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Everything posted by Hawkmoon

  1. I'll add if only to put some context of how strong (and quickly you get strong) doing legs lifts. When we write the club name in the air we do so in full including the moto . Kyokushinkai karate The strongest karate ... most nights that we do core work, we do this AFTER we have done sets of 3x3 as a rule. For example. 50 lifts rest 50 lifts rest 50 lifts .. repeat 3 times! The thing is as we work towards a tournament the students who wish to fight start to double there work rate, they attend more sessions, and they start to arrange sessions outside normal dojo sessions. Come a couple of weeks before a tournament the fighters no longer 'count' leg lifts, for example, as sets like set I offer above we start to do lifts based on time. 2 mins rest 2 mins rest 2 mins .. repeat 3 times! The new fashion is 'exhaustion' Leg lifts 'till exhaustion rest 'till exhaustion rest 'till exhaustion I truly wish I was messing with you, I'm not I truly am not! Core is crucial to knockdown competition, fighters consider this effort this work as law!! ..but man the bouts are such a rush it truly is worth the effort!
  2. (I do have to admit I missed posting this on his birthday .. I'm was a little late in that!) opss! Well I am a bloke and we bloke do forget birthdays .. its bloke law!
  3. cool! Do you have any pics you can share and show us please? I may belong to a traditionalist school and system, and as a result I am guided away from such ideas accordingly, but I do like the idea privately, it makes it a personal thing in my mind.
  4. ... this merry go round again! I've said no in the vote, and will temper my comments as I have been 'corrected' in the past about my view and them! MA is MA, no matter what the name says on the badge, the student will be as good etc as the effort that they and the instructor both put in. This has an upper limit and that limit is set/defined by the instructors ability ... Let me very clear on this one point I am speaking from there 'pitch' delivered to me when they canvassed my local area and discovered I was already an a senior karate man. They will and do approach a 'lower' grade (lower than shodan) and offer an accelerated GKR coarse to obtain a BB in there name, a total of 12mths was explained to me. I can see the expansion of knowledge in this approach as a positive thing, but I do not see a stable or structured 'school' being the result. This way of doing things has a very clear business idea and approach to 'product' development. Which is a concern to me, and as development goes an extremely easy thing to influence and take control over. Why and how? Why? To use them as a parent organization to build your own organization off of there infrastructure, and even fiances, I wonder if there legal team have a defined plan to deal with such IP theft!!! How? Get a group of your fellow Sorry isn't there enough splintering going on without adding to it with yet more and potentially lesser setups? I'm sorry i don't see a stable school or structure, I do see sound business product development sense.....
  5. Congrats...well deserved!! ...dang! 'raindow belt' wearing ...um ...hippy!
  6. Happy 80th Birthday Hanshi Arneil!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ns5TQMhsAnY Many happy returns to you! Osu!
  7. Hi tsuma, Kyokusin prepare with core core and more core work!! there is no short cut to getting a strong middle, its work and more work! Practice fights at 50% to 75/80% is generally how a fighter conditions/builds up towards a tournament! This is for the mind, the pain management if you want to say that, The more used to the pain you are the less it affects you!! Sit ups are well known, don't stop doing these. Leg lifts, medicine balls, Russian twists the list goes on are all effective and almost law in a Kyokushin dojo when conditioning the body ready for a tournament. If there is a secret to any of the core work done, its repetition ... repeat repeat repeat! Leg lifts for example; we all do them we lie down lift our legs up (90degrees) and lower to about 6inches of the floor. ... and repeat. ... maybe we write the alphabet in the air with our feet or write the club name etc. Change that! Sure do the write words in the air thing this is good, keep it up. BUT when you do straight leg lifts,when you lower, lower slowly, say a count of 5 initially then 10 seconds (after a few weeks) Two of you work together. lie down backside to backside, leave a gap of 12inches between you and your partner Raise your legs up and over, keep the same speed and roll your less to lower your legs to other side of your partner. do this in sets. Start at 20, and do it three times, rest between each set for 30 seconds. build to ...... where you want to be! (When you go home borrow the hoover (assuming its an upright) and do the same thing 'around' the hoover!!) With your partner turn on your side, have them sit (just below your knees) and hold your thigh firm,sit up to your side. When you go home, maybe the bed or settee can be used to hold you as you side sit up! There is loads of stuff you can do, and loads you should do, have a search of the web for 'core exercise', they all work! A surprise is the one called 'the plank' its amazing and works a treat! Enjoy!
