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Everything posted by KarateKen

  1. I thought maybe I read that you had mentioned this but then I looked again and did not see it, so if it has been addressed already then, my mistake. At the top of the page it just reads "ad space" and there are not any ads showing. Not sure if they should be ads there, or if the block is not supposed to be there, or what that is.
  2. The curse has not kicked in yet, Lions win week 1 in OT against the Rams 26-20.
  3. Marylin Manson - Tainted Love (Actually, the entire Lest We Forget album)
  4. One post into the new software and already I am putting things in the wrong section!! Oh wow. Well, as I posted somewhere else, I am looking through it for the first time and will let you know if I see anything like that. So far so good.
  5. Anger is an Energy by John Lydon aka Johnny Rotten
  6. Bowling for Soup - Girl all the Bad Guys Want
  7. Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends
  8. I'm sorry to report this tragic story. Blue Jackets winger Johnny Gaudreau (31 years old), and his brother Matthew (29 years old), were both killed while bike riding on August 29th in New Jersey. They were hit by a car and died at the scene. It is believed that the driver was intoxicated. The brothers were visiting the area for their sister's weeding Friday in Philadelphia. Full story here: https://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/41053342/blue-jackets-winger-johnny-gaudreau-brother-matthew-die
  9. Lions are one of four teams to never make the Super Bowl along with the Browns, Texans, and Jaguars. Lions are the only team in the league that have existed during the entire Super Bowl era and never made it.
  10. Well, you never know! They might break the curse!Curse or not, 66 years since earning an NFC Championship, way back in 1957, the year I was born, is quite a very long time of looking in. The Lions curse just might stand against time. 11 playoffs for the Lions, since 1957, came with quite some surprise back in 2016. The Lions made it to the NFC Championship after having bested the Rams and Tampa Bay, but the 49ers shattered the Lions dreams. 66 years is some draught!! But hey, the Chicago Cubs ended their 108-year curse by winning the World Series against the Cleavland Indians, 4-3 games back in 2016. So, if the Cubs knocked off the curse monkey off their backs, then there's no reason that the Lions can get the curse monkey off their backs. Just in case the Lions needed any help screwing things up, here comes SI to the recue.
  11. Quiet Riot - Don't Want to Let You Go
  12. It varies. There are three kinds, base, built, and burn. So far I have only done base which is the lowest intensity. Kind of like a HIIT class but not as fast moving. We move between stations using dumbbells, kettlebells, rowing machines, doing a plank, etc. Built is weightlifting, as you would guess, with heavier weights, fewer reps, and longer rest periods. Burn is cardio and I think a more typical HIIT class with high levels of physical fitness and short rest periods, but I have not tried those yet, just what I have been told.
  13. Personally, I never cared much for learning the language. I still struggle with English. A few terms are OK, but I am not going to learn more than I have to. That being said I encourage anyone who wants to learn more to do so.
  14. If we get locked out and the password does not work, what can we do to get in?
  15. I decided I had to do it and got back into group fitness. It is more expensive, but I am looking at it as an investment in my health. The first session was on Monday and even though it dd not feel like I was working that hard, by the end of it I could feel I had pushed myself. Woke up today with sore legs, it is painful to sit down in a chair and stand back up. That is part of getting back into it, the body will adjust as I continue to train more. When I went back for the second session I was asked "how are you feeling" and I joking said "I am ready to quit." I am looking at probably three days a week of group training. I am taking Wednesday off and going back on Thursday. I will keep you posted on how it goes.
  16. Well the Lions are screwed. Sports Illustrated put them on the cover and predicted them to win the Super Bowl. Just when the Lions finally get good, SI decides to put the curse on them.
  17. I just went back and watched the Fraiser episode where Niles attempts to rebel, season 11 episode 11. In my top three favorite episodes of the show.
  18. What about one of those wedding rings women sometimes wear that have a big diamond on it? Seems like that could be a problem. If it is the wedding band, then I can see that being left on, but I've known instructors and students who take it off when training. Also, what about a tongue ring? Though that seems to have phased out. They were more common about 25 years ago. I'd definitely want those nose rings out, or any ring with a loop that could get yanked off. Big problem.
  19. I don't own a school, never have. When I was in TKD I would occasionally fill in as weapons instructor if the head instructor was out of town (I once spent an entire summer doing this because of a lack of anyone else being available) but that is it. Otherwise, I have only been a student. My feedback as a student would be, try and keep things consistent and announce major changes well in advance whenever possible. There are few things more frustrating to me as a paying customer than when schedules frequently change and with little or no notice. I have not run into this in MA, but in other businesses I have. I realize at times it could be unavoidable, but if it is a constant problem, it is very frustrating. I wish I had more to offer but I am not really the person you are looking for advice from. There are lots of people here with more experience and who have actually run a school for a long time that can be helpful. Hope your journey is one that you enjoy.
  20. That is a good reason and smart way to look at it. I never thought about how much strength I would need to do daily functions when I'm elderly. As far as the personal trainers and coaches, also to address DarthPenguin (thanks for the post btw) I had one trainer last year who I liked, she was a BJJ student and personal trainer, but she left and moved away, then the new guy came in and we didn't mesh. I do best working out with others, not so well alone, especially with anything other than cardio. Cardio I can put my music on or listen to the game, and just be moving, but lifting or doing other exercises such as band work, planks, and what not I am much better with others to work with. Not only do they push me more but it makes the workout feel social and more enjoyable, working out alone feels isolating and dull. Tough for me to get motivated when I feel bored and lonely doing something.
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