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Everything posted by DarthPenguin

  1. Monday 17 June 2024 Lifting session Bench press 20kg x 5 40kg x 5 52.5kg x 10 52.5kg x 10 52.5kg x 10 52.5kg x 10 52.5kg x 12 Squat 20kg x 5 40kg x 5 60kg x 5 67.5kg x 5 77.5kg x 5 Cable Flyes (weight is per hand) 15kg x 10 15kg x 10 15kg x 10 Cable Face Pulls 20kg x 15 20kg x 15 20kg x 15 Cable biceps curl (superset with triceps pushdowns) 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 Triceps rope pushdowns 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 Cable Wood Choppers (reps are total of L + R) 10kg x 20 10kg x 20 10kg x 20 Am enjoying new programme. Have noticed that the number i can 'rep out' at lower weights is lower than the number i should theoretically be able to do due to my max weight. Think this will help by building some volume (and hopefully muscle). Curious to see outcome at end _
  2. that must have been scary! Glad to hear it looks like they got to the bottom of it though and it is something that can be dealt with!
  3. I got a Hirota one that i was extremely pleased with. I do Shotokan at a club in Scotland and most people who have been training for a while either use a Hirota or Shureido one with a couple of people using the better models from Kamae (think they are pretty much UK only really)
  4. Yeah it's a shame for Chandler, though to be fair to McGregor it's the first time he has ever pulled out of a fight so need to give him the benefit of the doubt. This is also yet another example of Poatan stepping into the breach and gradually becoming the biggest star in the UFC! They may even give him his HW belt shot soon if he keeps stepping up like this!
  5. Grading sat and passed Now need to work on the shodan grading. They are only held every 3mths (unless special events are on) and the locations vary so current target is the end of March one in Scotland as it is the easiest one for me to get to. That gives me 3mths more than the 6mths requirement. The way our grading syllabus works the gradings for all the brown belt grades have pretty much the same requirements. Only differences for the shodan one will be (other than the required standard being higher) that i have one new combination to learn (which we have been drilling in class anyway already) and it is proper jiyu kumite which i do most weeks too! Got a really useful bit of feedback from a 6th dan who was at the grading watching too (our examiner is an 8th dan) on my hikite hand that i couldn't pick up even from a mirror. He noticed that i could have that hand slightly further back but it is consistent on every technique from both sides and exactly the same spot. Worked out that when i look in the mirror it looks exactly right but the slight perspective difference due to angled hips on blocks etc makes it look slightly further back than it is. Should be a straightforward fix though
  6. Wednesday 12 June Karate Session Final exercise session until Saturday! Worked through a dry run of the grading and also did every possible kata i could be asked to perform: will be Bassai Dai and one of the Heian katas. Couple of minor points that were useful too pre grading. Was also a classic case of good news / bad news: during the session i was really pleased with a couple of kicks that were at a much more respectable height for yoko geri than i often get to then suddenly felt a tweak in my hip and was in quite a bit of pain for the next 20min with massively restricted kicking etc. Thankfully it seemed to sort itself and felt ok again by the end of the session and this morning. Will take that warning on board though and be very very conservative with my kick height at least until after grading. Was an interesting feeling though, almost like scar tissue breaking up, so i wonder if i have managed to regain some of my prior motion range without realising it!
  7. Update for this week : taking it quite easy session wise this week as i have my several times postponed 1st kyu grading on Saturday and i don't want to pick up an injury lifting or at judo and have to cancel it again (my CI will probably murder me if thats the case!!). Limiting myself to Monday's BJJ, Wednesday Karate this week prior to Saturday to err on the side of caution!
  8. Monday 10th June BJJ session This session was all on maintaining mount. We worked a lot of games for this too, with goals of separating an arm etc. Was really useful as it showed up i have a massive hole when it comes to separating someones arms if they just ball right up. I usually try to take advantage of them opening up or go for the neck but am pretty shocking it seems at prying an arm free myself! Really useful as it has given me something to work on that i think will give a lot of benefit going forwards
  9. Saturday 8th June BJJ Session Session was focused a lot on getting grips from the back and maintaining back control. Practiced this via a variety of 'games'. Once done this we had a few rounds of rolling at the end which went well. Managed to land several Ezekiels which i always like and also managed to pull off a Flower sweep which i was wanting to start adding back in, though weirdly i managed it to my 'off side'. Was also pleased with my guard passing which seems to be improving slowly All in all session went well
  10. I do hope it goes ahead. If it doesn't due to McGregor pulling out etc. then i really hope that the UFC sort Chandler out - he has given up a lot of time in his career now to chasing the McGregor fight
  11. Thursday 6 June Judo Session Warm up first which is a lot more intensive that the bjj ones! Will do me good in the long run, though 'windscreen wipers' down the length of three full matted spaces is likely to remain totally evil for the foreseeable future Class was very Newaza focused today. We initially worked on hip rotation into arm bar position from bottom guard. Then worked a triangle/sangaku from here: stuffing opponents left hand through, turn to your left, put right leg up on shoulder then swing across to complete triangle. Then drilled an armbar from same spot, grip triceps, under leg grip, turn and raise hips then bump them over and finish. Finished with a reverse armbar from guard, trapping the straight arm beside your neck, hip escape out and finish it. Did a few rounds of newaza rolling too which were good. Then did some tachiwaza. Was really useful: i started off paired up with the largest guy there (who is a black belt) and who had paired up with me for the groundwork as we are closest in size and he knows i do bjj too. He then very very helpfully returned the favour giving me some really helpful tips on good grips to take as a larger person etc, effortlessly throwing me to show me when i was doing stuff wrong etc. Was really really useful! Did a few rounds of randori where we were allowed to finish on the ground too which was the only reason i stood a slight chance at all with some of them. Really good class though, enjoyed it a lot
  12. The future scenes showing him with kids/grandkids give them a loose framework i think that they can try to build around: how he gets to be in the position to be in that bed back at home and now obviously very wealthy
  13. the mouse feels a lot weightier than it is actually - i used to use a much heavier wireless one before i shifted (got it paid for by work so i viewed it as risk free since i could just move back to the one i bought myself if needed) and was very pleasantly surprised!
