I was helping my instructor demontrate a technique to the class on Sunday and now have an injury due to two knees to my ribs, while the knees were somewhat controlled, it really stung (the rest of the class picked up on this, there was the usual "ooooh" and sharp intake of breath as happens when something looks sore ) I think he hit me in the perfect place to bruise them. It hurts like a b*tch when I laugh or sneeze but general moving around, while uncomfortable, is not agonising (painkillers may be helping with this though.) I've dropped out of an upcoming competition so's not to further aggrivate the injury, but the thing is I'm grading for 4th Kyu in a couple of weeks and really don't want to drop any classes. Have any of you guys had similar injuries? If so, what did you do to aid healing? How long did it take to heal? Any advice would be great. I hate missing class at the best of times, but to miss any before a grade especially over something such as this, is just so annoying. M.