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Everything posted by Hawkmoon

  1. ...then 22/11 happened! BKK national clicker! good fun got some fights in, light contact (it was clicker after all not knockdown) good fun high spirits, and my first ever medal! 3rd! ... never had a medal before, shields, trophy's, and such like but never a medal!
  2. 17/11 Clicker fights (Comp prep) kata + Kihon x50 push ups x50 sit ups x100 squats x100 hiza geri x100 mai geri 19/11 Clicker fights (Comp prep) kata + Kihon x50 push ups x50 sit ups x100 squats x100 hiza geri x100 mai geri 24/11 kata + kihon x100 push ups (in two sets) x100 sit ups (in two sets) x100 squats x100 hiza geri x100 mai geri x100 gedan mawashi 26/11 kata + kihon x100 push ups (in two sets) x100 sit ups (in two sets) x100 squats x100 hiza geri x100 mai geri x100 gedan mawashi 30 min knockdown combos.
  3. 7/11 Kihon + kata Clicker work x5 'Clicker' fights 10/11 Kihon + kata knockdown close quarter work. Bag work. 1000 kicks (Gedan + Chudan) 1000 punches Chudan Clicker work x5 'Clicker' fights
  4. hehehe! I'll add only this ... the closing date for this is my birthday! The march to 50 is getting ever closure! (Which is not a profound as it sounds, as (god forbid and accident etc) we are all getting closer to that milestone in life!)
  5. Take your time, cost is no measure of quality! Sounds mad (I get that ) but the important thing is fit and feel. A mouth guard does something that money cannot address, at best you can reduce this, but you CANNOT stop it! A mouth guard restricts your breathing, it reduces the air flow into your lungs through your mouth, simple truth that space, your mouth, is much smaller because it is there! So for sake of an example .. now add it feels like sandpaper ... enjoy your fight! Take your time and make sure it fits as you want it to! I have one, I wear it for running mostly because it reduces the air flow, but other than that it feels fine this one cost me £1.99 (about $1). A previous guard I had was 5 times that and felt like I had a brick in my mouth, it fitted around my teeth well enough, but interfered with my tongue so added to my 'concern about air flow and breathing, and it 'packed out' my cheeks ... I felt like hamster to be honest! (It lasted two tournaments) Take your time and make sure it fits as you want it to!
  6. Yes! No doubt at all! The sound (pop) really comes into its own in kata demonstrations or tournaments. When a punch or kick is executed with near perfect focus, timing and/or power the sound calls for the viewer/judge to pay attention! A lightweight Gi simply does not make that sound ... at best it ripples along your arm or leg and flaps a bit at the end! Heavy weight all the way!
  7. 20/10 Kihon + kata 'Clicker' work - close quarters 22/10 Kihon + kata 'Clicker' work x5 'Clicker' fights 27/10 Kihon + kata Clicker work x5 'Clicker' fights 27/10 Kihon + kata Clicker work x5 'Clicker' fights 5/11 Kihon + kata knockdown close quarter work. Clicker work x5 'Clicker' fights
  8. 20/10 bag work - 1hr kata
  9. Thanks Patrick, it was fun I enjoyed it all!
  10. 15/10 Kihon + kata light hand work - close quarters
  11. 13/10 Recovering from the tournament.
  12. Hey Adam, No video I'm sorry to say, the rights to film any bout were sold to a TV channel!! http://www.theactivechannel.com/search/?commit=1&search=kyokushinkai&x=17&y=20 I'm told the best fights and certain highlights will be aired in the early part of next year. The URL above is what they have on offer at the moment. The 36th Championships! Enjoy! Seems to be my lot , all the tournaments I've entered I've lost to guy that goes on to win the tournament! Now that my 'Novice' fighter status has come to an end and I'm an 'Open' fighter now, I can't see that streak of luck changing anytime soon! LOL!
  13. Morning all, ... well ... I'm alive and sadly this will be a short reported I'm afraid! My guy was fast with his legs, I mean real fast! He kicked like you or I would blink! I lost on points in the end, for all my desire to get in close and so out of his kicking range, he was fast as such it was pretty much all I could do to stay on my feet! He made it to the semi-finals, he was a tough cookie! Russian I think he was! It was a good day overall, and a day with more than its fare share of upside down results which was as strange as it was unexpected! Individuals you would expect to stay the coarse being knocked out early on and names you'd not heard before going further then expected! Thanks for your kind words and support guys! Osu! Edit: Correction! Just checking over the results, my guy won!
  14. Tomorrow is the big day! Tickets ordered and paid for ... all I gotta do is turn up! (No more excuses left ..LOL!) hehe its going to be a long long day!
  15. 8/10 100 sit ups 50 pushups. Bag work. Punch combos. Round-robin circuit! 5 people hold a bag for a named attack to be performed, 6th person moves one to the other doing that attack (whatever it is...) 5 mins. Swap attacker and repeat ....
  16. 6/10 Bag work Punch combos Punch/kick combos Punch &/or kick combos. Foot work.
  17. Yes! Its as much to do with different Ryus as it is a placement thing to afford a better start to another action, be that grab, reverse elbow as it is to add more 'umph!' to a strike! The hand low on a hip or high like in Kyokushin seems to serve as a 'statement' of difference to me, a hand held high would say to me a Kyokushin student, as much as a hand held low indicates shotokan or Wado ryu for example! I've have to agree with guird about the grab aspect of the 'back hand' ...I've not seen an application of a grab for it! The hand pulling back has always been taught to me as a way of adding power to a punch, primarily felt with performing a 'gyaku tsuki'! It occurs to me that maybe this backward movement of the hand, sure, fits with the need of a modern stand up combat system, but its a hangover form when traditionally when learning to fight also meant grappling in combat. Like a karatka differs form a Judoka (a wrestler differs form a boxer) a warrior fighting for his life would not simply stop because the other tripped on a branch he'd follow him down and finish the job on the ground. A warrior fights on his feet as much as he fights on the ground! What MMA today emulates!
