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Everything posted by Ironberg

  1. Wow... All I do is keyboard, piano and sequence beats, compose crud on my computer/synthesizers/crap. I used to be into saxophone back in the day, but that was back in Colorady. Care to explain how it's effected your martial arts life? Maybe breathing? I once had a way with 3D art (Milkshape, Wings3D, Rhino, bla bla), but I too, am horrible at manual art.
  2. Running... Heavy Bag kicking... Learn balance by one-legged stretches... Kick lower/faster and go from there... Stop practicing Tai Chi (just kidding, there)... Just my 2 cents.
  3. I don't know of a highschool that doesn't have a Health Ed program in it's curriculum. Does it help... heck no. I really have to blame parents and families -- not a government born system.
  4. Exactly! I myself am a tall player 6'4''. One disadvantage to being this tall is the fact that it's akward to contol limbs of this length and weight. The center of balance on us shifts more uncontrollably, and our speed is forced through commited follow-throughs or snaps. Our movement recovery is one of our bigger weakensses, simply because there is more of us to retract. The commitment, or telegraphing of our attacks can sometimes be seen through - big things are difficult to hide. For instance: I have been outsmarted by bulldog maneuvers... basically, when I'm caught off-guard, or my endurance has waned, the shorter guy will suddenly barge unexpectantly past a roundhouse kick and find himself in the middle-circle of attack. I can't kick as effectively at that range; the shorter guy has a clear head kick that I can only bounce back from. This has happened more than once.
  5. I believe the subject is games for the PC. One Must Fall... the oldschool game was great. I never got the chance to play One Must Fall: Battlegrounds, but it looks cool.
  6. So I suppose the stiff feeling I've experience is more of a muscular thing. Does make sense, even in the light of overextension from time to time.
  7. Ha! I tried a new acrobatic kick today too. Except I need to work on my landing... Yeeowwww!
  8. This thread is still alive... what a shock. When I was in highschool, I was training at my original martial arts gym. I was perfectly fine -- sure I was a social outcast at school, but I was happy breaking a sweat and training in my art. Then one day, she walked in. After the enchantment period, I managed to ignore her for the longest time. However, I became a friend of her younger brother, in a sense. Asides from that ackward scenario, I couldn't get past the fact that this beautiful creature was more appealing as a person, a martial artist, a female day by day. Though I asked her out, something happened. It was something between her parents and I (my head spins trying to recall); feelings suddenly got artillery-fire. To this day, I'll never forget her. She and I hardly spoke afterwards, and still felt tension between us. However, there were times that we still smiled to each other -- and she did the nicest thing before we never saw each other again: she made it a point to watch me test for probationary-black. In spite of the fact that nothing happened, she was the closest thing I've ever had to a girlfriend. Though I dated a couple times last summer some random co-worker, it was totally pathetic, and my feelings are lost and empty. As devoid a relationship it was, there hasn't been anyone like her. Bottom line -- I loath my past, and I despise the idea of meeting someone as a martial artist. If I ever meet a woman, it'll be as a man, not as a karateka/kickboxer/whatever.
  9. This was pathetic. Not really funny...
  10. Hey there!
  11. Basically what I was saying. Except that being as tall as I am forces more stress/weight/leverage on my joints with these exercises and I guess it bothers me from time to time. Maybe I am paranoid.
  12. Here ya'll go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLla9TZL0bY&search=Tae%20Kwon%20Do David and Goliath -- David is TKD.
  13. The last time I drifted off was when the lecture was during a stretching session. That gorgeous girl was next to me.
  14. If I had an afro, I'd be less afraid of backflips myself. The American's Funniest Home Video barrage was too much! I especially liked the sidekick to the board-holder's face... the takedown where you take the guy's pants off... and the kick that sent him THROUGH the wall.
  15. I enjoyed KK when I was younger. Now that I know better, I'm not crazy about the whole shlamock.
  16. LOL! I find myself feeling like a stranger around the US all the time. If parents would be reasonable, I believe a conciderable amount of obesity would be uprooted at the bud. I'm not saying children themselves are not to blame, but I love my parents for the healthy attitudes they instilled in me. And I love martial arts for completing that attitude. However, as a guy, I sometimes bout with aneorexia.
  17. Does music count?
  18. Sounds interesting. What's Mu Du Kwan?
  19. If you are looking for something that has high priority on the self-defense side, juijitsu, some forms of Karate, many grappling arts, Krav Maga, Vale Tudo, many kickboxing forms, all have my thumbs up. Cross-training is a sure way to increase self-confidence, and improve your overall arsenal.
  20. Reveal my strategy? That's totally against Paragraph 19 section 3 of the Rules of Engagement. Just kidding... how did the tournament go? Hey dude... I'm sure any Shotokon tournament would allow a swift elbow across the jaw. I'm sure a few knee strikes from a clinch as well. Why didn't I think of that before?
  21. 1st_degree_black, you seem to have alot of enthusiasm, but your sense of pride brings up some awfully ackward questions for a person of your training and spectrum of knowledge. It's all good, I suppose -- tell us why you love TKD so much, and maybe this'll help. Otherwise, if you think TKD is the greatest thing next to slice bread, and can even be a combative success (hint to a post currently moved into the Korean arts forums), then why are you stopping and considering other forms of martial arts?
  22. Cool! Kind of like knee-stamps, knee-twisted hook kicks, and cock-eyed sidekicks but in a more deceptive, low-kicking sense?
  23. Elbows, knee strikes, head butts... Heck, when I was first in TKD, these were taught. They weren't taught in a sparring sense, but they were taught. I'm not muay thai fighter in my kickboxing bouts, but still... Normally, I'd discourage headbutts since a slip-up can mean your own nose.
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