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Everything posted by rb

  1. In a few months I hope to be an employed mechanical engineer. If not i can go back and be a slave for my advisor (graduate student).
  2. Pine forest. On a hot day the sap seems to evaporate and drizzle down in a mist which is cool and refreshing to ride through. Nice smell but a little sticky.
  3. rb


    Monkeygirl McBeth, how cute. I'm suprised this didn't come up on the 25th of jan ? Anyways I opted for three legged animal ala the myth. Option c is but one of the optional casings and only a hint of the goodies inside...
  4. Sorry, I should of addressed the newaza component. I asked for clarification on the matter from some refs at the club. They said that if uke stands up and tori does not make reasonable progress towards a submission or control the match will be stopped and players stood up and started again. This varies from ref to ref but on the whole judo refs are pretty quick to stop the match if you do not pin, or move to a submission attempt within 5-10 secs. In randori, tori can hold on as long as he/she pleases. Adding to sevenstar's list of judo no nos -spine locks -scissor take down -neck cranks -torso crushing your opponent in your guard with your legs. - hand in face There are more but judo is not widely practiced as a martial art rather as a sport. Some moves and limitations are imposed for safety while others were added to promote watchability.This when compared to its more combative bjj cousin must seem borderline rediculous and restrictive.
  5. I don't know about sambo but you can apply standing locks in judo but only to the elbow. You will be penalized if you attempt an action that is dangerous to yourself or you opponent such as locking the arm and dropping the person.
  6. capt kirk flying T drop kick
  7. I don't wear any of that equipment. A mouthguard is good though.
  8. Too funny jeffrogers. I've had a dad show me his shotgun collection while running over the rules of dating his daughter.
  9. Oh lord, are you getting your gi in a bunch again?
  10. Someone on judoinfo suggested morote seionage ala testicle grip.
  11. Um if she is sexy she is sexy no matter what she is doing. Unless she's changing bedpans or shoveling manure - then again you might be into that thing. I find women that are physically active more interesting. I think it says something about the person that they have the discipline to stick with a routine.
  12. This is a case where I would definitely try the school first. There are a couple of goju school that are of the same parent school in my hometown that reek of mcdojo. Blackbelt factory for kids and adults after a couple of years. All with poor technique, sloppy kata, questionable skill with weapons, predominantly point sparring. The behavior of the instructors is also disgusting. Smoking in front of children while lecturing them of good habits and training is one of the little things wrong with them. The major stuff makes my blood boil. Hopefully not all the schools in this alliance are not as bad. The rest of the karate schools in town, shotokan, kyokushin are all excellent. I think this could happen to any style but this is what is going on with goju in my experience.
  13. A little scrawny but cute. It's kinda irritating to watch those pagents when they do MA. I saw the most horrible shaolin musical form during a miss hongcouver show. In fairness they probably don't have time to focus on doing everything in the lineup perfectly.
  14. I totally second judo. Alot of the outstanding wrestlers on the uni team were or still are judoka. I practice with the wrestling club every once and a while and judo's standup has proved very valuable. It's hard to break the habit of getting on your back though as judo and wrestling have different approaches to scoring there.
  15. Ties stay on you when someone is gripping your pants for groundwork. Otherwise sometimes if i don't take the time to tie my pants properly they start to settle a bit lower after an hour. More of a discomfort then them actually falling off. The strings for the pants are flat compared to round cords used on sweat pants. Perhaps there is a correlation between shape and the ability to bind.
  16. I swear there is a conspiracy between the two of you to drive up your post counts.
  17. Low stance to technique to low stance sounds like a drill. Fighting is done in a less rigid fashion. Keep in mind that joint locks, throws, sweeps are allowed aside from punching and kicking. As such trapping facilitates those techniques. Note trapping is not grabbing a strike. Don't worry, mantis practitioners think TKD ppl are weird too.
  18. Yes but they are not allowed in shiai (competition) and are not randoriwaza. You will only see them in kata or if your teacher is inclined to let you practice them in defense situations.
  19. Judo has atemiwaza taken from tenshin shinyo. There is no particular form or kata called atemi.
  20. Adding more intelligence to this thread - suppose you took the enterprise around the sun and went back to various points in time and picked up all the movie bonds all in their prime. You now lock them in a steel cage - who would win? I'd say connery bond all by eye gouge, groin kick, or head butt.
  21. I'd love to see that fight. SPOILER Apparently sudo subbed butterbean (eric esch). BB weighs over two sudos!
  22. kchenault we agree to disagree othewise we'd just go around in circles with stuff like bond has better hair, batman has a butler or whatever silliness.
  23. lol kensai, Sarcasm existed before the rolly eyes emoticon. As far as I know there have been no wushu or freestyle martial artists that have entered mma -why would they?
  24. saku is tops. Sano, really if you want backflips and aerial kicks get some wushu and freestyle karate types. Those ppl put both the dammes to shame in those departments. I'm sure they'd clean up in mma...
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