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Everything posted by tallgeese

  1. 6/14 am: 25 min of yoga pre work pm: 2.5 mile run
  2. Welcome to KF!
  3. 6/13 Drilled clinch work, pummel to double under body lock. Arm drag to back. Alternate side mount posture to D arce. Followed by front rear naked from same escape from above posture. 30 min free roll.
  4. 6/12 2 mile run shoulder press neck work weighted pull ups deadlifts abs
  5. 6/11 Drilled side mount control to scarf transition. Then side to mount. Worked thru hip bump sweep, kimura, choke series. 30 min free roll
  6. The easy question first. The cost of a BJJ school, out of a good lineage with a black belt instructor will probably run around 100-130 per month. If you're look at a school with a major player in the community teaching there as his primary school, it might be more. Next up, it is true that you're average time to black belt with no previous experience of any kind on the ground will be 8-10 years. As to the competitive nature of BJJ, yes it is common. However, it's not uncommon to find laid back schools that are mainly about flow and technique and art. Now, add the entire gambit between those two. Even and competition oriented schools you'll find a premium placed on flow rather than power and speed. As to lineage, it's important in the BJJ community. It's important to be able to verify rank in BJJ and people who are up front about where their rank comes from are usually on the up and up.
  7. Welcome to KF!
  8. MP, position is still everything. Just now you get to use grips and such to aid in them. You'll find it slows things down a bit, so you'll spend more time focusing on technique and precision. It will help your game.
  9. Keep veggies around, try to shop more frequently for smaller portions so you can use them fresh. One, they will taste better. Two, they will have much more nutritional value. Lastly, they will be more versatile. Get used to making salads. Sometimes stuff outside the box of traditional ones. Toss some cucumbers, avocado, and tomatoes together and dress them LIGHTLY with an Italian or vinaigrette. Or use asperiges and spinach as a base perhaps. Hit it with walnuts or other crunch item. Again, build a dressing or lightly dress with something creamy. Get creative and check out some recipes for this sort of thing on line. Also, get used to using them in sandwiches. So if you have spinach left over from the above salad, the next day make a spinach based sandwich. I found a recipe that uses avocado (see the first recipe) with spinach and almond butter. This way, you could shop for about three days and have some pretty good courses. Add a bit of protein around the salads and you've got fresh, good food, pretty easy. Simple pan searing on chicken or fish is easy and google up some spicing combos for each. It will take you minimal time (8-10 min usually) to do this for lean, good nutrients. Spices are relatively cheap and can make the difference in eating the same thing over and over again vs. being excited to eat similar foods that taste different each night. Also consider using protein supplements if you're really working out a lot. Personally, I try to take in a bulk of protein thru food. But if you feel your recovery is a bit lacking a scoop after workouts can help. Let us know how things work out.
  10. 6/9 abs bench neck work curls squats pull ups
  11. That. Is. Priceless. Sorry I got GS all fired up about gi training last week
  12. 6/8 BJJ nite: Drilled side to knee in. Baseball bat choke once there, followed by d' Arce. Fininshed with a D Arce counter to someone passing guard or loose side situation from bottom. 20 min free roll. Major work on transitions, sub series, and when to relax v. tense
  13. 6/7 2 mile run shoulder press neck work pull ups curls squat abs
  14. Hello, and welcome aoard KF!
  15. 6/6 BJJ nite: Drilled side mount to mount transition. Moved to knee in posture and cutter choke. Also worked a no arm D Arce off a coutner to the knee in. Followed by counter to the cutter and armbar. 45 min free roll.
  16. 6/5 bench deadlift weighted pull ups neck work abs I should really run to burn off some alcohol calories from last night. However, the sofa is calling now. maybe some yoga later. Maybe.
  17. 6/4 am: Drilled omo plata drills for 20 or so. Free roll for 40 pm: mma focus sparring. 60 min free roll pm pm: excessive drinks with GS and friends.
  18. 6/3 Rolled for 2.5 hours or so with Groinstrike and a couple of old friends. Great time was had by all. Started with takedown work and went on free roll. Rounds of gi and no-gi. Finished with more takedowns.
  19. 6/2 BJJ Nite: Drilled flower sweep to mount, then worked mount escapes. Fininshed with drilling omo plata. 6, 2 min rounds mount vs. escape 30 min free roll
  20. 5/31 Drilled takedowns for 30. Rounds of working to takedowns from open guard for 10 min round 20 min free roll. Weights: Pull ups Shoulder Press curls squats neck work
  21. The only other think I noted with the web site was that they primarily seem to be speaking of Japanese jiu jitsu when they talk about their jiu jitsu. That's fine, as long as you understand it's primarily a standing joint manipulation system. It's not what most people think of when they think of "mma" kind of training. I do notice that they offer some BJJ classes. Great, much more in line with the mma concept. Here's the thing, I don't see any instructors listed for this program. That might, I emphasis might, be a red flag. There are a lot of grappling programs out there, often associated with local mma schools, that are wrestling or shoot based. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I have a major problem if they are doing submission grappling from other sources and calling it BJJ. Of course, it might be a moot point. But it doesn't hurt to inquire about who will be teach the BJJ and what their background is.
  22. I concur with both of the above posters. You'll need to check it out and see if it meets your needs and if you like the vibe of the training there. However, if progress in skill is your goal, regardless of your chosen art consistancy is your friend. A four week block followed by eight off is a lot of two steps forward one back kind of learning. By the time you have sufficiently reviewed your last block of material to start making gains again you'll only have maybe half of the period or less to move forward. Tough to build a foundation in that way. I'd rather see smaller bits of each art taught regularly with no major time away from any. keep in mind that even this set up will mean that you progress less quickly in each than you would if you were only training in one. Maybe that's fine for you, each has their own goal for the arts. But just take that into consideration. Good luck, keep us posted, and welcome to KF.
  23. GS, if you can picture a basic guard with your partner having one hand gripping lapels at center and the o ther controling the hip (yeah, we really need to start posting vids like MP), we can start there. Now from here, your same side hand grips his sleeve that is on your centerline. 4 finger curling grip (like a monkey paw). Roll the knuckes into the arm a bit. The other arm grips his pants at the knee area (same side). Set up over the striaght arm (you'll use a bit of an angle). This creates movement back towards him at a slight angle. This is kind of the point of it, generating potential energy by getting him to counter you. Alternatley, it can get up up and postured on him for other things. In this particular drill, the partner now pushes back into you. After all, he probibly thinks your looking ffor some form of hip bump sweep. As he pushes you back down, you're going to use the momentum (hence the slingshot i guess) to initiate a flower sweep variant. Your leg on the centerline arm side will cut under. The leg on the other side will swing in the direction of hte push and force the upper body to go with it. And you'll lift with the pant grip. there are lots of tiny particulars of the sweep from here that are too diffficult to set out via text. But you'll get the idea. Maybe. I am a bit of hack at the keyboard. Hope that at least gives you a rough visual of what I'm talking about. You've probibly seen it with a different name or such, plenty of that goes on.
  24. 5/30 BJJ nite: Drilled slingshot guard to flower sweep. Follwoed by collar choke, counter and arm bar counter to that. Last, we drilled rolling omo plata from takedown effort on knees. 45 min free roll.
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