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Everything posted by xo-karate

  1. 3/2 early: *"paul" warmup. *Windmill (front - roundhouse - side -back roundhouse - back kick)x10per leg *Bill Superfoot http://youtu.be/YJF2rLaRAZM *Heavy bag: tapata frontkick, roundhouse, double roundhouse, hich roundhouse, back roundhouse - roundhouse Stretching 60 min (legs, hips, lower back) mid: hitting birdieballs 10 - 20 pitching wedges late: BJJ class 90 min
  2. 2/29 BJJ class 90 min -open guard passing - technical drills and free roll starting from open guard 3/1 Workout C (legs) Warm up 5 minutes bicycle. Squat parallel 60x10, 70x6, 80x6, 80x6, 70x8. Single leg squat 60x10, 70x6, 80x4, 70x6, 60x8 Last three sets are done rotating with out breaks: Hip abductors 80x10x3 Hamstrings 50x10x3 Leg extention 70x10x3
  3. 2/28 Starting with 5 minute warm up Deep front squats (40kgx10, 45x10,50x10 and 45x10) Wide Box squats (60kgx8 x3) Alternating lunges (20x10, 25x6,30x4,25x6,20x8) Claves single leg eccentric (80kgx6x3)
  4. 2/24 "paul" warmup. = 5 min Windmill (front - roundhouse - side -back roundhouse - back kick)x10per leg = 5 min Bill Superfoot http://youtu.be/YJF2rLaRAZM = 10 min Heavy bag: tapata frontkick, roundhouse, double roundhouse, hich roundhouse, back roundhouse - roundhouse => 20 min Stretching 60 min (legs, hips, lower back)
  5. What about a collective play? What would the next move be? How would you attack? or escape? How would you attack right arm of the guy with black gi? What is the next move? (I'll be in Norway until Tuesday 28 so feel free to play the game forward if it starts to roll.)
  6. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-XuFXVGrTMwA/T0TZQcZoIcI/AAAAAAAAAT0/YEhVhvOX0ss/s200/closed_A1.jpg This could be the starting point and challenger can move first and select the player. So what happens next?
  7. I played a game of virtual bjj chess against my self. I was an attacker and a defender - changed sides after one move. It was fun. Might be a little unrealistic as I don't really know could I have pulled all the moves - and some solutions depended on what images I found on internet:-) BUT I think I studied different posibilities and I think I learned something. (Can't roll due to my shoulder so virtual rolling is one option to keep on learning.) OK here are the rules for "virtual rolling": 1) No resistance like in flow roll drill, but you can start your counter prior to where previous move ends. (So you can let me grip or catch my arm and counter from there.) 2) Move is as long as you think it could be in rolling. (This is not so much about winning than learning.) 3) It's ok to pass. 4) Have to have an image of the position - or close enough with explanation. (I have today and tomorrow to play one round. And after weekend I can play another.) I think it will take about 1 hour to make one move if the players are online the same time. (Could include chat or notes to explain how to move is done.) Played one round from closed guard yesterday - it's on my blog. Today I will search similar situations from real matches and compare what has happend:-) You are very wellcomed to develop further the idea of virtual rolling. (One would be to take snapshots and test the situations with a real partner:-) One would be to have two virtual characters that could be moved to positions where you want them to be - maybe even controlled online and same time. (Have to search if there is an application for that:-) My time zone is UTC+2. But I can play "offline" too if someone wants to have a go. (This is totally experimental!!! I do not know what is going to happen. Rules have to be adjusted during the roll.)
  8. I went to my first shooto/mma class. If been doing bjj for few months. Theme in the class was closed guard. It was very different from bjj. Make my like more my own approach that I should do boxing, (karate kicks by my self), shooto/mma and bjj (gi and no gi). (I don't know it it should be called shooto or mma. For a beginner with control contact it looks the same. It's called shooto in our timetable but "free fighting" at our class.)
  9. 2/22 Warm up 5 minutes bicycle. alternating lunges 20x10,25x6,30x4,25x6,20x8. Squat. Parallel 60x10, 70x6, 80x4, 80x6, 70x8. Hit the gym at a wrong time. It was full of students and no way to do my workout, but I got the instructor to design me a new program:-) Waiting for it. It will have two "legs" days per week. One for strength and one for endurance.
  10. I have mixed feeling about kata - and karate also:-) I've done karate for most of my life and most of the time as an instructor. So I've taught my share of kata's - as a collection of movements:-) I've never really thought that compinations in a kata would have any use in sparring or self defence. (I don't think about self defence as a very important reason to do karate.) At the moment I am researching to make my own "kata". Kata that has moves I need for my training. I've noticed that it's far more difficult than I thought it would be. Also there are many points of views (aspects of training) that a kata can be for: breathing, balance, coordination, speed, compination and range of movement. So my take for a kata is choreographed "shadow boxing" that should include the understanding of the movements (bunkai). Often bunkai is shown as multible attackers and the technique applied during bunkai demonstration is different than in the kata? Why would you practise "wrong" moves? Or is a kata just a "tea ceremony" to honor tradition?
