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Everything posted by vaporman

  1. Gonna check it out thanks Bulltahr!
  2. [.it is essentially MA engraving itself into your being.] That is deep man,Love it.
  3. call of duty2 all the way lol played 1000s of hours one the first and doing the same with this lol gotta hone those skills hahaha
  4. Sugar?to much or 2 little causes this.
  5. Want to get good at punching then punch, day after day after day......at some point you will look back and see incredible progress relative to the time and effort put in it..
  6. Hey Cathal we are in east canada NB, we have dominant weather patterns that come from the west,north,south. You can get hot sun, rain ,cold and snow in the same day most days have a cool and warm part other than mid seasons we have summer-fall-winter-spring but last few years seem like summer-winter-winter-winter, lol from were i am if i drive 50km north and south 4 jet streams are clearly visible as rain stops always on the same line on one of em and the other have different weather on either side year round
  7. What does kung fu mean? to do something?doing?Doing special moves? Living life? all of it? If you copy bugs and animals moves then you make kung fu? Theres kung fu movements in karate... Maybe the main reason is china has real and imaginary borders that have been used to keep information and people from crossing..They for the most part seem reluctant to share the secrets of old and new martial arts. Bruce lee was trying to break that cycle..back then man to man martial arts were necessary and why give secrets to potential enemy's??
  8. ''Honestly why does white have to be the traditional color just shows up the dirt more!!!''' This. Why?
  9. Art of war Mastering karate- Mas Oyama The art of hojo undo- Michael Clarke Mastering muay thai kick-boxing-Master Joe E. Harvey Thai chi chuan-Paul Chen
  10. Corrective exercises should correct your bones..A book called PAIN FREE by Pete Egoscue will answer all or most of your questions.Also a physio therapist could give you a program to get back on track.
  11. Hey That makes sense, The same brew is used to soak feet to remove dead skin among other things. I bet Epsom salts would help too in there. Thanks for the tips
  12. Both, One exercise that's been proven beneficial.
  13. Right on Spartacus thank you for the incite and experience, This is the reason for the post and what better place than a mostly karate forrum The color is fading but comes and goes, still going to inquire about it though Other than that the skin does become thicker and looks like a 80 year old mans knuckles on 30 something hands lol aside from that it tends to crack and bleed in winter weather and hard to heal because it moves a lot(the skin) Probably the reason there seems to be oils to rub of those parts but mainly in Chinese text hum jit dow do or the like but coconut oil and olive oil seem to be good at keeping the skin nice and pliable.
  14. Ok there is no pain and mobility is there but will get it checked before starting again. thanks Btw never had this before but a few years of hitting sand bags it became this way, Only time i use gloves( Regular Thin hide gloves to keep hands warm not boxing gloves or mma special training gloves) is when its cold otherwise direct contact.
  15. Even on off time with no knuckle conditioning (Or abuse?) for a few months my knuckles mainly the middle finger ones are always purple,especially in the morning when the body is cool. Does anyone have this and what have you done or stopped doing to avoid it, Or whatever and just keep going?
  16. Took 4 years to get some good boxing skills having none prior, that's everyday or close to it, injuries are best avoided..if i continue yes it will become more efficient for sure but the learning curve varies? probably,maybe regardless the more you put in it the more you get out simple put 100 % or close and you will be amazed what a human body can do or not do.. most basics can be learned in a year of anything and any subject,, maybe less maybe more but yea
  17. One of the rules is to do everything both sides,The rule of the body, we are bi pedal..balance is how you stand up would you limp on one leg all day? it will create imbalances, problems,pains,loss of overall strength..
  18. 10/10 would get the book.
  19. That is great Karate_john, Appreciate your input.
  20. Thanks hammer Thought you meant training in nature.. As for dojo do you guys consider a rented school gym or public place a dojo? Being in a small town with small town surroundings an actual real dojo like in Japan or dedicated to MA training only is an hour away..On the plus side the instructors around here are top notch.. Would you guys wait for a real dojo or go with what you have? The reason i gone solo is to be able to give 100 percent(At a moments notice) regardless of time frames or what not. Eventually i might come out of my shell when the time comes. One thing though someday il have a personal dojo built the way the mind sees it, Even thought of making it public but legal issues are likely. Those that have your own dojo how did you do it legally in case someone gets hurt or decides to sue or something? Maybe there's a thread on here sorry if i missed.Thanks
  21. ''It's a place to train until it isn't..''' Sounds like first hand experience? Care to share?
  22. The woods is my dojo and its been the best for me last 5 years. It can get lonely and most people around here don't even know me because of spending so much time there, Even before practicing karate/MA training(on purpose). I am my own teacher and motivator and the woods is always there for me. Although a lot of people guided me in my path with words of wisdom and sometimes phrases that i only understood 3 years later.
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