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  • Martial Art(s)
    Goju Ryu, Judo
  • Location
    Arlington, TX
  • Interests
    Karate :)
  • Occupation
    Information Technology
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Karate_John's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. Noticed I never responded to Patrack on this thread sorry about that. Steele52 Japan is a blast, Do you know where you will be going? My last trip was a little over a week. I went to Okinawa for 5 days and Iejima for 2, where the bulk of my fiancée family lives. On Okinawa we rented a airbnb, and our host happened to be a martial artist. Sadly it was too late in the trip when this was brought up, could have visited the dojo otherwise. But I did visit the shureido store and Ippon-do. And had a few conversations with local karateka. Note that they are very small shops. My previous trip was to Tokyo, The city is a great fun place, I suggest visiting Akihabara for a good time. The Kodokan is also a great place to visit and a small public museum that is cool. Steele52 If you have any questions i would be happy to answer the best i can.
  2. I'm guessing the answer you are looking for is self defense positioning? Reasoning is because most fights start with hands lowered, the punch from the hip would be faster, then putting your arms to a guard first then punching...
  3. So, I've been invited along with my girlfriend to visit her family in Okinawa! We'll be there over the Christmas break. This will be my first trip to Okinawa and I effectively have a translator (my poor girlfriend ) So trying to plan out a few things I want to do or see, my short list: Dojo bar The Monument of Miyagi Chojun and Higaonna Kanryo Jundokan? Not sure if you can just visit when there is no class. Any other suggestions for things to do or see?
  4. Also sorry, not available online to my knowledge. But in my system (urban based with goju-ki influence), it would be around 3rd-1st kyu (Brown belt level techniques). Part of the Ippon Kumite curriculum.
  5. She sent me a lot of pictures during the trip and it looked really great. Have fun! Patrick Thanks Patrick! Got a few to add to the suggestions now
  6. So I've been visiting Arlington Texas a lot lately, and possibly will be moving that direction in the near future. Judo I have covered as there are a few clubs that are usja/usjf. But karate wise i'm having a tough time finding any that looks good. upsettingly my organization does not have a club and I would like to continue my training. Not really planing on retiring, so could do my own club and self train, and test when I visit family in NY as an option. But I could also train in a related style/org (my org is close to goju-kai). I'm also not completely against starting over in a different style, but i feel it would be hard to completely change from everything I know. So any input on good clubs or advice?
  7. So..., My Girlfriend and I made a last minute decision to visit japan because of the cheap airfare. That means it will be my first trip to Japan, and Tokyo. So, Any recommendations on what to see or do be it martial-arts related or not? I'm thinking of visiting the Kodokan for one, but sadly not all to far along in judo.
  8. I'm a little late to the party, But welcome nonetheless! Where are you located in DFW, I come down that way every so often.
  9. I take mine off for training, but keep them on if i am going to be instructing.
  10. As ineluki said, there is no standard. But it's common particularly in the US to go by the military style time in grade. The un-written rule in my club, is whoever was called up for promotion first, then time in grade, then visiting students.
  11. I got to say, I'm with JR 137... I'm a bit jealous . Anyway welcome to Karate Forums.
  12. Yea, as Zaine said in the Japanese system it is Jukyu - Ikkyu or Rank 10 through 1 in English. The kyu-system is based on the one used for the Chinese game of GO. You can think of Kyu ranks as "Student" Ranks, and Dan Ranks as "Graduate" Ranks.
  13. Imo a true rotating curriculum will not work without having different level of classes. for example, you would need to hold classes at different times for beginners intermediate, advanced students. It really comes down to that all students need to be around the same level, only the order of teaching techniques changes within the curriculum cycle. So it does not mater when they move up to the next class level, everyone is always moving forward or reviewing. in your case, you can do a hybrid rotating curriculum. You can use it as a class plan and group students to work on different material that matches the curriculum plan. You spend some time with each group showing something new to practice or review.
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