  11. Poll would be nicer, if you could rank from 5 - 1 or something. Or atleast make multible selections. I have not voted my self. I use most of my time surfing internet and reading, but for physical exercises I use most of my "energy". Ranking criteria differs from person to person - but that might not matter as I question implies that everyone answers what they feel is important. As a test for a poll - questions need to be set up properly:-)
  12. This is taken from a slogan and my question is what kind of solo traning do you do? Physical training - strentgh, stretching, jogging? Solo technical training - drills, katas, heavybag? Meditation? Learning - reading? (History - philosophy - strategy...) I do all, but skipping meditation. Unless long static stretching is counted as meditation. (I am trying out the Poll. At first did not understand that you can choose only one option as a vote. Please answer:)
  13. I've used it as an add-on to my local clubs teaching. There is a small difference in approach with Gracie and our club. Our club is more towards sports bjj and combatives is selfdefence. Also there are different requerements for blue belt. I figured it's socially more correct to follow local requerements. One of the pitfalls in Gracie university is the number of rolling partners. One or two is not enough and partners should be with different skill levels. If you have a lot of rolling partners, I think Gracie university is a great source of information - best source is a live instructor. I like learning from internet - even thou it has it's pitfalls.
  14. 2/20 In the morning I will do my Paul - windmill - Bill - Heavy bag tabata - stretching routine. at 18.00 I'll go to the gym and do Workout C (legs): Warm up 5 minutes bicycle. Squat. Parallel 60x10, 70x6, 80x4, 80x6, 70x8. Single leg squat 60x10, 70x6, 80x4, 70x6, 60x8 Three sets are done rotating with out breaks: Hip abductors 80x10x3 Hamstrings 50x10x3 Leg extention70x10x3
  15. 2/18 5 minute warm up - bicycle. Started with deep front squats (40kgx10, 45x10,45x10 and 50x10) Wide Box squats sitting back (40kgx8 ,55kg x 8 x 2) Alternating lunges (20x10, 25x6,30x4,25x6,20x8) Claves single leg eccentric (84kgx6x3) 2/19 BJJ class - trying out BJJ chess (to minimaze stress on my shoulder).
  16. 2/17 BJJ class (mistake on beginning time so 2 hours of stretching and watching mma sparring and 60 minutes light rolling - not flow, but getting there little by little)
  17. 2/16 early: crosscountry skiing 5 km + stretching late: Workout legs Warm up 5 minutes bike. Squat. Parallel 60x10, 70x6, 80x4, 70x6, 60x8. Single leg squat 60x10, 70x6, 80x4, 70x6, 60x8 Last three sets: Hip abductors 80x10x3 Hamstrings 50x10x3 Leg extention70x10x3 Three sets are done rotating with out breaks
  18. What do you say about my interpretation of concepts for positions. What is the "fight" all about? 1. Control - I want to have a good grip and don't want be tied up. 2. Balance - good posture for me and breaking partners balance. (Triangle base) 3. Relax - Do as little as posible and breathe deep and continuesly - and make it hard for opponent to breathe if possible 4. Use levarage - attack from angles I am stronger and use my weight so that it's heaviest possible (90 degree rule - two against one rule - legs against arms - hip against elbows... and so on) 5. Space - When holding a position, I want to be tight clued, but when escaping I need room to work. (Control hips - turn head - apply pressure vs scrimp - bridge - frame) What about hte order?
  19. I think that in our club "structure" or progression in learning BJJ is based on an idea that first two years goes just learning escapes and passes and moving from position to an other. That is fine. System is that we focus on one position for two weeks and drill escapes and a basic submission - different each night of the week. (We have 3 classes with instructors each week and two open mats for BJJ with gi. No gi and Shooto if you need more:) I still think that pointing out some principles during instruction would be helpful or even having some training session planned from point of view of a concept - not a position. It might open new ideas.
  20. Had free roll today and last two matches I was at the bottom all the time. Not much to do when the partner is superior and counters all the passes. Well in the last match I did not tap out - I could pass and escape, but always ended in side control or was mounted or had to do a turtle guard. So a good position would be nice:-)
  21. Yes MasterPain http://jiujitsubrotherhood.com/category/concepts-principles/ Here is a list of kind of principles, but hierarchy is missing. Liver Punch - I bought ear pads:-) http://www.csf-store.fi/epages/03122009-1027.sf/fi_FI/?ObjectPath=/Shops/03122009-1027/Products/551765
  22. 2/15 early: "kickboxing workout" Paul routine 5 min Jumping rope (tabata) 4 min Jab (tabata) Jab - cross (tabata) Jab - cross - cross - hook (tabata) Stretching bridge -> belly Hip up - triangle 4 corner stepingcycle (Bjj) Kicking: push kick (tabata) front leg trepak(continues kicking from impact) (tabata) late: 90 min BJJ class ( 20 min warm up and free roll)
  23. I agree on learning styles, but my question is... how ever you learn, what princibles should you learn from BJJ.
  24. 2/14 early 120 min warm up, superfoot, heavy bag kicking tabata and stretching hips late: boxing class 90 min
  25. what about princibles for learning an art - BJJ?
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