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Everything posted by mazzybear

  1. Congratulations Noah! Wishing you both a long and happy life together! Mo.
  2. So sorry to hear this, Bob! But I'm positive you'll meet this head on and fight it like boss! I'm sure I speak for everyone in saying we are all here should you need us! And I will keep you in my thoughts and send positive energy your way! Mo.
  3. 1. Kushanku 2. Wanshu 3. Passai 4. Chinto 5. Pinan Yodan Mo.
  4. Thanks for all your contributions Devin! Mo.
  5. John Wick is definitely a martial arts movie...and one of the best (all 3 of them, but the third one being the best of the 3). I wasn’t so keen on the third as much as the others. Not to say I didn’t enjoy it because I did, just thought the other two were better. Fourth one out next year too along with a fourth Matrix instalment. Definitely be watching them. Mo.
  6. Watched a few over the past few weeks, all for the umpteenth time: 1. Street fighter (Sonny Chiba not JCVD) 2. Kill Bill 1 & 2 3. Under Siege 4. John Wick (is it a martial arts movie?) 5. The Last Samurai Mo.
  7. Welcome to KF KevinD. Great to have you here! Mo.
  8. So sorry to hear this Bob, you and your family are in my thoughts at what I know will be a difficult time. I have absolutely no doubt you will hit this head on, you are a natural fighter after all. Stay strong and know we are all with you, every step of the way!! Mo.
  9. Congratulations to all!! Each one thoroughly deserved!! Mo.
  10. Happy belated birthday, Bob. Hope you had a lovely day! Mo.
  11. A belated happy birthday, Danielle!! hope you had a great day! Mo.
  12. I really enjoyed it too. I was concerned after Avengers that the Marvel films would fall away, but going by FFH I think there will be a lot to look forward to. I just wish DC would get their act together. Robert Patinson as the next Batman??? Just don't see it myself. Mo.
  13. Happy Birthday, JR!! Mo.
  14. Thanks Patrick! Mo.
  15. Welcome back LLLEARNER!! Good to have you back and many congratulations on your graduation!! Mo.
  16. I think anything that's gained through perseverance is all the more sweeter for having persevered! If something just falls into your lap, then there is never a sense of achievement in it. Maybe more so in the MA. Each grade is a symbol of perseverance is it not? Unless the dojo/school is a "belt factory". I'm finishing up college this year after not having set foot in a classroom since 1995. I struggled with the maths which was never a strong point of mine. At times I felt like chucking it, but I plodded on and I've already had a promotion out of it at work and come May, hopefully I'll have an HNC in electrical engineering. All down to perseverance!! Mo.
  17. Mine are pretty simple: 1. Start eating properly again, I've slipped somewhat recently. 2. Finish college and start the training toward Nidan. Nothing too exciting, just simple and attainable! Mo.
  18. We work our abs twice each class for a MINIMUM of 5 min each time. Once after or as part of our warm up and again at the end of the class before a warm down. As a result my sit up game is pretty good but, that's not to say I find it easy. How far up do you come when doing a sit up? I think once you go past 45 degrees you're expending energy for not much gain. Stay within the 45 degrees and your abs are constantly engaged. It's not just a case of just plain ol' sit ups, as LLLEARNER said you have to work the upper and lower abs, separately and together and of course the oblique muscles also. Planks are great too, although my instructor, for some reason doesn't hold much sway in planking, so I do most of my planks outwith the class. Try doing it as a mini HIIT session. For example: 30s upper (standard sit up) 10s rest 30s lower (bum lifts) 10s rest 30s both (standard crunch) Do this say 5 times changing the sit up type each time. When you find yourself getting better, up the time to 45s and so on. at the end of each session throw in a plank, holding for as long as you can and again increase the time as you progress. In time you'll get much better, it should never feel easy but you will get faster and last longer as you go. Look on YouTube for all the types of sit ups, so you can mix things up in your abs workout. For now here's a quick list. UPPER: Standard sit up Legs tucked sit up Legs straight in the air and come up to touch the toes Half twist sit up (works obliques too) LOWER: Bum lift Vertical scissors Horizontal scissors Leg lifts Side to side leg lifts CRUNCH: Standard crunch Star crunch Boxers coordination Bicycle crunch There's loads more but, that's just to give you an idea. Mo.
  19. My wife LOVES the Outlander series, both the books and on the TV; one of her most favorite. I actually live near where some of it is filmed. The village just next to us, Falkland, is used to double for 1940s Inverness. Lovely little village steeped in history. Mo.
  20. That's great you guys got to meet up!! Glad to hear you all had a good time. Being Scottish, I was immediately drawn to your wife's T-shirt! I love it!! Outlander reference by any chance? Mo.
  21. NO, JUST NO!!!! There are some movies that should just be left alone, and Enter The Dragon is one of them!! Remakes these days are so far removed from what made the originals classics. And I'm sorry, nobody but Bruce Lee can make that part their own. I have to ask will the lead even have a MA background? Too many actors these days are just trained in the run up to filming. Will it even be the same/similar story? Will it be Hollywood-ised and be filled with car chases and explosions? I honestly dread to think. I don't even know if I could bring myself to watch it! Mo.
  22. Welcome to KF, Fat Cobra! Mo.
  23. I've been in the MA for 10 years (over two stints with 20+ years in between) One thing I know for sure is: FAIL TO PREPARE? PREPARE TO FAIL! Mo.
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