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Everything posted by NewEnglands_KyoSa

  1. i have two answers...one negative, one positive... 1)crapshoot(referring to the political crap and whatnot) and 2)incredible
  2. ok, we've all dreamed of what creating our on dojo would be like, or equiping a room in your house just for your MAs stuff but i can't be the only one who looks in the magazines and catalogs you get monthly and salivate over those things that you really want or could really use and can't get them because a) you don't got the cash or b) the prices are ridiculously unreasonable. so i want to know what weapon, uniform, accessory, or piece of gear is it that you covet. personally, i've been waiting to get a real nice demo sword which of course are going to be really expensive. i've also had a thing for wall scrolls and posters. but the first thing on my priority list is to get a belt rack, i have a million belts in my closet and i've always meant to display them. my reason for that is they are not usually cheap and some of them just look so damn cheesy...no i don't want dragons on mine, i don't need a plaque with my name on it...it seems dealers go by the mantra...'the gaudier the better!' but anyways...what's your must have???
  3. oh i forgot...i used to play the atari game system too...pac man anyone?
  4. i do not have any thing, but i've grown up all my life with little brothers they have and have had everything under the sun... they had gameboy colors psp's ps2's ps3's wii and when i was little i had nintendo 64 and sega genesis i think...haha oh how times have changed!
  5. Of course! We'd all be genuises and masters if the streets weren't the streets. It's as diverse and as dangerous as they come. You just never know.
  6. This is a generalization that could get one hurt or killed. Criminals aren't necessarily stupid. Most criminals probably have the same IQ as most people. There are some that are above the line, and that are below the line, but at any rate, they aren't all dumb. Career criminals usually have a pretty good idea of how to plan things out, and prepare contingencies in case authorities show up. They may not be book smart, but there are other forms of intelligence, and this can't be underestimated. Agreed. There's a good number of criminals who are actually very intelligent. Otherwise, there'd be no need for high security prisons, because if they weren't smart we wouldn't worry about them escaping and there also wouldn't be so many unsolved cases out there either. I think the correct generalization to make is most, not all, criminals are ill. There is something wrong in their mind to make them become criminals, but you could be the most ill criminal in the world and have an IQ well above that of your average human being. This usually applies to murders and things of the sort but can also range to other compulsive acts, etc.
  7. hey thanks for sharing. that's cool. i'd actually like to see that. if you here anymore on an airtime let us know!
  8. Just goes to show we're all human. That's amazing, especially at 61! A big congrats to your Sensei, 6th dan is a feat for anyone, never mind 61 and teaching full time. wow.
  9. Yes, that is IF you are keeping your surroundings in mind in a quick pressure, high stress situation. Many elements come into play. It all depends on what kind of choke you do, what size the person is, their tolerance, etc. Everyone's drop time is going to be different, and most likely not a heart beat. I'll have to check on it but i think the average choke time was between 8 and 12 seconds, again, not too sure on that i'll have to double check. I personally have been put in a real life, no mercy, choke hold before and in the process of getting out and destroying the guy i was strangulated for about six seconds and was fine. not droopy, didn't need to sit down. so bottom line of this, as it has always been...you just gotta be careful. nothing, absolutely nothing is proven.
  10. AHHH!!! FAMILY GUY!!! im such a little kid at heart...i LOVE family guy, i think its hysterical...while many others in my life thinks its not funny and rather disgusting. but thats it because i can't watch shows that i need to follow...i just don't have time, so family guy fills that gap for me.
  11. i certainly hope one would drop someone they were choking after they were out! its the time that the choke MAY or MAY NOT take is the risk. backing away is one idea but a basic concept for any karate-ka is to not back up, so for me, that wouldnt be an option, UNLESS i was entirely sure of what was behind me and i wasn't moving into a smaller area for the however many people there are to pummel me. i wish 'putting out' was as easy as chuck norris makes it seem...but we can only dream.
  12. no, its not the same because depending upon the person 8 hours of straight sleep yields about 5-6 hours of REM which is your deepest sleep and is necessary. with a 3 hour nap you may only get an hour to none and then a five hour may only get you 2-3 hours. no its not the same, and it will end up being a detriment to your health. i have suffered from sleep deprivation and its no wonder why its been used as torture. im a very strong independant person but i will be the first to admit i NEED sleep.
