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Everything posted by Tombstone

  1. It'll go away. My legs use to shake when I started using a CrossTrainer (think thats what it was called) for easy warm ups. Actually your lucky, you can move your hands around and such and people will never notice. What was I suppose to do? Dance?
  2. Odd introduction Welcome. And sparring is important
  3. I drive too fast too worry about it. But I guess I have to worry about wiper fluid now
  4. If you can make it through JuJitsu then you can make it through boxing. But I'm not a doctor.
  5. I can't believe that I actually laughed at that
  6. They sell instructional videos in that magazine. Coincidence?
  7. Geez I completely forgot about it I'll head over to Tito's site and see what gets said
  8. It's hard to tell from your post but it sounds like your getting some definition.
  9. Thats some freaky stuff. Set your AIM setup to where only people on your buddy list can IM you.
  10. I'd take Kendo I've heard that its hard but the sparring with the bamboo swords would be worth it. I wish there was Kendo where I live Not sure about iado. Fencing is pretty popular. I think its where the two people wear white and use the Zoro looking swords. And the one that would win the fight would be the one that actually carries a sword around
  11. I'm in Tennessee and the hurricane got rid of all this hot weather
  12. Close to Nashville? http://www.wardog.us/
  13. Can't view profiles, or maybe its just me
  14. He probably clicked the wrong link and was meaning to be in the introduction forum. As for the new album, it should be a popular one.
  15. You are worth exactly: $1,120,330.00.
  16. There's money in it but usually very little.
  17. I didn't know that there was a part 2 or 3 Awesome movie but who's the star in them now?
  18. Whats the problem? As long as your eating right and not sick all the time I don't see a problem. Nothing wrong with being skinny.
  19. I didn't know He-man was still around. That was around when the books came with records to listen too while you looked at the pictures
  20. Thats hilarious. And very creative.
  21. I remember not too long ago when the ads were always "learn to defend yourself and never fear again". Flipping through the yellow pages right now and what I basicly see is "great family fun, make friends, get in shape, and oh yeah we teach self defense sometimes too". I think alot of places need to get their ads redone. I've visited most of them and they weren't that bad. Some of these ads could have fooled me though.
  22. Bad link. This one should work for you. http://guru.theotaku.com/inuyashavillain/villain.shtml
  23. Welcome and nice job with all those black belts.
  24. Pure "strikers" and "grapplers" are rare. And for a reason. And "what ifs" don't really mean anything to me. What if he has seven angry friends? What if he doesn't? Strikers playing the grapplers game are in trouble. Grapplers playing the strikers game are in trouble. Most grapplers bring their opponent into their game. Just a thought.
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