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Everything posted by tallgeese

  1. 4/8 2 mile run back/bis abs 10 min of hip drills to cool down
  2. 4/7 BJJ nite: Drilled kimura from side mount. Taking back fromkimura counter. Moved on to side mount escape. 6, 2 min rounds side mount v. escape. Eyes closed. 45 min free roll.
  3. Correct, chambering in karate was never intended as part of a striking element or training method for anything. It was part of the tuite set of movements for destroying joints. All original movements of the like we part of this line of study. Most of which has been lost to time save a few lines still operating out of that sphere. Oyata's Kempo group is one, I don't recall the exact name now. But the chamber is probably one of the most misunderstood factors of karate.
  4. 4-6 Return to the land of reality after a week and a half of diving and snorkeling in Cozumel. Aside from getting in and out of gear, about the only activity I conducted during this time was frequent walks to the buffet line and signaling for another pooliside drink. Ok, so making weight in a couple of weeks might be tough. Ah well, middle weight it is for this one. Back to work on the 7th.
  5. Yeah, it bugs me. I don't mind discussion of the tactic being drilled, but useless banter annoys me. I also dislike the loss of repetition that it creates. There are a limited amount of training hours available for me in a week. That means a very limited amount of reps to improve. I can't waste ANY if I want to progress at the rate i want. Talking during rep time is a major impediament to that.
  6. I've seen the product, as well as others out of that camp, and I can say that they are very well done materials. Each movement is broken down into componant steps that are really precise and accurate. I think as supplimental material it's some of the best stuff out there. As always, it's better to have live instruction. However, from people with no real BJJ instruction nearby, they aren't a bad investment. My major issue is ranking via video. However, it's their system, they can do what they want. They've really gone along way to get to the heart of the self defense and artistic side of things. If you poke around their website, you'll see they don't even start focusing on competition tactics till purple or so. It's a good marketing niche for them. I'll always say find a school or coach. But, the videos are well made and will keep you away from the junk that you can run across on you tube rather easily.
  7. As always, getting tighter position. Espicially from top. Less space. Also, I'm working on hitting every step for every movement. Getting the fundimentals tighter and tighter. On the technique front, which is less important than the first item on the list to my mind, I'm spending time in half guard and deep half. As a last priority, I'm keeping up on my notebook and getting it transferred to word documents. It's great review.
  8. Botttom line, don't play her game. You know what it is going in. Do not play at distance, do not look for her strategy, do not feel her out. Crash the distance gap. No dancing, just get in. Foul whatever come in and lock up. If you fail at first, continue this assult until you get ahold of her. Pummel for grips and takedown instantly. Press this offensive until it works. Don't over think the thing. Crash and grapple. Use the advantage you have that she does not. Bring it to the ground and own the contest.
  9. 3/26 1.5 miles abs chest/ tris
  10. 3/24 BJJ nite: Drilled passing open guard to armbar. MOved into sweep from open guard. 6, 2 min rounds of open guard v. pass 45 min free roll
  11. GS, it's definatly not you, and everyone is right, people come in and drop out of the arts at record paces. Everyone wants to do ma's until they realize how much work it is, or that they can't go Jason Bourne on everyone they meet. Everyone wants the black belt until they figure out it takes years to earn. It gets worsre when people start talking about competition. Everyone really wants to compete until they figure out they might lose. This is very common when people have too much ego involved in their performance. Very common as well. Or, they figure out how much a training camp sucks. Also common. Just keep the doors open and do what you do. Eventrually you'll end up with a core group willing to train and be honest about their goals and skills.
  12. 3/23 Nice! He's already using cover and concielment. Fantastic start! Drilled over side control and chokes from there. 90 min free roll.
  13. I vastly prefer rear leg kicking due to the power and thus kinetic energy transfer. That's not to say I won' t throw a front leg kick, but for my preference, I'd say rear leg.
