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Everything posted by quinteros1963

  1. Seiunchin and Kanku Dai.
  2. Aaron Pryor and Thomas Hearn(80's), Roy Jones Jr.(90's) Diego Corrales-RIP (2000's). I can't choose just one.
  3. I've been invited to a class after the break so I will give it a go. I'll share the results.
  4. I would love to join a kick boxer in a few rounds of sparring to show what my traditional karate is all about. Let the floor be the judge.
  5. Les Mills Bodypump followed by one hour of karate basics.
  6. I went with a Meijin Pro 12 ounce. It saved me 100.00 vs the Hirota and came with free embroidery. I won't use it for everyday training, so it should last for years.
  7. What is your opinion on what I call youthful masters? I have met and read about gentlemen well under the age of 30 ranked 5th dan (26-27). Another was awarded 10th dan by his mid 30's. Is this really possible? I thought you had to be older than that to attain master level in most organizations. Your thoughts?
  8. I started reading Okinawa Karate:A History of Styles and Masters. Its a good reference of past fathers of karate. Have any of you read it? There are some interesting thought on the traditional methods of training.
  9. None of my accomplishments ever meet my expectations. Not my high school, college, or graduate school graduations. Not the awards I earned in sports or professionally. I can say I am glad to have done the things I have, but no big deal.
  10. I started Karate as a boy, Boxed for a number of years, moved to Goju (a hybrid version)many years later, moved to Texas and started Shotokan. As time past it just happened. Why would I want to unlearn what my path as chosen for me? It seems to me that my path is like the days of old; train with whoever you can, learn what you can, but keep an open mind karate is karate.
  11. I know Its set up as a student club with me as advisor. I don't profit from it at all. But I enjoy teaching and sharing my love for the arts!
  12. I picked-up my shodan in Shotokan. I made it thru while battling the flu! I can finally retire that dirty belt. So now my Okinawan Karate journey continues; Goju and Shotokan I just call it Karate-Do!!!
  13. 1. Stay healthy 2. Stay consistent 3. Compete in some(win a few) tournaments
  14. I always go a size larger and shrink my gi on purpose, I'm tall and thin 183cm 80kg so a 6 usually fits great after a hot wash and a dry cycle..
  15. I had an opportunity to see HKR students in action this weekend. They did well in the tournament, placing in many divisions. Like most schools some students were better than others. In all I have nothing negative to say about the style as it combines my favorite styles.
  16. I started a club back in 2012 at a local elementary school(where I am employed). It's going well so far. My instructor held a tournament this weekend which Three of my students competed. I was nervous as I'm a student myself and my students were competing with my training partners ( I attend and help teach some of the junior students). They did great!!! Two first place finishes in kumite and second place in kata. Each student placed in the top three in an event. It was a great day, I feel like a proud father. I can't wait to show off their awards on Monday.
  17. I wish you well. Consider yourself a fourth dan.
  18. Welcome I like to jog and lift weights to supplement my training as well as yoga from time to time.
  19. JBB is a good designation for youth under 16. Once a student reaches 16 he should be allowed to test for a black belt. What if the kid has earned a Jr. 2nd or 3rd dan? Should that translate to the same rank as an adult? Just my opinion.
  20. Inner peace.
  21. I think its a must. It was always a part at my old club, not so much now. I make it a point to test myself physically during my training with weights and running.
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