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Everything posted by MasterPain

  1. "Breathe." Whatever you're doing, breathing is kind of important. And it's funny how despite being an involuntary action, people tend to forget to breathe while focusing in on something. Breath control can help with taking a blow, delivering one, helps keep you from gassing out as fast, and keeps you from dying.
  2. Thanks Patrick.These kids have been married for a year or so. Last year they lost everything in a fire- bad wiring in an old rental house. They got resettled, now she had a baby about a month and a half early and could use some help with expenses. Any little bit could help. Thanks.
  3. I prefer a good WWF promo. Not WWE. WWF! (I'm getting old..) I could listen to Roddy Piper, Randy Savage,and the Ultimate Warrior all day. Intimidation only works on scared people anyway, so you might as well yell woo and talk about space mountain.
  4. I won't attempt whatever that was, but if I think about it when I have a heavy bag and a stopwatch handy, I let you know how many possible liversplitters I can throw in a minute.
  5. And of course, the more grappling skill, the better. Not everyone will want to dedicate the time and effort needed to be a great grappler, maybe they just love a striking art. But there is no substitute for effective grappling skill. To think otherwise is just wishful thinking.
  6. Grappling in reverse is using grappling skill to get back to a standing, striking position. As opposed to whatever people want to call anti-grappling, which tends to be all theory. In other words, if a person wants to be able to stand and strike with a grappler, they need at least a basic understanding of grappling. They need an understanding of overhooks, underhooks, head control, a few escapes from negative positions. "Anti-grappling" seems to assume that a pure striker can avoid ever being taken down. It doesn't tend to work that way.
  7. I have yet to see a better anti-grapple than grappling used in reverse.
  8. I think a big piece of missing information here is why you hated wrestling. If it had to do with the coach or the general attitude of the team, it may be a totally different dynamic in whatever MMA gym you go to. In any case, go check out a class and see what you think.
  9. I want to lose another 40 pounds, and train when I can.
  10. I would start with this video. Ido Portal has some good videos on this as well.
  11. Hey wow, I've been obnoxiously busy trying to get work done before winter for about a month and haven't been on, I stop by and I won an award. Sweet. Congrats to everyone else.
  12. Haha, I went with a friend from work to his gym to lift today. I started my workout with my usual joint mobility routine, and he kind of laughed about me limbering up. 20 somethings just don't get it. I quoted Zombieland. "You ever see a lion limber up before taking down a gazelle?" Nothing stretches more than a cat. My little black furred buddy stops and does yoga poses in front of me while I'm trying to walk all the time. I try to learn from the little lovable sociopathic predator.
  13. I've made great progress over the last few months by counting calories, not obsessively, but you could ask my calorie count any time and I can give you an approximate number for the day. I do about half of the volume that I eat in green veggies, make sure to have some form of protein, and the rest of my calories come from whatever I want, whether that be pasta, wine or ice cream. Until recently, I just ate what and when I wanted, and that wasn't working out very well.
  14. this may well be the case, in my case it turned out to be cancer. Even after diagnosis the doctors said we did not expect to find this. the chances are low, very very low, but not 0. If its that sudden and no obvious cause, please go an discuss with a doctor. This is why I said I'd see a doctor. Alan, you said that seeing a doctor goes without saying, but it really doesn't. I've been to a doctor twice in the last decade or so, usually when I do go, it's a case of "This could conceivably have the potential to kill me." A visit to a doctor, if they do ANYTHING is a half week's pay for me. Any drastic change in the body can, but when a person just feels weak and tired, they may not think a whole lot of it. But if it goes on for a while, it should be a concern. I'm stubborn and many are much more so than me. Tubby, I hope you stay well. Cancer is an awful trial even in the best cases.
  15. That's the only trickle down theory I can get behind.
  16. Yesterday- curls bench press, chinups, dips, leg lifts, planks, squats Today, 9 miles on country roads on my Schwinn bike. I love that thing, my dad built it for me with parts from 2 types of bikes, so it's one of a kind.
  17. If it is that big of a change within a year, it's not age. Aging is gradual. If you were working out that much, you must be in decent shape and not lazy. I'd say give yourself a break for a few days and rest, just in case it's simply overtraining, and if you're not feeling better next workout, go see a doctor.
  18. Worked 12 hours today, so just did 10 chinups and 50 pushups and called it good. Time for jeapardy.
  19. Warm up, stretch, 4 sets of pushup and pullup variations to failure plus a set of pikes and calf raises for fun
  20. Same today. Going to skip squats tomorrow, cause my legs are tired.
  21. Weight classes keep competition fair and relatively safe, which is a good thing. Training for self defense- train with big guys, little guys, and people just plain better than you when possible. Train to fight Jason Vorhees.
  22. warm up with moving stretches 3 sets of pushups, let-me-ups and squats with dumbells to failure each set
  23. I can't decide if I want to be Akuma, Heihachi, Geese, or SubZero when I grow up.
  24. You beat me to it. Good show,sir, good show.
  25. Without a teacher and or at least a training partner, all you would really get is an aerobic workout.
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