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Everything posted by Nevinyrral

  1. Great April Fools post Patric. Almost fell for that
  2. Good point. While it is possible to learn a lot of new techniques during our lifespan, will they be effective. Or will we be even able to keep performing them correctly. Also if our physical ability declines there will come a time when less skilled fighter will simply overpower us with brute strenght. So after a time what we learn might only be beneficial for teaching next generations.
  3. Kyokushin is a great style. You will learn how to throw and recieve strikes with full force. But be aware it is hard training, way different from traditional karate styles.
  4. We all talk about what grade is enough to start teaching, but what about styles that have no ranks like wrestling or boxing to name the most obvious. I think that even if you teach curriculum of a given style you always add something that is your own. And then your students will take that, and add something theirs. So the style will change. I understand some peoples need for organisations and lineage. But for me invidual skills of a teacher are more important. I am sure my karate style is way different from my first teachers style since I added a lot of different styles to it.
  5. In all of the traditional martial arts clubs I trained classes were mixed. In some there was at least two classes divided by age/rank but there were still some kids in the higher grade/age class. While it was ok while doing some basic exercise or kata it got complicated during partner drills or kata. There wasnt this problem in kickboxing and mma club I trained in. Might be because they were connected to fitness centres or just because there sparrings were full contact.
  6. And I would say, offer real full contact sparring. Hard contact hard training. It could be separate class. I myself find this what brings adults to boxing or mma. Classes that teach real fighting, not games for kids. Yeah you might get few parents to join with their kids, but they will mostly stop training after a while, and definately when their kid stops. And people who want to learn how to defend and fight will look for something different than just doing basic drills, sparring with no contact or doing standing joint locks on unresisting opponent.
  7. For roundhouse either shin or top of the foot. Depends on the situation. I tried kicking with ball but its too easy to mess up. And for front kick mostly ball of the foot and sometimes whole boston of my foot (especially in shoes) Sidekick mostly whole feet, unless its for kata purposes. I preffer to kick the way I would when I would have shoes on.
  8. I think white gi is more traditional, and universally accepted. Because of that some people might see different colours as 'deviation' from established rules. Personally I believe everyone should wear whatever colour they like as long as its clean. I am even considering buying myself a red one.
  9. Hello everyone. I wanted to hear your opinions on fighting ability. Do you think there is a limit to someones potential, or can I fighter continue growing indefinately? I personally believe each fighter has a ceiling to his combat abilities and once he reaches it, he can only train to stay at his best as long as he can, but slowly with time he will drop in ability. Anyway what are your thoughts? Osu
  10. Merry Christmas everyone
  11. Wow, 32 katas a day seems a lot. I wouldnt be able to do it. I mostly work 12h shifts, but mayby 10 kata would be reasonable. And Bob I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
  12. Also make sure if you require to have certified equipment. Some insurance companies might give you trouble for that reason.
  13. Thank you. Didnt see that one coming.
  14. I have to disagree. It is great to strive for greatness, but realistically not everyone will be next Tyson or Oyama or Silva. We should instead to be the best WE can be. For example due to work, and having kids I know I cant train as much as I used to. There is simply no time. So I cant realistically say its possible to became world champion or hone my technique even grand masters would be jealous. Ofcourse it wont stop me from giving the very best I can afford at the moment.
  15. I have to say NO! Martial arts without actual fighting are just art, no different than dancing. You will never know if you are effective if you dont spar, or spar in some pre arranged pattern or without contact. Martial part is all about fighting.
  16. and yet for the next 20 years or more we’ll have people saying that to be a great MMA fighter you need to train wholly and solely for MMA instead of training any specific styles.You might be right, but training kata or only point sparring will not make a great mma fighter. I myself struggled a lot transitioning from point fightin to full contact fights. So karate can be a good base for mma, but it requires a lot of changes in training programe and adding dyscyplines that will cover for its deficiences for example boxing and bjj.
  17. 1. Scoring 3points and winning in point kumite via high kick. 2. Winning gold for the firs time in kumite. 3. Winning my first full contact fight.
  18. But as seen in full contact styles one or two techniques might not be enough to stop an opponent.For me Koshiki and Kudo have best kumite styles.
  19. Sorry for necroposting but I wanted to add what I think about this topic. I believe what we should first discuss is what was the reason karate lost its popularity in the first place. One of the main reasons is that karate has too many styles in my opinion, and some of those instead of working together they compete and criticize each other. Even in a single style there might be several organisations. This might confuse new members. Another issue might be a loop but there is too little adults training, at least in my area. In my case I was the only adult in class other than the trainer. Only when few teens bacame adults themselves it changed. But they left once they started working. So sparring was a rarity. Also class shedule and payment metod is a issue. I rarely saw classes on saturdays and sundays. And being forced to pay for a month in advance is also problematic. Is karate making a comeback? Im not sure, but it definately has potential. What it needs the most is unity, effectivness and with those will come third thing - recognition.
  20. Hello there Just a quick question on how everyone performs uchi uke block? During my time with shotokan I always did it with my thumb facing to the outside. But few weeks ago I took part in Oyama karate training and they did it with thumb facing inside. And to tell you the truth it made more sense as they used the same surface you use for gedan barai, age uke and soto uke.
  21. I would suggest checking what schools are available at reasonable distance from your home. And if they offer free classes go and see how it goes. You might find some info on specific schools on the net.
  22. You can also try attending some open seminars. Also open spars and tournaments might be a good idea.
  23. I would say either jion or hangetsu.
  24. Thats what I was trying to explain. You can have legit schools that dont teach real fighting. Schools that dont have legitimacy but teach great stuff. And also schools that have both legitimacy and effectiveness and those that have neither.
  25. You're right, the MA style needs not to be effective to be legit; just the practitioner. The MA is just a thing, and things need someone to demonstrate how effective it works to others, but that thing better be effective, or the breaking down of it is already on the horizon. You won't be effective if all you learn is kata. So it is relevant what style you are learning. Lets be honest, if you would have to bet on one, who would you choose: someone with 3 years of muay thai experience or someone with 5 years of for example tai chi or aikido?So saying that it comes to practicioner is wrong. There are styles that are legitimate but no mater who would practice them and how long would still not effective in a fight.
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