  18. hmmm ! I hold in my mind; but more than anything ... Any conflict is the result one side or the other feeling threatened, the reason for that feeling, at that moment, simply not important in any way whatsoever, then accept that fact and deal with it responsibly. I read a phrase somewhere a while back it was part of an add for an upcoming fight, it read: "Don't fear the man who can do 1,000 kicks at once, fear the man that can do one kick 1,000 times!" Bravado ! Ego! Call it what you want, it was said as a challenge, something to make you think you are about to see some super human feat of combat! Don't be a threat.
  19. ... not sure I agree, 100%! Some good points views on FC, like I call out I'm not 100% on all of them. No matter where you learn or what you learn in the street the other guy side of the argument is not about to go gentle or wait for you to pad up or get the mats out ... to them its game time! Yes it is true that much of the MA that is taught today tends to be sport biased, to fight for points, as traditionalist I agree with you when you make that point, its a point that needs to be made clear to everyone that walks through the door 'to learn to fight!'. ... and that's the true real point and so problem, people walk in form the street to learn to fight and the guy at the front of the hall doesn't correct them he lets them join, lets them learn to fight and ... it would seem ... not care that they now feel like superman and are ready to take on the world. The guy at the front in the problem here, they need to find out why the newbie walked in at all! many of us here are parents, many of us will become parents, and without doubt we were all once children and victims to various degrees of bullying, name calling, play ground taunting and so on and so on .... Sit back in your place of work, office or shop floor ... notice any familiarity in some of the actions of the people around you? What happened at school is still happening, now today as you watch, heck you may even be the victim .... that newbie that walked in form the street has what story to tell and what reasoning to give to want 'to learn how to fight!'? Until they walked in, be that to karate, kung Fu, judo, Ju Jitsu, Nin Jitsu, Krav Magar, Thai boxing etc they new nothing about MA, what it really means, how to walk in what to say, who to talk to..something else drove them to this place. Something that hurts them, worries them enough to want to 'learn how to fight ' and do something about it. To learn MA is to be taught how to fight. To learn MA is to be taught how to defend yourself. To learn MA is to be taught how to walk away, to not fight. Martial Arts teaches self belief,self confidence more than anything to trust in you and your new ability to be able to sum up the situation and know ! Martial Arts - defense only, a contradiction in terms ... well maybe not, any conflict is only the result of the actions that brought you to that place, that point. How you got there is important. If you are pushed/pulled into the conflict, makes no difference, you were bullied into a situation that the other side constructed, you were setup to fail. MA teaches you self confidence, and by that lesson you are not easily bullied into a situation and to that I'll add not easily bullied into a situation you cannot deal with ... however that pans out. Sport karate, full contact or knockdown, it is fighting, the differences between are all in the mind and how the same skills are applied.
  20. I hear that ... Had our last major heavy session before the tournament the other day and as always the fighters were called up and told to fight the others until told to sit down. So we all stood up when called one by one and fought until told to stop ... I was called up, and off we went ... a collection of mixed middle and heavy weight fighters. All good fun and good bouts! Now one of the fighters going to the tournament is a heavy weight so when he was called up he fought as we new he would, powerful kicks and full weight driven punching .... then he gets close and he steps up another gear and he really goes to work. :bawling: So we all had to work at range to bring him down a peg or two. For me that started with a spinning jodan ushiro and just as soon as it brushed past his nose he slowed his pace. Enough for me to start almost sport fighting him to try and wear him out ... didn't work, as well as I hoped but the kick did its job and slowed him enough so I could at least try and wear him out! Worth the effort getting the stretching done ...
  21. Hey Hammer in this thread as well as others!! Heres a few of them, and I'm sure I missed others: http://www.karateforums.com/how-to-strengthen-your-kick-vt46273.html http://www.karateforums.com/how-often-do-you-stretch-vt46123.html http://www.karateforums.com/stretching-tips-vt45291.html For me, breathing and relaxed movement/posture is the way forward! (Take a bath, and when you get out have a stretch, you (your legs) are much more relaxed at this moment so you'll find you get more for less. That'll translate into normal stretching making life easier! as you train normally) We do kyokushin, not a system or fighting style renowned for its high kicks or aerial kicking ability! We work at gedan and chudan much of the time, it our bread and butter in a fight, but a high kick from time to time is a worthy weapon to have in the tool box! So stretches and working to them is not something that is going to be easy, and is not something that should be rushed either!. I'm 45 now, I can hit the head Jodan mawashi, spinning ushiro mawashi, hiza and the always reliable mai geri ... all work well, and all are done sparingly. Its a surprise to the other guy when I launch any of them ... (I guess its funny to see grandad going all Bruce Lee on the mat LOL!) When I was in my 20's these high kicks were things I could do in my sleep, they came easy to me, not so much now! The tool box is little less packed now!
  22. 01/10 Spread across the night (2hr), mixed with more bag work! 150 sit ups 100 push ups 150 squats bag work Punch combos Punch/kick combos Punch &/or kick combos step work.
  23. see my earlier posts
  24. ... oddest ask ever ... Can you search for (Youtube) for videos that show the kicks as you see them with the differences you are talking about? A kick to an untrained eye is a kick to a fighter it can say much about the ryu of teacher, but like you only do Thai boxing, I only do Kyokushin, so I'd like to see what you see ... if that makes sense! LOL!
  25. 29/9 Double session First hour bag work punch combos & foot work. Main session 30 mins Punch combos 30 mins kick combos Last hour fights, knockdown.
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