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Everything posted by quinteros1963

  1. I love my new gi. It's so nice I don't want to wear it. The pants actually reach my ankles! The little things in life my me happy.
  2. Well said!!! I agree. There is no quick fix.
  3. Still, I'm wondering. The link showed me two things about what I saw. One: Anyone in that organization can pass any said test. Two: If fees are paid, that makes it [passing said test] so. Who can respect that type of tradition? I can't!! I'm not sure but I think the idea of the gathering was to have a multistylistic seminar where ideas could be exchanged and of course rank issued by a board of high ranked martial artists. Professor Lee is an accomplished practitioner and author. I have come across him at various tournaments in Houston. It seems that you are right in that you show up with a check and you pass. This is not traditional though, he is associated more with sport karate (there is a huge difference). I'm no Sensei but I saw poor balance in some of the kata that is not indicative of brown or black belt, let alone higher level dans. Who am I, but a lil shodan.
  4. He is as the rank was given to him. Possession is 9/10 of the law. But why would one want rank outside of his org. It's been my experience that it won't be recognized by the original org. I would say when is teacher died that there should be something in the by laws that granted his next ranks based on time. IMHO the move to ninth dan was too soon. I've often wondered what happens in cases like this. My original instructor was 8th Dan as awarded by his instructor and has been awarded 9th by Aaron Banks. I think he only claims the rank of 8 degree because it was awarded by his teacher. On another note I was awarded my black belt from a previous instructor but never wore it at my current dojo out of respect. Knowing how that felt. I'm sure I would stay accept the honors from the other orcs, but keep the rank awarded by my instructor. Unless I became a member of the new org.
  5. Complete a boxing/mma type training camp. Training 5 days per week for about Six weeks to get into tip top shape. I want to know first hand what it feels like. Also I want to have the physique of a fighter if only for a few weeks. Then I can photoshop my self into a stare-down with Bendo or Aldo
  6. Be careful! If things don't work out it will be ackward after breaking up. You definitely don't want to date multiples in the same club as you will get an unwanted reputation.
  7. These things happen in sports. Granted the visual was gruesome, but think of the broken arms and legs, torn ACL's basketball and football. Its a part of the game. Kevin Ware had a similar break last year in the NCAA tournament and I think he is expected to play this year. Fans are not going to stop watching, the UFC will be just fine.
  8. I'll pm my ID. I'm in let me know when.
  9. Four mile run. Weight training. I'm going to lower my body fat to 10%.
  10. All of mine are tucked away on a shelf with the exception of my nikyu from about 3 years ago. I think this was the point that I stopped worrying about rank. Which is why I didn't display higher ranks.
  11. Thanks. Now I no longer need to worry about grading for a while and just continue to train.
  12. My experience and rank relative to many of you is limited at best. In the years that I have trained most of the guys that I have met with high rank were older. For example, 57 year-old 7th dan with 42 years of training; 53 year-old 5th dan with 35 years of training. 60 year-old 6th dan with 50 year training. The younger guys(20-somethings),while very good, were usually 1st and 2nd Dan. I could go on, but I mention this to say that from what I have experienced and been told is that master titles are reserved for older more experienced martial artists. Now that I am meeting masters at age 27 it is at odds with what I have experienced. Learning something contrary to what one takes a truth can at times be uncomfortable. Since posting I found that this particular gentleman started training at age 3.
  13. I think this could be a part of the issue if anyone can achieve 1st dan in such a short time and young age. I know a young man that is a black belt after 3 years of training and only 8 years on this earth. So what will this say about his 2nd, and 3rd degree promotion and so on? At some point he will be another young master. I agree that the proof is on the floor, but at what point is the line drawn. Can an 8 year old defend himself if attacked by a untrained 11 year old? Can he demonstrate kata or basics at the proper level? If so great, if not start a junior ranking system. Of course this varies from one org to another. I'll respect it either way. Just asking for your valued opinions.
  14. Shotokan 8 as follows: Taikiko 1 Heian/Pinan 1-5 Tekki 1 Bassai Dai Goju Ryu 6 Sanchin Gekisai Dai 1-2 Saifa Seiunchin Seipai
  15. Thanks for your insight, I appreciate all of you!
  16. I chose both styles based on location and have been blessed to find great instructors both times. First, my son wanted to be a Power Ranger so we took him to the local YMCA where we learned Goju/ Shoryn Ryu. Then after moving to Texas I started Shotokan after looking for a Goju school to no avail. My son didn't like it and quit, but I'm still at it. Teaching as an assistant now and loving it. I would love if we did more Bunkai, grappling and partner drills.
  17. Friday 20 minute jog followed by stretching. 40 minutes of various weight lifting (upper and lower body).
  18. Why are we so quick to attain high ranks? Do you think its feasible for someone who starts at 4 to become a black belt and move up to 2-3rd dan and higher prior to age 18? Now I know of some young men who started young and are very good, but they don't carry master rank. On another note I have read that many of the founders of Arts received titles at young ages as well.
  19. Who will leave with belts?
  20. I watched it yesterday. It was ok, but I would place it on my wait to see in DVD list.
  21. A loooong time!
  22. Many have said that an instructor knows if you are going to pass prior to grading. If this is the case, why does it matter if there are so many people grading?
  23. Merry Christmas
  24. At the elementary school we use: white Gold Yellow/Orange (half rank) Orange Green Blue Purple Brown 1,2,3 Black The highest student I have is orange belt. The club where I train is the same but there are half ranks used for young children (for motivational purposes).
  25. Cotton black but I may get a silk one.
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