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Everything posted by tallgeese

  1. 3/2 Drilled standing guard pass and De La Riva coutner again. 45 min free roll Now I will promply wreck all the work I did by cooking a german dish and having the mandantory beers with it. Yeah.
  2. 3/1 Drilled over standing guard break, then counter to that via De La Riva. Moved into pendulem sweeps. 6, 3 min rounds of standing guard pass v. counter 30 min free roll.
  3. It really was. 2/28 BJJ night: Drilled over omo plata, then defend via roll. Moved into arm bar off roll. Lastly, transitioned from omo to back. 6, 2 min rounds of goes from the omo position. Submit or transition v. escape. 45 min free roll. Lots of time playing inverted tonight.
  4. Per the definition, it would seem to be by appointment via the current individual heading the system in the founders line.
  5. My version of this occured when I jumped from MMA based training to pure BJJ. I had been grappling for years as part of my training and even done a couple of NAGA's and such with no-gi. I figured that, once I decided to start BJJ, how different could it be. Turns out, alot. I equate the difference in grappling for MMA, at least at the level I was at, and pure BJJ to gross motor function and finite skill. I had been used to large scale motion, where a lack of tightness or finess could be made up for with striking or strength or speed. Once starting a pure BJJ program, I became aware of the whole foundation of the art, the angles, the little details that really make it a unique art. It was a really revealing thing. Slowing down my training speeds, and increasing my IQ, (a direct theft of my coaches words) made a huge difference and really made my game explode. So yes, I have had moments where I've felt like I've been doing things wrong for years.
  6. Me too, ps1, but it doesn't quite fit his parameters. First up, welcome aboard, K! As to what you're looking for- kicks, punches, weapons work... you could look to see what Okinawan arts are in your area. Most traditional arts will do at least the basic weapons of that lineage. I have no, and I mean zero experience with Ninijitsu, maybe worth looking into as well although I think authenticity will be an issue. For my money, for what you've listed as options, and if you are interested in more modern application, Krav would be a good choice. You'll spend time with knives, guns, and club. Plus, if you find a good school, you'll have some good unarmed training to go with it. Again, really do some digging into the background of any Krav school you find. There are awesome ones out there. And there are not so awesome ones. Good luck and keep us posted on your search.
  7. 2/26 IBJJF Winter Open 5 matches, some went the distance. Took 3rd in my division. 1st in the absolute. Really, really good day. Great competitiors. 2/27 Rest day, and boy am I feeling the matches from yesterday.
  8. 2/25 2.5 mile walk light stretch easy sweat before the tourney tomorrow.
  9. 2/24 BJJ: Drilled spider guard, to omo, transition to back. 8, 2 min rounds of spider v. pass 45 min free roll.
  10. Personally, the best options, as has been mentioned, is to stay away. The only thing that could make me go out, other than I'm sure I'd be at work already, would be one of the "what if's" mentioned earlier: get a family member, ect. In that case, the car actually is a pretty good option. You'll need a method to transport, and it's a multi-ton bullet if need be. Plus, unless you enter a restricted area, no one will question you at all for having one. The other up side of your mobile death missile is that it also doubles as a giant weapons locker. So, not only do you have whatever you can hide on your person (bare minimum is a full sized automatic, full reloads, small flashlight, a knife or two, and for the aforementioned disaster scenario a back up gun) but also what ever your car can hold. Now we are into the realm of full on rolling armory. AR platform with LOTS of mags, spare loose ammo. More handgun mags, plus loose ammo for those as well. Giant mulit-cell mag light can get crammed into the seat as well. I'd pack spare gas, some food, and water as well. Communication gear, and spare with this as well. So there you have it. My personal, "wow this sucks" personal gear, the car I'd also consider a tool and that which I would stock it with. Now, I'm barricading my house and ordering more ammo
  11. 2/23 legs/ shoulders Drilled combos up top. Worked into a couple of takedowns off clinch. 30 min free spar.
  12. 2/22 2 mile run chest/ tris abs conditioning. Today was the first return of the flat bench into the routine as my shoulder actually feels kind of normal. Light, very light return. I don't need it getting jack up again right before saturday. Also, if you grapple and haven't yet got ahold of Andre Galvano's "Drill to Win" I strongly urge you to rectify this. I've been working thru it and it's an excellent resource. Lot's of solo drills as well as partner drills. Definatly worth the slightly high price of admission. Probibly the most useful book i've gotten ahold of in quite awhile.
  13. 2/21 BJJ: Drilled guard recovery from Sat. Moved into rolling armbar, followed by defense/escape of said armbar. 6, 2 min rounds of arm bar v. escape/defend 45 min free roll
  14. Kindof, MP. More like during the pass. You can escape either once the lock or position is set, or while it's being applied, or best of all, before it's applied. It's a matter of reading the body movement to prevent anything being set. Not to say we don't practice any of the others, but training to anticipate and take preventative escapes is far more efficient. For this particlar recovery, we we working off of our guard being passed with the individual trying to take side. 12/20 1.5 mile run
  15. 2/19 BJJ: Drilled guard recovery. Worked arm bar off recovery. 60 min free roll.
  16. Not specifically, but just take your time and enjoy it. And, welcome to KF! Looking forward to hearing how your journy is going.
  17. 2/17 BJJ nite: Drilled triangle and omo out of guard with the set ups from Monday. Moved into two omo defenses. 6, 2 min rounds of closed guard v. pass 25 min free roll
  18. Welcome to KF!
  19. 2/16 2. 5 mile run. Almost good enough to get outside.
  20. I'm not enirely certain about that. You can feel about the way that the atheletes act all you want, but it's hard to argue that the skill and talent is far greater now than it's ever been. There is the occassional dud of a card, but by and large the ppv cards have been exciting with some exceptional skill showcased. Add some top champs like GSP and Silva that are someof the best fight athletes of our time and you've got an organization that is far more professional than ever before. Standardization of the rules, largely due to White and Zuffa has legitimized the sport. That's led to less brawlers and more skilled competitors that are well rounded in multipe diciplines. Not to shabby.
  21. 2/15 back/ bis conditioning 2 mile run
  22. 2/14 am: chest/tris abs conditioning, light pm: BJJ nite: Drilled over wild set up for triangle/omo, then omo defense 6, 2 min rounds of guard v. pass 10 min round of takedown work 2 5 min rounds of free roll
  23. 2/13 Drilled over high guard and top control today. Really focused on dropping the weight on cross side and knee in. 45 min free roll
  24. 2/12 BJJ day: Drilled over/ under passing of guard. 75 min free roll.
  25. 2/10 3 mile run. The last couple have been pretty hard competitive rolling in prep for this tourney, needed a day to just burn some calories and relax.
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