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Everything posted by TJS

  1. I Love it
  2. in general Standup fighting/ground fighting or striking arts/grappling but the list goes on, MT, Kyokoshin etc can all benifit from western boxing for better hand. BJJ, Judo, etc can all benifit for wrestling.. Some arts compliment each other nicely...and some dont...get a good base in one and find another that fills in the weakness of that style.
  3. I dont like to put them in order bucause that depends on alot of things, but i will give my top 10 and why, generally i base them on actually ability and effectiveness. BJJ-Ground fighting is often overlooked, and few do it better than them. Krav Maga-Simple, effective, well rounded, includes all ranges of the fight including weapond, multiple attackers, suprise etc. I liek it becuase it was designed to work under stress, to work off a disadvantage..so i belive 100% it will work in the street. I belive the downfal to many styles is not that they dont work, but they wont work if you are scared half to death, or are under serious stress. Wrestling-a good wrestler can take most people to the ground if he chooses but is also VERY difficult to take down if he dosent want to be, always an important thing to have, street or ring Western Boxing- No one is better with their hand than a boxer, and when everything is thrown it alot of the times its alot more practical to hit than kick. Muay Thai-speaks for itself, Proabably the most effective standup fighting stlye around. devestating kness,elbows, kicks, clinch, cant argue with succes. Judo-if taught right can be very effective on the street ..a good throw will end a fight very quickly. San da,-very tough stadup fighting, good throws. Kyokoshin Karate,-very tough standup style. thats my list, in no particular order.
  4. As much as people would like to act like they dont matter, The early UFC's were the proving grounds. They showed what was effective in general. today is a whole new world with cross training an MMA. I dont bases everything on MMA/NHB, I train very much for the street. I think some people try and act like they have no relevance to real fighting.
  5. Generally when sparring with a TKD person it is quite easy to Kick their front legs to death in that sideways stance..then I wait for that side kick...step back slightly and intead of trying to block it simply redirect it..side step to the dead side and continue to pound pound away I would have to disagree with TKD having the most powerful kick...Capoeria has some pretty crazy kicks..the problem is you actually have to land them on a resisting opponet.. Have you ever sparred with a MT fighter? Just curious.
  6. I personally like to rank them in order of effectivness. It's hard for me to say Style B is better than stlye A when stlye B students would win a fight 9 times out of 10.
  7. Thanks for taking the time to respond decan. Nice post.
  8. And I gave him my opinon on whitch was more effective and why. you are the one who tryed to counter my reasoning.
  9. No some styes are simply more effective than others, Percentage wise certain Stlyes dominate standup fighting...Muay Thai, Kyokoshin, San da etc...does that mean someone who trains in another stlye cant win? No the fighter determines alot but generally something like MT has dominate success. I tend to disagree. The type of event you are in is more important than the style. EX Ali could whip anyone in a boxing ring but would not do to well in the UFC. On the other hand R. Gracie won all sorts of UFC but would get killed in a boxing ring. Certin arts do better in certin events but that does not mean one art is more effective than another. Just my 2 cents. OK take a boxer and BJJ guys..put them under boxing rules and the boxer will win..put them under BJJ grappling rules and the BJJ guy will win so what you do is put them in a NHB match....to see who will win.. certain arts do well when facing the same stlye...Although boxers, wrestlers, BJJ, MT have all been able to change into effective fighters in NHB fighting some stlyes have not. people dont like to admit some stlyes are simply more effective... EX: you take 100 tope notch MT fighter and put them up against 100 TKD fighter i would say 98% of the time a MT guy would win....In the end a stlye can only give ou the tools and it's up to the person..some stlyes just simply do a better job of it.
  10. Yes I belive BJJ is a good complimentery art to KM, There is groundfighting in KM but if you want to go into it further that would be the way to go. Nice to see a fellow KM guy on the board.
  11. Well I was looking for more of "how have you tested it to make sure it works" or "what reasoning do you have" But those are all good aspects.
  12. ok then Can you give me one example of 1 Succesful fighter using Hapkido in MMA Today? yes it has proven it to them, but when you see person after person after person succed with a certain stlye can you argue that it is proabably pretty effective? no.
  13. Im a yellow belt and Im pretty sure I can handle myself pretty well...
  14. Well I guess of the 23 people that viewed this thread only Maestro and Kensai can give a reason why their styles is effective! Anywyas I forgot me, I do Krav Maga. I belive it's effective because: 1)The techniques are based on instinctive reactions so they will work under stress. 2) whenever we learn a technique such as a choke defense,headlock, etc I find someone big and strong to Find out if the defense really works...I have them Really apply it to see if i can escape..instead of Just going thru the motions. 3) as far as combatives and standup fighting I spar quite a bit (sometimes with other styles) and I rescently entered a Full contact kickboxing tournament, to see how my standup striking worked out against someone trying to take my head off...I won in the second round. I was happy because i was only using half my arsenal( no elbows/knees/leg kicks/groing kicks etc) Now I Plan to test the groundfighting aspect of KM against a few good wrestlers/BJJ student in the future to see how well it works
  15. Look at top ranked fighters...IMO Jiu Jitsu has proven it's self alot more than Hapkido.
  16. GO watch Tank vs Hugo Duarte.... Luta Livre is similar to BJJ but they train no Gi and have more striking... anyways Tank pinned him against the fence and pounded him with rights until he was unconcious. Then he tried to crawl out of the ring aginst Mark Kerr.
  17. Just wondering why you belive your stlye is effective? I mean have you sparred/fought against people from other styles..had to use your in the street...Watch many of you peers succed..etc... I would like to hear from everyone..Step outside the box and tell me why your stlye is effective. Thanks Guys!
  18. No some styes are simply more effective than others, Percentage wise certain Stlyes dominate standup fighting...Muay Thai, Kyokoshin, San da etc...does that mean someone who trains in another stlye cant win? No the fighter determines alot but generally something like MT has dominate success.
  19. The order is obviously not based on Effectiveness
  20. 10. Brazilian Jiu-Jutsu 9. Kali 8. Krav Maga 7. TKD 6. Aikido 5. Juko-Kai 4. Ninjutsu 3. Muay Thai 2. Karate 1. Shaolin Kung Fu Was the order they Came up with, Im afraid I would have to rearrange that order if it were up to me..... I think it is pretty whack..karate over MT? is a perfect example. BJJ should also be alot higher. TKD over Krav Maga?-I cant think of one reason why. The list goes on...
  21. Good point. I think that sums it up right there, That is a huge weakness of many Schools.
  22. um, no? so it's impossible to block a hook?
  23. Meet Him wrist to wrist. When you block at his elbow it's alot esier to get the punch thru.
  24. very true but there are hundreds of schools that offer "effective self defense" that do not. The techniques work for a large variety of people, I have practiced them with women who I outweigh by a huge margin and they can still perfrom them despite my efforts. I understand it was designed for Military But it WAS designed for both men AND women of various ages since they all serve in the military in Israel. I Think he differ in opinion on that point of I am misunderstanding. I would like to say I appreciate you being level headed and discussing things instead off attacking(like many people), I appreciate that and i Think you have some good points.think
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