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jiu-jitsu fighter

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Everything posted by jiu-jitsu fighter

  1. I paid 100$ canadian for my 75 pound bag, thats about 60 to 70$ bucks U.S. I sometimes do full contact, with mixed martial arts gloves on (fingerless and 6oz or 4oz). good for you, but definately not for everyone.
  2. hey if i was an american i would carry a g-d damn 8 mm.
  3. how are you a brownbelt and yet you haven't even started a martial art? could all your posts be nonsense?
  4. good points. im not trying to insult other arts , but I am looking for a good defense, bkj1216, ignorance is no excuse.
  5. if you want my opinion, If I were you, I would one- drop tkd and take up jujutsu(if it looks good+good instructor etc... two-stay in tkd and cross train into bjj/shoot three-drop tkd and study shoot/bjj its all up to you. good luck.
  6. The only problem though is that I don't like forms.
  7. I myself am, going to study a little silat or kajukenbo to learn some standing locks, that are similar to jujutsu.
  8. I hopt soon enough mixed martial arts competitions will become, mainstream like, boxing so people don't think we're animals.
  9. ok good point but , would you like me to state, present day results, these ma's have learned their lessons and do not compete anymore in the ufc or pride etc.... thats a pretty big rule, no going to the ground, the gracies may have set up the organisation but they don't own it and they themselves didn't set up the rules. get your facts straight.
  10. ok but im not trying to defend the other styles, if you want to thats your perogative, there were maybe 3 or 4 wins by shootfighters. poor excuses ....... although I must agree with kensai it is man against man.
  11. yes but what about the bjj'ers friends , what about them, I can't think of anyone that goes clubbing alone. I myslef am a bjj'er and through my own experiences, would have to say that about 75 to 80% of fights go to the ground. no way 99% thats just stupid.
  12. Here are some significant match results, you decide which one is better. PLEASE KEEP THIS TOPIC CALM. (I will do my best also). bjj has proven itself time and time again, what are all off your opinions? pride 24, nogueira beats dan henderson (wrestling+boxing) pride 1 rickson gracie beats nobuhiko takada( shoot) pride-2, royler gracie beats yuuhi sano (judo) pride-2 renzo gracie beats sanae kikuta (judo) ufc #? vitor belfort beats joe charles ( judo) efc 3, ralph gracie beats ali mihoubi (kempo karate) efc 1 ralph gracie beats makoto muraoka (shidokan karate) ufc 4, royce gracie beats dan severn (wrestling) ufc 4 royce gracie beats keith hackney (kempo karate) ufc 4, royce gracie beats ron van clief (karate) ufc 2 royce gracie beats pat smith (kickboxing and boxing) ufc2 royce gracie beats remco pardonel (judo) ufc2, royce gracie beats jason delucia (kung fu) ufc 2 royce gracie beats ichihara (daijojuku karate) ibira puera 1951 helio gracie beats kato (judo) These are only a few examples of matches that have gone on, and bjj has shown its superiority. Please do not state that they were competitions and that the karateka would of bitten+scratched etc.... any thoughts + opinions, keep it civil guys.
  13. ACTUALLY, in pride your allowed to kick with the shoes on, but in ufc you not allowed to kick with the shoes.
  14. Looks pretty good to me. But the difference with this guy, bill wolfe and scars is that bill wolfe is decorated in various martial arts. where as scars. are just a few ex-navy seals who have created their own system. I personally would put my well being in scars training. but, defendo seems, appealing for some reason.
  15. no its looks like a ," cobra choke" or a "lion choke" go to https://www.bjj.org go to the techniques section, and you will find it there.
  16. your a being so ignorant, severn is a good fighter but he got beater by royce ok. helio was like 150 pounds and kimura was like, at least 200, this was a no holds barred match that lasted , 2 hours and 45 minutes, thats the difference. common, use your logic. and judo has beaten bjj. bjj has beaten judo. karate has beaten judo. bjj has beaten karate whats your point. I would like to see you fight for 165 minutes, of no-holds barred. and kimura said that if helio lasted more than 3 minutes, he should be considered the winner. so i guess he won. don't be a fool stay in school
  17. oh ok, that creed guy would of kicked freds....... UNLESS OF COURSE TITO TRAINED HIM LOL!!!!!!
  18. Please do not insult each other, as you can see, johhny's signature, You should respect his opinion and stop trying to find flaws in it. As for the match your sensai set up. Did you ever think that shooting in from six feet away, is something a well trained, jj artist would do? props to your instructor but nowadays, its not their style representing the practitioner. Its the practioner who has to represent his style, to the best of his abilities. In a fight its man, against man. Not everyone your gonna fight is gonna have martial arts experience+big size etc.... You have to acknowledge the weaknesses of your art and work on them, and so do I. So why is this thread turning into, bjj v.s.tkd.
  19. I would have to say the rear-naked choke can be applied rather quickly and its very difficult to excape. Even when on the street. when you notice the guy is not resisting anymore, let go and run, because you don't want to cause any permanent damage.
  20. I think one problem that occurs in the martial arts is this, ex: when I studied ninjutsu, we learned how to defend against ninjutsu. not how a real opponent would attack us. we learned how a ninja would attack us and how to defend. I feel the need for full contact training. ( with parental consent) I was bosing with adults at the age of 15. It doesn't matter is you are a bb, but if you are afraid to fight for fear of getting hurt than your bb might just be there to hold up your pants.
  21. yes but it was a match that lasted, 2 hours and 45 minutes. kimura, beat helio, with a "kimura" shoulder lock. helio was like 150lbs and kimura was like 200lbs. after the fight, Kimura was so impressed with Helio that he invited him to come train with him in japan.
  22. still not clear, now i remember ufc 32, fred gets in the ring puts on clothes etc... but what happened with creed???? and why is fred in the ring????? hmmmmmmmm very weird
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