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Everything posted by xo-karate

  1. From tallgeese BJJ blog: Step 1) Evade. Step 2) Stun. Step 3) Unbalance. Step 4) Control. How would this show in BJJ? Or are the steps build in to "normal" BJJ technique? Maybe "Evade" could be getting a grip or hooks? Or keeping distance? "Stun" for me is a fake attack.(Haven't stunnet any other way yet.) ... BUT for this list I would like to have more concepts or guidelines like: "You have to have a grip - better grips is an advantace.." "Who gets an underhook in half guard - has an advantace." "Controlling a hip... controlling a head.." "Leverage? Pressure?" Every successful technique has hidden princibles that make the technique work in a given situation - what should I look for?
  2. 2/13 Warm up and stretching hips - 90 min
  3. 2/12 Alternating lunges 20kgx10 Wide Box squats 40kgx10x2 Deep front squats (40x10, 50x10) Squat. Parallel 60kgx10, 70kgx6, 80kgx4, 90kgx4 cooldown bicycle 5 min
  4. And an artritis in my hip:-) I think it would be worse if I would not practice. (But I transfered from karate to BJJ and thinking of shooto also.)
  5. 2/10 early: 90 min (warm up, superfoot ja hit stretching routine) later: ideomotoric rolling 20 min
  6. ps1 and tallgeese - great answers. I have to wait for a week until I can test if it works:-) Resting my shoulder from an armbar that I was too late to tap. This reverse scarfhold is used as a step for getting mount - so it happens fairly often in our rolling. Kind of side control - hon kesa gatame - and turning back to side and going from reverse to mount. On reverse to person on top has his arms and hands free to control hips and thats why scrimping did not feel so good. BUT now I have more options - I can scrimp - or "uppa" - or roll him over one or other side:-) I confess that I'm not always relaxed when rolling. I watched a youtube vid on newbies rolling and using too much energy. It's so easy to see in others, but not to recognize in your self:-) When I roll all my partners have been doing it longer or as long as I have. So I'm not hunting submissions - more like getting something right now and then. (And as the oldest member at our gym - I don't even have a physical advantage so muscleing my will is not happening.) BUT there will be surprised grappler when they are going to reverse mount me next time:-)
  7. early: 90 min warm up + superfoot ja hit stretching routine late: Squat. Parallel 60kgx10, 70kgx6, 80kgx4, 70kgx6, 60kgx8. Single leg squat 60x10, 70x6, 80kgx4, 70x6, 60x8 (sledge) Last three sets are done rotating with out breaks: Hip abductors 80x10x3 Hamstrings 50x10x3 Leg extention70x10x3
  8. How do you escape an ushiro kesa gatame (Often arm is not hold, but your partner is getting ready to go to mount.)Scrimping is hard, if your hips are under control - often with both hands. (I've been using scrimping and trying to time something for the mount.) Any ideas?
  9. He was 10 years older than I was, when I started. So anything is possible. Black belt is not my goal, but I share Gene Pace*s hope for physical fitness. BJJ is good exercises.
  10. 2/8 early: 90 min warm up + superfoot ja hit stretching routine late: 90 min BJJ class
  11. 2/7 BJJ 90 min open mat, but doing slow technical rolling. (Also guilty of checking tallgeese's blog.)
  12. 2/4 Starting with 5 minute warm up - rowing machine Deep front squats (40kgx10, 45x10,45x10 and 45x10) Wide Box squats upperbody uprigth (40kgx8 x3) Alternating lunges (20x10, 25x6,30x4,25x6,20x8) Claves single leg exentric (60kgx6x3) 2/5 bjj class 90 min - turtle mount and -8 min rounds x 3 sets
  13. 2/3 early: warm up and stretching ( about 90 min) late: BJJ class 90 min
  14. 2/1 early: warm up - hip stretching late: Bjj 90 min class ( taking it easy) Back mount defence and armbar from back mount.
  15. 1/29 - 1/30 total rest 1/31 Superfoot routine and hip stretching. Maybe a light hojo undo routine to check if my shoulder is ready for tomorrows BJJ (I'll do some moves and wait to see how shoulder reacts. Pain comes later, not while training.)
  16. Very good post "Nine tail fox" There is a progression in the system. In our current "dojo" most frequently used "system" is: a) First teach a new technique - an drill it. b) Then a counter or two - and drill it. c) Techinical sparr/roll - just the new technique and different counters d) Free roll - starting from situation where the new technique can be implied, but "dance" continues (This is for BJJ.)
  17. 1/27 early: 2 hours of warm up + hips stretching late: Bjj class 90 min. Back mount - bow and arrow - technical roll and free roll starting from back mount until submission 3 min rounds. 1/28 recovery day - stretching and baby sitting granddaughter. (Have to skip one or two BJJ classes to let my shoulder recover from an armlock.)
  18. 1/26 late: Shooto class - theme was ground fight with boxing cloves. Hitting in full guard - hitting from under. Mostly technique some light sparring in the end.
  19. 1/25 early: light heavy bag routine - Paul + Superfoot routine and stretching. I did it light ( 2 hours). My high kicks are about waist high, but I'm working on flexibility. I think my 20 years break might have done something to my flexibility or back operation or hip arthitis... or early date of birth... Late: BJJ class - back mount (technique, technical rolling, rolling starting from back mount)
  20. 1/24 early: full body massage late: stretching hips
  21. 1/23 early: 10 km crosscountry skiing and 30 min stretch. late: warm up + stretching (It's an active recovery day.)
  22. 1/21 early: 20 min hip stretching mid day: (leg routine) Warm up 5 minutes rowing. Squat. Parallel 60x10, 70x6, 80x4, 70x6, 60x8. Single leg squat 50x10, 60x6, 60x4, 60x6, 60x8 Last three sets: Hip abductors 80x10x3 Hamstrings 50x10x3 Leg extention70x10x3 Three sets are done rotating with out breaks
  23. 1/20 early: Warm up routine Paul's Elasticsteel Windmill is a balance and strength routine. You kick front kick, round house, side kick, hook kick and back kick with out putting your foot down and then change to other leg. You are standing in the same place all the time. Angle of kick changes 45 degrees so that you will kick in all directions. Slow motion and as high as you can get it. ( I do 10 rounds per side.) Core exercise http://youtu.be/YJF2rLaRAZM Routine from Bill Wallace In heavy bag I use 20 sec work 10 sec rest and alternate side after each round. 8 rounds per kick. Push kick, roundhouse, sidekick, douple roundhouse, high roundhouse, roundhouse - hook kick. Stretching (1 hour) Total time 2 hours late: BJJ Class 90 min - holding a full mount, Escaping from full mount - free roll 20 min
  24. 1/19 early: Paul's Elasticsteel warmup routine Windmill is a balance and strength routine. You kick maegeri, mawa, sokuto, uramawa, ushirogeri with one leg and then change to other leg. You are standing in the same place all the time. Angle of kick changes 45 degrees so that you will kick in all directions. Slow motion and as high as you can get it. ( I do 10 rounds per side.) http://youtu.be/YJF2rLaRAZM Routine from Bill Wallace In heavy bag I use 20 sec work 10 sec rest and alternate side after each round. Push kick, roundhouse, sidekick, douple roundhouse, high roundhouse, roundhouse - hook kick. Stretching late: Started with deep front squats (20kgx10, 30x10,40x10 and 50x10) Wide Box squats upperbody uprigth (30kgx8 x3) Alternating lunges (20x10, 25x6,30x4,25x6,20x8) Claves single leg excentric (60kgx6x3)
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