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Everything posted by KarateKen

  1. I am enjoying it and loved the 4th episode which aired tonight. I think you will like it since you liked the original show. Part of the reason for this new season is to give viewers a better sense of satisfaction since so many people hated the ending.
  2. So far it has been a little slow for me, I would like to see the action pick up. Otherwise, I like it a lot. A whole new setting and way of life.
  3. Keep an open mind, my suspicion is that by the time you get to Shodan that you will feel differently. An adage that we like to repeat, both here and as Karateka in general, is that Shodan is just the beginning. Testing anxiety does suck, but we all feel it. I've been doing Martial Arts for 19 years and a I just tested for gokyu (green belt) and I was anxious. I've been a gokyu before, I've been a Shodan for over a decade, I practiced, and I new I had nothing worry about; but I was still worried. A good sensei does not test students who they don't know aren't ready to move up. It's possible I could change my mind, I've been known to do that. And I agree that we do not test until we are ready.
  4. Anyone else watching this show? Dexter is one of my all time favorite series and I am thrilled about the return. Feels like the time is right.
  5. Absolutely, but not in the way you are describing. If I ever get to black belt I will probably retire. Either way I am never testing again. Why? What is your reasoning behind this? Part of that might have been testing anxiety I was experiencing about the upcoming belt test I had, but I have been thinking that way for a while. First degree BB is enough for me to feel satisfied. Besides I hate testing. I don't see myself as a Karate lifer.
  6. Thanks!
  7. Absolutely, but not in the way you are describing. If I ever get to black belt I will probably retire. Either way I am never testing again.
  8. Agreed. One instructor said to me "a belt rank simply means that the student has met the minimum requirements to reach that rank at that school." No doubt that not all the same colored belts are created equal. They are different based on experience, ability, training style, who the student learned under, testing requirements, and more.
  9. Hi everyone I am a new member and look forward to talking with you all.
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