  8. As an MA student the warrior in my says both in equal amounts. 50/50 The westerner that I am says defiantly both, with more confidence then practice 60/40 kind of thing! Being a university student years ago, visiting different pubs and clubs says experience! Consider: (no not me just my observations) A drunk feels no pain, and as a result has oodles and oodles of confidence, and to boot he has absolutely no ability! he is after all drunk! Likewise, some have been to that 'party' a few times and have a measure of ability accordingly. If you are not a threat, is that confidence or experience? or project a massive (and believed) superiority persona, is that confidence or arrogance? To me, the only difference between confidence and arrogance is the view of the audience in the arena stands, the spectators in the crowd calling for blood, the police when they do arrive! I'd say both in equal measure, but will add, both are worthless if you have no experience to use as a guide!
  9. Kyokushin, I've worked with other systems, but it's always Kyokushin I come back to. Can I ask why you ask? ... and as a side to anyone, has anyone got/found/seen/have a data source that offers, possibly by region, popular martial arts, around the world? Not that I've tried hard, but when I have bothered I tend to get different returns depending on who or what I look at. So I wonder if maybe there is a more reliable source widely used that is considered or actually is better than most of the others?
  10. A hand full of us have started the build up to the tournament earlier than normal! As in we started last week! Shihan and sensei were proud (surprised) just how many of us that was! So were we to be honest, we expected the usually names, but as many others stepped up to be considered/counted as well! Its a real pride moment, for the club, the guys, the BBs ... truly is! . (no tears ..no ...no ...no ....no ... ) We had a great showing at the regional tournament, then we sent three 1st Kyus to grade to shodan, they passed, and in passing our dojo is now in the top five dojos in the UK for registered BBs. New blood coming through form the juniors to the senior class are still coming back for more! ... with the nationals coming the buzz in the dojo is ... well ... deafening! No matter what the result the bond the drive the spirit being shown...I feel and have to say we have already won, 2014 was a great year! The nationals will be a bonus, no matter what happens! Nidan_Melbourne, trust me when I say 'if' I do well I'll be possibly a little 'happy/proud' about it and will post something! LOL!
  11. Hi cici1818, ... I 'dunno about putting your Gi in danger, the material as a rule is going to be ok, but I would suggest you have a word with sensei and/or your organization about doing it first! I am aware of some organizations being very strict about dress code. The dojo I train in for example frown on such things, saying they are not traditional, adding 'its a fad it will pass'. Other clubs are happy to allow it, hence I'd say check first, if you are allowed great! I'd then say check around your local area to have the 'words' stitched' into the cloth so you don't have to worry about fading or ink runs etc. (The Kyokushin kanji we wear/have on the Gi jacket.) example: http://kyokushinkaratepak.nl/
  12. 25/8 3km - run 1hr 100 pushups 30 'chin ups' x3 70m sprints mixed in between bag work Done as sets. - punch combos - kicks (endurance) as quick as you can:(same leg)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 -rest 30 secs. Swap to other leg repeat! - Mai Geri - Mawashi Geri (Gedan) - Hiza Geri Repeat Set 2. as above but ... - Mawashi Geri (Chudan) Repeat Set 3. As set 1, but ... between leg swops, sprint 70M (up hill) jog back shadow box on the return. 27/8 150 sit ups. 45 mins core 50 kicks (combos; Uchi mawashi, Ooto keage - yoko,mawashi - hiza, Ushiro) 45 mins Bag work - puch combs. The rest of the night 'playing' with our three new Shodans!
  13. ... um ...oh ...erm ... Ok I'll share as it was a totally unexpected find! MMmmmWAHAhahahahaha! ! ! ! I spotted me in a fight video here: http://www.bkk-britishopen.co.uk/ The video is on Youtube here: 1.26-8 for a whole second... me backing out as I get kicked ... um ... not in the thigh! ... and that was the end of that tournament for me!
  14. I know this is a Gojo 'question'/thread and I'm Kyokushin, but I spotted the above and as Tensho is in my next Grading it is a kata I am getting deeper into over time. Sosai took 'our' version form his Gojo training/teachings and added it to his karate, and as kata goes it was one of his if not his most favorite kata. So why have I chimed in on this thread at all? Its the questions, and specifically this question and its answer that made me stop and read more!: ... eye rake! We are taught the hand movement is a break for a wrist lock and as part of the break action the hand is drawn 'around' a wide circle to add mommentum to the movement to continue the break of the lock so keeping the opponent off balance. Just really nice and a little amazed to 'read' a difference in the kata I was not aware of. (Not that that is anything new, there are plenty of differences in kata I have no clue about ), but this one was a lucky find to me so just had to chip in!