  14. I'd say it isn't something i notice overmuch other than in the negative - "that keyboard is awful, the keys are too spongey etc.". Currently i use the Apple Magic Keyboard with num pad (i use a macbook pro for my personal machine) and am extremely happy with it tbh. Never find myself going "but i wish it would.. " etc. Also use the magic mouse, which is also great!
  15. Tuesday 4th June Lifting Session Trap Bar Deadlift 70kg x 5 82.5kg x 10 82.5kg x 10 82.5kg x 10 82.5kg x 10 82.5kg x 15 Seated overhead press 20kg x 5 25kg x 5 30kg x 5 37.5kg x 5 42.5kg x 5 47.5kg x 5 Chest cable fly (superset with one hand cable row) weight is per hand 15kg x 10 15kg x 10 15kg x 10 One hand cable row (reps = total of L + R) 30kg x 20 30kg x 20 30kg x 20 Overhead triceps extension (superset with cable biceps curls) 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 Cable biceps curls 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20
  16. Interesting - where it ended does leave plenty of room for it to keep going though a lot will depend on how good the writers are at developing totally new material since it will now be post book
  17. Monday 3rd June BJJ Session Session was mainly on keeping back control, largely taught through the 'games' method initially worked on aseatbelt grip and keeping that for a minute. If opponent escapes it then reset Moved onto a double lapel grab from the back. Was really good as worked out a better way of gripping, flare elbows up higher to pull opponents arms out of position and pull lapels wider. MAde it a lot harder for opponent to strip my grips (worked it out after i couldn't get to my opponents gripping hands at all!) Then moved to getting grips to turtled opponent - initially one arm gripping then two Finished session off with drilling back take from chair sit, finishing with a submission or pin of choice. Finished session there as i needed to get back to work! The takeaway was to control opponents head and shoulders for back control - more improtant than the leg hooks
  18. Saturday 1st June Lifting session Squat 20kg x 5 40kg x 5 55kg x 10 55kg x 10 55kg x 10 55kg x 10 55kg x 15 Bench press 20kg x 5 40kg x 5 57.5kg x 5 65kg x 5 72.5kg x 5 Pendlay row with fat bar and no belt 40kg x 8 40kg x 8 40kg x 8 Face pull (superset with the pendlay rows) 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 Triceps rope pushdowns (superset with bicep curls) 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 Biceps cable curls 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 Overall good session. More squatting volume than i usually do and feeling it still a few days later!
  19. Wednesday 29 May Karate Session Session started with usual warm ups then was ran almost backwards. We began with kumite! Started fist with my grading required jiyu ippon kumite with one of the blackbelts then we moved onto five unstated attacked, then full jiyu kumite. After this went through several run downs of kata 'grading style' - ie just you on the floor yourself performing the kata. finished with basics as per the grading requirements. Was a fun class!
  20. Yeah, realistically Silva is going to win easily if he wants to. Sonnen is an excellent wrestler, not a striker, and Silva is good enough at boxing to beat a former world champ in Chavez Jnr (granted he is washed up but still an achievement for an mma fighter)
  21. Sounds good to me, just let me know what you need done. Realistically i might not log on over the weekend so i will pick it up on Monday i think (just to set expectations!)
  22. Tuesday 28 May Lifting session Seated overhead press 20kg x 5 25kg x 5 35kg x 10 35kg x 10 35kg x 10 35kg x 10 35kg x 12 (2-3 reps in reserve) Trap bar deadlift 70kg x 5 80kg x 5 90kg x 5 102.5kg x 5 115kg x 5 Triceps rope pushdowns (suoperset with biceps curls) 45kg x 8 45kg x 8 45kg x 8 Biceps cable curls 45kg x 8 45kg x 8 45kg x 8 Have decided to switch to a new programme as i have noticed myself recently that things keep cropping up and limiting time plus i have been trying lots of new exercises etc. Have decided to switch to using the juggernaut method 2dpw with main accessory being 531 lift. Lets me get main work done quickly if needed (about 30min) but plenty of flexibility to add in some other assistance work if needed and time allows. This was first session using new routing which is planned in for 18wks roughly!
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