  14. Ah, Brocktober fest... LP, did you make it up here for the Brocktober bash at my place? I honestly don't remember. Of course, I had watch the fights the next day to get the gist of the last couple Seriously, though, I agree. If he beats Rashad, and then proceeds to make easy work of the contenders in the division a made up weight class bout between he and Silva would be in order. And probibly much more entertaining than Silva v. GSP.
  15. 3/22 conditioning Drilled standing guard break to pass to side. Worked on getting the side tighter. 30 min free roll
  16. It's never too late to get rolling. Listen to your body, take care of it and go slow. Enjoy getting into it and keep us posted.
  17. It was an excellent performance. Like all his fights. Seems like a pretty classy guy. I hope he continues to do well. However, let's let him defend the title a bit. See if he can stay healthy, see how he handles the pressure of being champ, ect. before we usher him into the hall of fame. He's young and we have yet to see how consistant he'll stay. My guess is he will do very well. However, having seen some phenoms come and go, I want to hold off a bit before jumping full on into the bandwagon.
  18. I was teaching at brown in my initial system. Granted, not at my own facility, but still pretty much ran classes. Additinally, I ran an on campus club for our style. If you've got quality stuff, and people will train with you, have at it. For me, personally, I wasn't interested in ranking people so it wasn't an issue. And while teaching for someone else any rank was officially sanctioned thru them. If you start people now, what's the chances they'll have any elevated rank options before you get your own promotion to black. Probibly minimal. If your instructor, or organization if your part of such, will clear you to rank out the lower belts then you have even less of a problem. Running your own school at brown is much more common in the BJJ world than oriental arts and is hardly considered odd at all in most communities. My own BJJ coach was still a brown when I started training with him.
  19. 3/21 BJJ nite: Drilled arm bar, arm bar escape. Then to arm bar switch and triangle from arm bar coutner. 6, 2 min rolls mount v. bottom 45 min free roll
  20. 3/20 light conditioning for warm up, heavy on hiping out abs back/bis GS, it sounds like LP is up for the NAGA trip up this way. Keep working on the signifigant other.
  21. I get the sentiment. I really do. And it it's your own personal properity from your home, have at it. It your stuff, your life, and your wife has no one to sue if you get killed. However, if you're at work and some dude runs off with merchandise really, why chase him? It's not your stuff, it's not from someone in real need, and there are policies PROHIBITING you from doing so. That's because if someone gets killed chasing a bad guy, guess what, thier wife can and will sue the store. Now they have to settle or fight it at cost thru the courts. No one wins. Not to mention, cops don't really chase guys that often. It's too easy to get ambushed. The bad guy can run wherever he wants without worry, a cop has to slow up, check his corners, watch the enviornment, beconcerned with reacting vs. acting, ect. There's more to it than one would think. If it's done smart. Think about it past the level of emotion of wanting to get the bad guy: Was the checker thinking of any of the above things? I doubt it. Even if, by some stroke of sheer luck he was, what recorse did he have if bad guy turns around with a knife? Was the employee armed? Doubtfutful. Did he have back up in the way of other employees running to help him? Probabily not; not if they were smart. How about communication with the store to keep track of where he was and if he were in trouble? Really doubt it. See, there is a recipie for really bad things to happen here. I get the idea, no one likes bad guys to get away. But the potential cost isn't worth the point. Now as to the firing, that stinks and might be on the harsh side, but if no message is sent then you basically say it's okay for your employees to put themselvess at risk (not in their description), and put heavy liability on the store. The management can't put their stamp of approval on that. Now, if you're a cop and it's in your job description to do dangereous things from time to time, then you'd best do it. There are mechanisims in place to deal with the action and the potential consequence. So bottom line, I get the sentiment, but practicality it's not so out of line for the store.
  22. 3/19 1.5 mile run- outside FINALLY! chest/ tris back in the rotation. My shoulder had gotten better, then worse due a bad fall rolling, now it's back to okay agian. abs conditioning- heavy on shrimping work
  23. 3/17 BJJ nite: Drilled mount escapes from mid postion and with your partner postured back. Moved on to drilling armbar from mount. 6, 2 min rounds from mount v. mounted. 45 min free roll. My inverted guard continues to come along a little bit at a time.
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