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Everything posted by kamahlthedruid

  1. I know there are counters; however, sometimes no one has research a certain counter for a particular move. I heard that daito ryu has some nasty moves that cannot be countered yet.
  2. I think I shall remain with isd despite some bad things I've heard about the Mechling brothers from one of their masters. I trust the Mechling brothers because they seem like good guys. Does everyone here think mastering two katas per belt level is difficult?
  3. Well the qualifications of the person who told me there is no counters found for this martial art are questionable. I won't mention his name on this forum because I hate backstabbing.
  4. I found some full contact wado ryu video on youtube (mma fights)!
  5. Grand Master Gary Alexander said you have to feel like you are in an actual situation when you are fighting, and I think Ashihara people would agree with him.
  6. Grand master Gary Alexander doesn't have perfect form because he wants to do forms the same way he fights. He said fighting is suppose to look scary not aesthetically pleasing.
  7. cool fifth degree black belt bjj master carlos valente teaches near my work place!
  8. I shall focus on these styles once I finish school!
  9. i want my messages deleted
  10. If I were to choose between kyokushin and wado ryu, I would pick wado ryu because the styles creator was influenced by the bad a.s of karate choki motobu.
  11. I am not to impressed with kyokushin videos because these fighters don't attack at angles. The style is too linear because It's diluted karate. Gogen Yamaguchi goju ryu and Shotokan. I suggest going to any okinawan karate school since these schools teach deadlier moves and tactics!
  12. If I were to fight today, I would be confident only against yellow and orange belts at other schools because I learned a lot in three months at a school called ISD, and from my dad who taught me some moves from itf taekwondo. I did controlled sparring only as a white belt. As a person goes up in belt ranking, he or she has to do more hardcore sparring at ISD! My senseis at isd taught me very practical self defense and dirty fighting.
  13. I tried one wing chun class and I did not like the stance because it doesn't feel natural and the kicks you can do in the wing chun stance is restricted. I like styles with an upright stance e.g. isshinryu plus or muay thai.
  14. I do not get how systema is affective without proper stances.
  15. I saw a video on youtube of an awkward looking systema fighter effortlessly parrying a muay thai fighter. I think systema is just for show because it doesn't look realistic. How can anyone fight like an elastic person?! I forgot the url of the video. The only realistic systema video I have seen are 1st level ranked combat sambo and first level systema fighters combining both systems on youtube
  16. I think hip throws in the clinch are more effective.
  17. shotokan is good for mma too, but you should blend your style with muay thai to be on par with heavy hitters! E.G. Lyoto Machida likes to sweep and to back away karate style. Lyoto Machida is incredible because his hit ratio is second best in UFC. He lands 65% of his punches.
  18. I think isshinryu is great for mma; however, an isshinryu guy also needs to study wrestling and ground fighting to compete in mma. E.G. Chuck Mady
  19. i've done cheng man ching tai chi and all i did was redirect force and learned how to make my hand heavy on someone's shoulders. I only took a few classes and I really enjoyed it.
  20. I heard that tai chi enhances any thing a person do in life by giving him or her a sense of balance. How might tai chi improve daito ryu aikijitsu? I heard that tai chi introduces advance principles early to daito ryu practioners.
  21. Most of the weapons defenses from senshido are modified jkd weapons defenses, so i guess they are affective.
  22. http://www.jiujitsusandiego.com/teacher.htm I was just wondering if German grappling is ringen or catch wrestling. I do not know if catch wrestling is American or German, but I know ringen is German for sure.
  23. I have a predisposition for high blood pressure, so is learning sanchin dangerous for my health.
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