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Everything posted by mazzybear

  1. Thanks for reply, thankfully there is no break. Definately just bruised, and after prescribing anti inflammitories and pain relief doc said light training should be fine. M.
  2. I was helping my instructor demontrate a technique to the class on Sunday and now have an injury due to two knees to my ribs, while the knees were somewhat controlled, it really stung (the rest of the class picked up on this, there was the usual "ooooh" and sharp intake of breath as happens when something looks sore ) I think he hit me in the perfect place to bruise them. It hurts like a b*tch when I laugh or sneeze but general moving around, while uncomfortable, is not agonising (painkillers may be helping with this though.) I've dropped out of an upcoming competition so's not to further aggrivate the injury, but the thing is I'm grading for 4th Kyu in a couple of weeks and really don't want to drop any classes. Have any of you guys had similar injuries? If so, what did you do to aid healing? How long did it take to heal? Any advice would be great. I hate missing class at the best of times, but to miss any before a grade especially over something such as this, is just so annoying. M.
  3. So true, especially with the younger students. I've witnessed some of the juniors completely lose the plot. What starts off as minimal contact quickly descends into choas because one scored on the other and they can't handle it. My sensei has to step in and reprimand them for total lack of self control. I took a crack to the nose a few weeks ago, while my ego (and my nose) may have been bruised, it taught me to move and counter quicker M.
  4. When it comes to sparring at my club I always try to pair up with a black belt (I'm 5th Kyu) I feel it's easier to learn that way. If I'm sparring with someone around my own grade it's like the two of us make the same mistakes and they're harder to pick up on, whereas with the black belts they'll point out where I can make improvements. I've taken a few sore knocks but it all adds to the experience. M.
  5. I sat my 8th Kyu last year. I was a bag of nerves through the class beforehand, but when it came to grade I just took a deep breath and my focus fell into place. I passed with a class 2, which in my club is rare for the first grade. All I can say is practice your stuff as much as possible until the day of your grade and you'll be fine. Good luck!!!! M.
  6. I agree with Rateh, It sounds as if you may be in the middle of an episode, best thing is to go see your doctor. But that said cutting out the coke and coffee and switching to tea won't do any harm. I usually drink green tea and lemon with a touch of honey throughout the day. (green tea is well noted for it's numerous health benefits) In the evening I'll have a cup of jasmine or camomile tea to help m relax. If i ever have trouble sleeping I'll have a cup of Velerian root tea, it's not very pleasant stuff but I find itreally helps in getting me off to sleep. Hope this helps somewhat. M.
  7. Hi guys, was just wondering if any of you have used the myosource kinetic bands or similar. Just bought some to train at home and in the dojo with. Would like some feedback as to how good they are, do you notice a difference in the speed and power of your kicks. My knee lift when kicking tends to be quite slow, so bought these to see if I improve any. The site reviews say they're good but would like some feedback on here. Any info would be helpful. Thanks. M.
  8. My goals for 2014 would have to be: 1. Pass my grading for 4th and hopefully 3rd Kyu (toward the end of the year) with no lower than a Pass B. 2. Improve my strength and flexability. 3. Enter as many competitions as I can and get placed as much as possible. 4. Eat clean, train hard. All in all, I guess my aim is just to enjoy my martial arts journey as much as I have this year.
  9. I'd say they were always worth buying, if you can get hold of them. There really isn't that many decent publications / productions on Wado full stop, so I would try to get hold of whatever's out there. As well as Ohgami's books have you considered Roberto Danubios books and DVDs. They are more recent productions and to a very high standard. Regards K. I guess having anything with Master Suzuki in can only be good. Anything I have just now is book based, so it would be good to add the DVDs. I've seen some of Danubio's kata on youtube, I'll definately look into his books too. Thanks for the reply. M.
  10. As of last night blue belt (4th Kyu) in Wado Ryu.
  11. Hi guys, Would like to know if any of you Wado Ryu practitioners out there have the 'Essence of Wado Ryu' films which Master Suzuki made some years ago? They have all Kata, Ohyo and Kihon spread over 4 DVDs. Are they worth getting to use alongside Sensei Ohgami's black and red books? Any input would be appreciated.
  12. Hi guys, My name is Marion and I practice Wado Ryu here in Scotland. I returned to Karate in April this year after leaving as a kid around 20 years ago (5th Kyu when i left) I started back as a rookie, but it's been a whirlwind year. I entered my first Kata competition in September and came away as national champion for 9th-7th Kyu, still in shock over it My Sensei subsequently promoted me from 8th-6th Kyu in recognition of my achievement, something which he's only done once before in his 44 years of teaching. I am hoping to sit my 5th Kyu before Christmas, so I'm training 3-4 times a week to catch up on the grade i missed. It's full on but I wouldn't have it any other way.
  13. Pinan Nidan is my favourite Kata right now. It won me the Wado Ryu Scottish Karate Federation Championship for 9th-7th Kyu. My first competion. Practiced it endlessly for weeks but it paid off in the end. My instuctor also promoted me from 8th-6th Kyu for my acheivement. He's only done that twice in his 44 years of teaching, so not something he does lightly.
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