun. He was doing kote-gashi, and I'd counter with a follow-up punch that he'd have to fend off and the apply the technique. Like I said earlier, this was a real geek-out session for me. That does sound like a lot of fun. Also good that the Aikido sensei is open minded and can see the benefits of testing things using some other principles. Always a good sign
  9. Thats a good idea and possibly a better one than mine!
  10. Hi Patrick, happy to help out with testing etc. Sounds like it has been a lot of work too! Looking forward to seeing the results
  11. It does seem like you are really getting into your Aikido now are you finding any good carryover with your TKD?
  12. Honestly, I think the effectiveness of this kind of training with weights is overstated and not really useful. It's easy to fall into, though, because you are lead to believe that you're doing a movement pattern that is specific to your sport/activity. What you really end up doing is shortening the movement pattern from the full range of motion, and you can cause more stress on the knee by doing so. Something to keep in mind when strength training is to remember that strength is a general physical adaptation. You strength train, and you get stronger. You get better at doing your activity by practicing your activity. I honestly think you'll see better results in your MA activities if you just continue to do squats through the full range of motion, making yourself stronger overall, than you will by trying to make lifting weights look like your MA activity. My two cents, but I thought I'd offer. Valid points and thanks for chiming in Totally makes sense. I'm also looking at it like an overload type of thing. Still doing (and won't stop doing) normal full range squats as they are essential i think, but have seen plenty of stuff about the benefits of using partials to get used to having more weight etc on shoulders. Might play about with them still from that perspective but you do make some very good points
  13. Best of luck - hopefully it all goes well just remind yourself of the benefits and hopefully that will help. When my father quit smoking years ago he did so cold turkey but in an interesting way that i think could work for people. He went out and bought several packets of cigarettes and placed them (unopened) in places he would normally see them (in the car, in the living room, upstairs in the house, in his desk at work). He then told himself every day that he had managed to leave them sealed for X days / years so lets see if he could get one more. He always said that having them easily accessible if he had been of a mind to use them helped with the cravings etc. as it wasn't something that he really wanted and couldn't have easily (he was a psychologist and gave this a lot of thought!). He also, initially, put away his usual cigarette spend each week and when it accumulated he bought something larger (he loved cameras so would get new lenses etc.) and reminded himself that he could only buy that because he had not smoked for X amount of time. From then, for the next 30 years or so until he passed away he also still referred to himself as a smoker, just one who had not had a cigarette for a long time. Anyway apologies if the above was rambling but thought it might offer some suggestions!
  14. IT was a funny one but tbh i was hoping KC would take a WR high in the draft. I don't think that is the position that has hurt us most when we play KC. I would have been more worried about a proper 1st round CB (especially since our receivers project to be a little weaker this year).
  15. As a Bills fan i hope you take a WR! Also, i would have preferred you to keep Snead to Chris Jones lol. It is beginning to get to a place like the old 49ers / Cowboys rivalry in the late 90s where the teams basically built a roster to beat the other one. For the Bills we need a team to beat the Chiefs, that is the roster goal! Might lead to some odd decisions on the face of it. E.g. we need a new WR but if a great lineman to try and counter Chris Jones is available maybe that would be better as it will come down to us vs the Chiefs again probably! It reminds me of the Brady/Manning rivalry, and sprinkle in some Joe Burrow in the place of Rothlesberger. I saw a post the other day where Burrow was making statements that the Bengals built their roster to beat the Chiefs. Could be him just playing that up, or could be he really thinks that. These coaches and team presidents have a tough job of building squads to compete with the cream of the crop, but also structuring the team to win the division. So hard to keep doing, and eventually there are some breaks in the cycle. Thats a pretty good analogy actually! Only difference is i think at the time most people thought Manning was the better player but Brady was a better winner. Now, i think most would say Mahomes is just ahead on both fronts!
