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Everything posted by TJS

  1. Well Everyone likes to claim to be great in some mythical way the great thing about the UFC is You actually have to prove it.
  2. Well look at K-1 Kickboxing for example, It's proabably the most popular standup fighting event in the world. I understand that you avg opponet isint a world class fighter. So TKD relies on the attacker having no training and no skill? If it has never been ableto succesfully beat people in simple 1 vs 1 competitons why would you trust it to work anywhere else? It's just hard for me to see it's effectiveness when the stlye has been dominated by Everyone from bralwers, to grappler, To other strikers in just about every serious fighting event despite one of the largest talentpools of any style.
  3. Krav Maga- punching similar to wester boxing kicking similar to Muay Thai Lots of Knees/elbows and clinch fighting Various chokes,locks, headlocks, bearhugs etc escapes and counters Weapon defenses Multiple attackers Ground fighting/grappling/takedown defenses some throws/takedowns/joint locks etc A very agrressive no nonsense system that can be taught quickly and effectivly. I love it. If you want to know more or look for a school in your area, then check out the site. https://www.KravMaga.com
  4. MMA Would be the best choice if you want ot learn effective Fightng.
  5. isshinryu kid-I agree with JerryLove, Here in Austin there is a TKD school on every corner and only 1 Akido school. What a conisidence, I bet it's the same in 98% of the US. If im wrong please post some facts to back up your claim..you dont seem to be willing to do that. Maestro-Why despite one of the largest talentpools in the world, has TKD Failed to produce any World class fighters in Standup fighting Competitions? Some stlye really are not made for competitions, I dont belive that applys to TKD though. It's hard for me to see how effective it is when It has never been able to produce champions in simple 1 vs 1 competitions. Isint it also intresting how everyone admits there are Hundreds on McDojos acoss the U.S. yet no one goes to one?
  6. Thats a nice theory unfortunatly You dont always have that option, most attackers close distance if they dont want to trade with you, and thats assuming they didint grab you by suprise or behind or something.
  7. I love how people spend all their time praticing one way then say they woudl do the opposite or do other things in a real fight.
  8. One that will get you clocked in the side of the head
  9. But the Catch is it is a semester long course, My school offers both. Im thinking I would Get alot more out of Judo in such a short time. Aikido is known for taking along time before you become good enough to use it, so what does everyone think, Judo or Aikido ..
  10. Right now Im Only Training in Krav Maga. However i am looking ot take up anotehr syyle soon..Im thinking either Judo, BJJ, Akido, or Boxing....hmmm that narrows it down.
  11. Depends on what type of Karate, Kyokoshin Is an awsome stlye, but there are other that arent so effective..
  12. oK guys, From what I have heard after the first Few UFC's Dillman Was talking about how a pressure point Striker would walk through the competiton in the UFC. so lucky for him they gave him a shot, his Top student entered and got choked out in the first round. Thats why i posted that, When it was time to "prove it" It didint happen. No but back in the day Royce instead of talking about what he could do got into the ring and He had a little better luck. Perhaps I was Trolling somewhat But I was simply trying to make a point.
  13. Ask Dillmans Student Ryan Parker how well these things work. Oh wait he got thrown and choked out in the First round in UFC 7.... After Alot of talk about how a pressure point striker would walk through the UFC...THings like this work in seminars when people let you do them.
  14. -1st Deg Black Belt Tae Kwon Do. -Yellow Belt Krav Maga.
  15. Yes there are definetly other things I belive are important for realistic self defense, Those were just a few of the main issues. KSNDoug-Sorry, Im not sure if you were asking me or Jerry love?
  16. Generally I have noticed the people that Talk about the flaws and weakenesses of tradition stlyes are the ones that have done them in the past. but yes there are alot of ignorant people who dont know what they are talking about.
  17. I like the vertical front kick, followed up by any number of combos.
  18. KSNdoug- I selcted TKD because I have personal experience with it. THe issued i listed are all not part of TKD, if they are being taught they are added in by the teacher, thus the reason I said the majority of TKD schools. Like i said This is not meant to bash TKD, but as you said it's the biggest group out there..so it should be resposible for what it is teaching.
  19. KickChick, Your right this does not only apply to TKD, I have seen lots of karate, Kung fu etc schools the same way. But I I picked TKD because Ihave personal experience with TKD and I see more TKD schools doing it more than anyone else. ramymensa-People have the right to train in whatever stlye they want. I just think it's good to be open about it and realize some thing...Many people sign up for TKD /karate, etc and think they are going to learn realistic self defense and fighting..this may be tru but many times it is not.
  20. Glad to hear that, thats what you need. Unfortunatly that is the exception rather than the rule. There are great TKD teachers that offer real fighting/self defense. but the majority try to market normal TKD as effective self defense.
  21. Ok I guess your talking about a mount? not him actually standing up on top of you.. From the mount I would lock his left foot with mine so he cant brace, then simply buck the hips and arch your back and roll while at the same time locking the same side arm..it will roll him over and you will end up on him, most likely in his gaurd..then i would apply a neck crank,or punch him, or hit him in the groin...then get up...
  22. They swing their arms for monetum.
  23. First off thins is not meant to bash TKD in any way. I simply want to say I see alot of TKD schools offering "effective" self defense. IMO ANY school that is going to tell people they are learning real self defense should have the following aspects. These are the things i have a problem with as far as many TKD schools and self defense. Ground fighting-Im not a proponet of taking a fight to the ground, and i dont belive all fights end up there. but it is a neccesity..most people are fish out of watter if they are on the ground. Takedown defenses-if you are not going to learn Ground fighting you need to at least learn takedown defense (ex: sprawl , etc). It dosent take a champion wrestler to do a typical shoot and take your legs out. Clinch fighiting-Alot of untrained people will simply try to close the distance and clinch in a fight. kicks are pretty useless and punches arent too effective...You need to learn how to fight form the clinch while contoling and avoiding takedowns. Lack of Facial targeting/striking in sparring, 95% of people will proabably throw punches to the face in a fight as thier main weapon...It's proabably a good idea to get used to Defending them and throwing them. not to mention targeting the top/side of the head is a horrible idea with punches, and it scores a point in TKD sparring. Lack of low kicks and empasis on high kick, i think this speaks for itself..Low kicks are useful in a real fight, and high kick rarely are..im not doubting anyones ability to throw them...but never sparring with low kicks leads to bad habits in both offense and the ability ot defend them. What are your thoughts on these issues? I belive this is an important issue bacuase False confidence can be a very dangerous thing in a real altercation.
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