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Everything posted by kamahlthedruid

  1. Why are there so many bad isshinryu videos on youtube compared to uechi ryu videos. Most isshinryu people look sloppy on youtube. I am guessing that many isshinryu schools do not train tough enough because I hardly ever find full contact sparring of isshinryu on youtube. The only good isshinryu fighter I've seen on youtube is Chuck Mady, but he cross trains in judo and kyokushin.
  2. For some reason ross makes kickboxing really funny looking.
  3. A martial artist that had impaired motor skills who honed his coordination through the martial arts. Everything this man does look real accept ross. Ross looks just like systema. Ross and systema look completely esoteric to me because I don't see the benefits of training in these styles.
  4. I heard that master masahiko kimura slammed his body against a tree and modified his osotogari to create a more powerful version.
  5. I meant a modified osoto gari! (masahiko kimura's version)
  6. Does anyone here know how to do this modified version of a hip throw.
  7. The movie is really good. Does the Japanese guy in the movie have real martial arts experience?
  8. I also like this video of baji quan because the combat moves are done fast! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HezcoVoBcJM
  9. Tai chi impresses me too because pracitioners of tai chi are capable of nuetralizing all types of attacks from baji quan practitioners. Maybe I'll just focus on cheng man ching tai chi instead. http://taijimaster.multiply.com/video/item/14/Yang_Taijiquan_VS_Bajiquan_sparring_2 I found the history of baji quan : It was taught to a muslim by a taoist priest.
  10. I searched up many web sites for baji quan and these websites said that baji quan is a chinese muslim art. I wonder why wudang toaist fighters know the art as well.
  11. I can't find any results on google about bajiquan in san diego but I found a cool video of baji quan applications.
  12. My dad watched me played dead or alive and virtua fighters and he said the fighting is very realistic. By the way my dad has a black belt in itf taekwondo.
  13. I really like the way baji quan look in the video games. I really want to learn this style. Does anyone here know if there is a baji quan school in san diego, california?
  14. gong kwon yusul looks awesome! I saw it on youtube and it looks like like kyokushin combined with jujitsu and judo!
  15. If anyone is interested in learning the original jkd curriculum he/she should search http://www.jkdwednite.com/ for an instructor.
  16. A tall person can easily clinch and knee an opponent in muay thai, and the taller person has a reach advantage!
  17. Judo sounds good, but I think muay thai would also be a good choice because striking can get a person off balance for a throw.
  18. I heard it takes 8 years just to use daito ryu to defend yourself; however, daito ryu could be used sooner if a person were to cross trained with another art. Does anyone here know the perfect complement for Daito Ryu?
  19. I think master mifune studied aikido because i saw a video of him doing some aikido like defenses against weapons and there was some atemi waza in the video too.
  20. My faf vorite jeet kune do fighter is master Erik Paulson! If i had the chance, I would train with master Paulson.
  21. My old judo sensei was a student of Kyuzo Mifune. He promised his master that he would never teach judo striking ever again. Is there any old footage of atemi waza on youtube? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKuMITjSeog here is a new video of atemi waza, but I don't know if its authentic judo atemi waza.
  22. I remember breaking the forms into parts and doing partner drills based on these forms.
  23. I found this from another martial arts forum. I don't think the Mechling brothers are frauds. McDojo or Not? http://www.isdc.net After two years of training here I am a blue belt or the first rank of being considered an advanced student. We learn 15 different martial arts (writer wrote wrong amount of styles, so i changed it). There are 4 instructors, two for our base martial arts, one for judo and one for tai chi. We do sparring, grappling, and free sparring. Most of our work is done in small groups sparring or learning from the teachers or a higher ranked student some times the teacher will show a technique or set of techniques and we all line up and preform it about 10 times or until we show we can do it. Our students almost always do well in tournaments. We only have one black belt under 23 he's 17 and most are 30 or older. The only things I don't like are that belt tests have fee's, and you have to learn 1 to 2 forms per rank before you can advance. Check out the site and tell me what you think.
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