  16. Tuesday 7 May Lifting Session Seated overhead press 20kg x 5 25kg x 5 30kg x 3 37.5kg x 5 42.5kg x 5 50kg x 11 60kg x 2 Decided i was feeling quite strong so i would try 60kg as it has always been a sticking point for me. Was amazed that not only did i manage it but i managed a double! Chest fly 20kg x 12 20kg x 12 20kg x 12 Triceps pushdown straight bar (superset with biceps rope hammer curls) 25kg x 20 25kg x 20 25kg x 20 25kg x 20 25kg x 20 Biceps rope hammer curl 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20
  17. Saturday 4 May Lifting Session Bench Press 20kg x 5 40kg x 5 55kg x 5 62.5kg x 5 72.5kg x 9 Fat Bar bent over row 20kg x 5 30kg x 5 40kg x 5 40kg x 5 40kg x 5 Got myself a new axle style oly barbell with the entire bar as thick as the ends as thought it will be good for grip. Was pleased with it. Took it easy as will build up grip and tendon strength gradually Face Pulls 20kg x 15 20kg x 15 20kg x 15 Triveps rope pushdowns 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 decided to go light but get 100 reps in Anderson squat - about half squat depth 20kg x 5 60kg x 10 70kg x 10 80kg x 10 90kg x 10 Thought this might be worth working on going forwards to work on Judo leg strength. Squat from pins to remove stretch shortening cycle and from rounghly a half squat to get closer to the starting position i will be in when attempting a throw. Will do these as well as normal squats
  18. Thursday 2 May Judo session Really good class though a tough one. Warm ups included carrying someone down the length of the mats (the mats are three competition sized matted areas in a row) on your back and also carrying them on your shoulders in a firemans carry. I had to do it with another guy who is 100kg+ so it was pretty tough! We then worked O-Goshi and a variant where you grab over the shoulder rather than around waist (can't remember the name!). We then got out crash mats and started working more throws: ura-nage, te-guruma , koshi guruma (i get the names mixed up as new but one was the standing firemans carry and the other one is the almost reverse version), o-goshi. Was fun though a heavy session. Split into two mats: one for the bigger people (with 4 of us) and one for the lighter guys (with about 9). So we had lots more reps to carry out since the longer line took more time! Finished with a few rounds of newaza. Was pretty tired but pleased how it went. Worst round was an ultra hw brown belt who passed my guard and when i turtled up was attacking to the back but managed to avoid being submitted or pinned which is good! Managed to pull off a few submissions on a couple of the blue belts which is always good too!
  19. Wednesday 1 May Karate Session Warm ups We went straight into kumite drills. Working gyaku tsuki from static positions then moving, hitting opponent in stomach. Not full power to stomach but controlled contact. Worked quite a few rounds of this then some jiyu kumite. Moved onto kata after this and worked through all katas from kihon kata to bassai dai Really good class - enjoyed it a lot
  20. Tuesday 30th April Lifting Session Trap Bar Deadlift 70kg x 5 80kg x 5 92.5kg x 5 107.5kg x 5 120kg x 11 Incline Barbell Bench Press (superset with pulldown) 45kg x 12 45kg x 12 45kg x 12 Straight arm pulldown with rope 45kg x 10 45kg x 10 45kg x 10 Cable Reverse Curl (superset with triceps pushdowns) 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 Triceps straightbar pushdown 50kg x 10 50kg x 10 50kg x 10 KB snatch (reps = L+R) 16kg x 20 16kg x 20 16kg x 20
  21. Thats good! Hopefully it stays that way!
  22. I thought that the A's leaving could increase attendance as a farewell this season, but the fans are so fed up with ownership that attendance might drop even further. I don't blame them, ownership ruined that team. I wouldn't spend a penny on them either. I am a full believer in being a bandwagon fan, no reason to give my time and money to some millionaires and billionaires who are not providing a decent product. I root for the same teams, but I don't put time or money into them when they stink year after year, Yeah, I can easily see why the A's decided to move to a Triple A venue next season. I doubt that the A's will be able to fill that venue either. The A's don't sell out at the Triple A venue here in Las Vegas, The Aviators, whenever they play here. Btw, the A's already lose a lot whenever they're here in Las Vegas during the few games they play here during the MLB pre-season. I'd imagine the new stadium would sell tickets just based on interest in seeing it, and because many Vegas residents are transplants who will go to see their team, the Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers, ect. From what I hear at Raiders games about half the fans are cheering for the visitors. I would expect that to be the case when the A's arrive. Voters in Kansas City recently voted down a proposal to stick taxpayers with money for a new Royals stadium, so maybe the trend of taxpayer funded stadiums will start to die out. What happened in Minnesota was that taxpayers did not want to pay for a new stadium, but the Vikings owner threatened to move the team to Los Angles (this was back in 2010 when LA did not have a team) and the governor supported keeping the team and the taxpayers got stuck paying hundreds of millions of dollars for the new stadium. Now that the Royals stadium funding was voted down, I'd expect the team either to threaten to move or to shake down the elected officials and find a way to stick the taxpayers with paying for at least part of the new stadium. That is how it often happens. Only a handful of NFL stadiums are funded exclusively with private money. I am not sure what it is for baseball, I doubt it is much different. As someone in the UK i always find the taxpayer funded stadiums in the USA staggering for the spiritual home of capitalism. The large football (soccer) teams over here all have to pay for their stadiums themselves and the government wouldn't dare part fund one of them. The English club tottenham built a £1bn stadium (i think it was that!) and it was all self funded, so it isn't as if they are building bargain basement stadiums. Much as i am not a Jerry Jones fan i always had respect for the fact that he financed the new Cowboys stadium himself. I don't see how billionaires, running multi billion dollar companies are entitled to state aid for their stadia, but maybe thats just me!
  23. I haven't read that for years! You have just reminded me that i don't remember the story at all now and it would be worth a reread!
  24. Personally i really enjoyed the show. I wouldn't be averse to them making a new season but i am sure i read online that the show runners were very firm that it is a mini-series and once it is done then thats it done
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