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Everything posted by kamahlthedruid

  1. I went to isd for three months during summer vacation from school and I don't think its flakey. My only regret while i was training at isd was not going to the best muay thai seminar ever held in san diego. Eight lumpinee stadium champions were there. Also, I missed the one week trip to thailand to train at some of the best training camps!
  2. I wonder how a school like that would treat a free thinking atheist! I am scared of cultish schools! Shamanism! Spirituality!
  3. He claims that Asian martial arts are inferior, but he is mainly a muay thai fighter. I don't care if the guy is a polygot and a so called mozart of martial arts. Clugston seems like a really bad fighter! Just check out his movies on youtube. His instructional tapes are slow and not entertaining. I dont think he surpassed Bruce Lee like he claimed on his website. clugston was a champion shoot fighter but he lossed to a fat dutchman that was even older than him. Clugston is the same age as randy couture, but i think my hero randy couture can tear Clugston apart.
  4. I want to learn how to protect my family and myself with self defense, and I do not want a false sense of security. I am obsessed with martial arts, and I will study diligently once I find the best school for getting into shape and for learning superior fighting skills.
  5. The shredder clinch from senshido currently has no counters, so the style is really deadly. The shredder resembles the ugly patch on sensido student t-shirts. I think the style is cool because its part catch wrestling, muay thai, and savate, but i hate the gruesome shredder and the ugly stance in the system because you can't move stylishly like bruce lee with a senshido stance. http://closecombatdvds.com/images/shred.jpg Has anyone here been to a richard dimitri senshido seminar. Richard Dimitri teaches children but he curses like crazy and puts down other people martial arts.
  6. "Cherish the memories of your past misfortunes for they add to your bank of fortitude.(Bruce Lee)" This doesn't make sense to me because who can love misfortune. I prefer my quote "Adversity adds to your bank of fortitude because overcoming hardship elicits wisdom.(kamahlthedruid)"
  7. please delete this topic since i dont want to compare schools or mention names
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