  15. Cool, work at it it is odd, it is even backward but stick with it it will work! Something else for you to consider is to 'train' the other guy. .. as you fight make sure to be seen to focus on an area of him, his left ribs or his right thigh, you get the idea. The idea is to get him to think about that area and your attack on that area more than he would normally. You are doing this to get into his head, to train him to think about an area rather than the whole fight. Don't get me wrong, do go at his other leg, and/or his head or his , just make sure to be seen to focus on a specific part of him form time to time. When he starts to react to it more then normal swop it up and attack the gap you spotted earlier! e.g: You 'train' him to focus on the lower part of his body and attack the upper part when his guard drops to cover the attack to that area.
  16. 4/8 2hr Most of the lesson done with eyes closed! Kihon kata ni. Kihon All stances practiced - transition from one to another etc etc All shodan kata
  17. 31/7 5x5 min sets arms 5x5 sets legs kata
  18. 28/7 ...lots of kicks ...lots and lots of kicks. - 50 each leg across gedan, chudan & jodan. Hiza, Kin, Mai, mawashi geri! Kearge (mai, Oroshi, Uchi) x150 push ups. 30 mins - light combination work. 29/7 4 km run!
  19. Loving this!!! 24/7 All kihon to shodan!
  20. Yeah! sorry for that assumption and my ignorance, I' don't wear gloves when I fight so I've no real appreciation for them! I was kind'a assuming the 'hammer' side of the fist/glove was less padded if it is padded at all! ...and yes, repetition is key here, sure a good solid smash 'might' take the edge of the other fighters desire, but one hit alone is not something you should hope for or rely on!! Multiple hits/repetition is a good sure fire way of getting the edge, and a little understanding of the mind of your opponent! If its working his strike rate drops! If it works his power drops! (Both as a rule) If it works he gets angry and starts to be predictable! If it works he gets angry and starts leave large gaps to aim at! If it works he backs down/away! ... sure that's a lot of ifs, but and this is the important point one of them will be true and that put's you now in his head! When you block (as attack) do so trying to hit the same area again and again, same goes for attack (as defense) same target every time! His demeanor towards you will change, he will take a more defensive or less aggressive direction! When he does you have the edge, more options and to boot your in his head!
  21. 19/7 (a Saturday!) 3hr Knockdown training! Squad training ... a bit of an eye opener! Fun though! (legs still feel like lead !)
  22. ... so this was Posted on the 16th...today is the 17th...9 days to go! No pressure! Good luck sir! You'll be fine, you have been doing what you do for ages, you have passed everything to to date, shown by the simple fact you face yet another such test, ...so another day in the office then!
  23. Outside the dojo... I run 2-3 times a week, might change this to 2 a week and swim 1 or 2 times ... might, to be honest I'm really not feeling this as a change I can commit to ! ...and currently I'm in the process of converting my man cave to a mini dojo to do some work! Kick bag, chin bar, sit up bench makiwara board and so on.
  24. 16/7 2hr kata & fighting combinations.
  25. ... messy! I'm inclined to agree with mal103, with regards to what could/should have happened, hind sight is a wonderful teacher. However it is rubbish at providing a solution retrospectively! What is the time frame here? ... by this I mean he was 'awarded' his BB, sure ok got that, he then left for how long? and has been back how long? Depending on the time frames involved depends on what might be possible. Be this someone simply saying His safety, as well as the safety and well being of the other students is and must always be the driving factor here, else a healthy insurance policy is advised! Maybe being called to one side by sensai to discuss his continued involvement in the dojo of this guy will require him, as a mark or respect, a show of honor and humility to everyone, that he does take his grading, as a one shot test 6+ hours...etc The only other exception being no combat, and all of this clearly explained due to the medical condition! Everyone one has rights, the others have rights to protect there safety, sensai has rights to protect his dojo, the BB has a right to run his life his way (I wonder if maybe being given the honorary award is messing with his mind a little, a plastic BB, not a real BB that sort of thing, maybe the opportunity to earn 'a real BB' in a real test is what he needs!)
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