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Fat Cobra

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Everything posted by Fat Cobra

  1. I agree 100%. I think there is a lot of interest in traditional martial arts. I live in a small town (< 30,000 people), though a large military base is nearby. We have 4 other traditional martial arts schools here, besides my own, plus a MMA gym and a Brazilian Jiu-Jutsu school...and the Army also has its own combatives program. However, there is still enough interest for these traditional schools to remain open (one has been here since the early 1970s!). And I agree, marketing is key. I used to teach for free, then for a very reduced cost. However, now that I am setting up my own place, I have to invest in marketing otherwise nobody will know what we are doing. As many MMA gyms are set up like more modern workout facilities, I think they follow a better business model than many traditional dojos, plus they get a lot of free publicity from the UFC and other sports promotions...but so do we from things like Karate Combat and the recent Cobra Kai series, which I have seen first hand reinstill motivation for the traditional arts.
  2. Lex, welcome back! Karate no michi!
  3. Bruce Lee, Steven Seagall, Jean Claude Van Damme, Sho Kosugi
  4. Happy New Year! Wishing everyone a great 2024! Karate no michi!
  5. My professional goal is to get my new Dojo fully built and operational. My personal goal is to lose weight...no more Fat Cobra...I need to turn into the Iron Cobra! Karate no Michi!
  6. Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings!!!! Karate no Michi!
  7. Nidan Melbourne, I agree with you whole-heartedly. We have 5 core principles in our style: 1. Structural Integrity 2. Coring (18" rule) 3. OPE (Observe, Plan, Execute) 4. E&P (Efficiency & Proficiency) in time, space, and energy 5. Weight Lead We train the new karate-ka in the first 2 principles...where #1 applies to their stances and overall body positioning, teaching them the basics until they become natural and second-nature. Then, when they are close to Shodan (and through Shodan) they go all the way to #5. At Nidan, they really start to understand and grow in #5, which maximizes everything they are doing by using all of their body weight with their movements (not just their muscles, or just the arms, but everything). At this point their stances are their own, modified by them as they see fit to accomplish the movement. When I was first learning this, I asked Kaicho what stances he was using in the advanced version of our kata and he answered "I don't know...whatever works for the weight lead." And that is what it is all about. However, if you don't learn the kihon stances (naihanchi, seisan, neko ashi, etc.) first, and how the effect your body structure, balance, and movement, you can't later modify them to best suit you (efficiency and proficiency).
  8. Yes, I first started TKD in the 1980s because of the karate kid movie. I only took it for a year, but I really liked it. I was later inspired by the Steven Seagall and Jean Claude Van Damme movies (and are still inspired by them, even though the type of karate I do now is much different than their movies).
  9. I agree with Sensei8. Our mudansha fees are $35 per test for the first 5 ranks and then $45 per test for the last 4 (before black belt). This testing fee includes the grading, certificate, and new belt.
  10. I either listen to 80s theme music from Bloodsport, No Retreat No Surrender, Kickboxer, Enter the Ninja, etc., or modern beat samurai music. Here are some gems from youtube:
  11. Back in the 80s and 90s I used to go to Celebration Station in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, when I visited my Grandmother for the summer. That place was awesome!!!! Right now there is an old school arcade in Old Forge, New York, at the Adirondack Pizzeria. That is an hour away from where I live and it is great, though it is only open in the warmer months. Also, I have an original 1985 Karate Champ arcade game in my basement...fully functional and I play it every day!
  12. Congratulations to all the winners! Well deserved! Karate no Michi! Bushido!
  13. @sensei8, that is an awesome Thanksgiving!
  14. I use electrical stimulation, but not for building muscle. I use it to help with pain. I have a TENS unit, electrical foot simulator (for the soles of the feet), and I get electrical stimulation during acupuncture. Again, these are all done to help with pain, not for gain.
  15. I am currently in an excellent organization -- the United Ryukyu Kempo Alliance. It has great pros and very few cons. My concern, though, is what happens when Kaicho retires (or passes away). There is currently no succession plan, as far as I know and it does not seem like we are prepared for what happens after Kaicho is gone.
  16. I agree with DarthPenguin--there are a lot of variables in this scenario. However, if you are talking about a purely self defense scenario, I think size has great potential to triumph over skill, with all other things being equal. That being said, things should not be equal. If someone is in a pure self defense scenario they should not fight fair...do not fight someone much larger than you with your bare hands, use a weapon. That can be the great equalizer, if you are skilled with the weapon.
  17. Congratulations! Karate no michi!
  18. I just started re-training with the makiwara. Rope is all you need!!!! Karate no Michi!!!! P.S. My knuckles hurt!
  19. Well said, aurik. Well said. Karate no Michi!
  20. Required Readings: Classical Kata of Okinawan Karate by Pat McCarthy Ryute no Michi Kata by Taika Seiyu Oyata Essential Anatomy for Healing & Martial Arts by Marc Tedeschi Six Basic Principles of Tuite by Lee Richards and Tony K. Skeen Living the Martial Way by Forrest Morgan Code of the Samurai--Bushido: The Soul of Japan by Inazo Nitobe The Bubishi translated by Pat McCarthy
  21. I missed the first half of the 90s because I was in prison... No, not really, but I was at West Point from 1991-1995, so my personal freedoms were extremely limited, like prison. From the second half of the 90s I remember liking: Seinfeld Friends Mad About You The Nanny Frasier.
  22. Welcome to the forums, BtK. Karate no Michi!
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