  13. i have never worn socks with my shoes, so i can only speak from a sockless point of view. i have no problem using no socks and i dont think i know anyone that does wear socks, but i dont think its uncommon. i think its whatevers comfortable for you. i'd see how they fit when you get them too, that might also help you determine the answer to that question. ps-great choice going with karate depot, you can never fail with them. i've used them for years!
  14. i usually dont carry too much ON me because usually everywhere i go im with my car, so my poor car houses all my useless crap. but on me is my cell phone and wallet. and usually some chapstick...i dont know why, its just become a habit.
  15. hahaha, can't figure that one out either...
  16. New martial arts movie out on the big screen...anybody see or hear anything about it? or have watched it and have something to say? im deciding whether its theater material or rental material...
  17. no, i cant do it either, there's something about a computer screen thats just so distracting. it's probably because i can do anything i want on it and it reminds me of work
  18. For sparring in class it is very casual and we wear no gear. No contact for under Black and light(stressed) contact for above black. one's supposed to bow in recognition after recieving a clearly well placed hit . we usually go for like two minute rounds and switch partners about 6-8 times. kicks above the waist, no open hands for under blacks, no spinning back fists for anyone. thats pretty much it though. in class, the rules are pretty much implied, but keep in mind this is the 'adult' class, so everyone here is supposed to be mature in age or high in rank.
  19. yes i've dealt with it before i was at a tourney sponsored by a uechi ryu master and i was in a fight with another girl and she was of uechi ryu style and i was of tang soo do style. now it is common knowledge that uechi isnt known for its point sparring or high kicks while tang soo do is, so i was automatically put at an advantage. well its safe to say that all 5 judges were from that uechi ryu organization and they all watched me literally kick the girl in the stomach and face and managed to call a point her way. and then they made up some magical rule as to why they gave her a point for hitting me WHILE i was out of bounds. tell me how that works? i clearly won the fight, she legititmately had ONE point and the rest were made up. it was rediculous and i was furious. but thats politics at its best right there. don't worry about it, just do what you can, i took my piece of crap trophie and i never came back to that tournament ever again, and i do not intend on sending my students there either. welcome to the world of martial arts...it wreaks of politics...
  20. off balancing a person does make them easier to move, yes. but at this point if they're as off balance as youre saying, you are holding them up. im not tying myself up with anyone's body weight, nor do i plan on slugging it out with multiple guys, thinking logically is best as people multiply. here's how it is...if you want to choke, choke...it doesnt matter there's pros and cons to everything, it's even the title of this topic, so this is what im doing, listing the pros and cons, do either of them outweight each other? no, not enough to determine a 'winner'. is it the right way to go about multiples? maybe(i'd like to see that tested ) is it the best? no.
  21. Welcome to KF! I have a friend i train with that trained under prof.cerio...fantastic guy.
  22. I have verizon DSL.
  23. Well i've already lost around 37 pounds so i'd like to keep that off but gain more muscle because i lost a great amount due to my ankle surgery. which brings up another goal, i want to recover within the next month and start training again. i have many forms i need to relearn in my kempo system, and many combinations, so i'd like to get those all down so i can be eligible to test. as far as tang soo do goes im hitting it hard in november because that marks one year until i test again, and i really want to make this test great, like truly and literally amazing, so i've got some training to do!
  24. Well, i have had two 'first instructors'. when i was a real little kid i did chinese kempo with my family, and got halfway through the ranking system when my mom got pregnant with my twin brothers, so as a family we withdrew. because i was so young, i didnt know there were different kinds of 'karate'...i though there was one, and just one. so when i was in middle school joined the tang soo do after school program. well years and years down the line im with both places, to make a long story short. But, my kempo instructor, or professor is his official title, is a great man. one of the best fighters i have ever seen. he knows everything and beyond about theory. why you do this and why you do that. everytime i leave my dojo my head is spinning like im a white belt all over again. my first tang soo do instructor wasn't the head of the school(who has now been my instructor for several years) but i started my first two years off with him. he is a very, odd, tough, funny and quirky guy. it's weird how i've followed in his foot steps, i even chose the same career path and we both had the choice to do very different and great things but leave martial arts behind, and we both opted to stay. he is a very inspirational and motivating man, not by his words, but actions. i have a very deep respect for all of my instructors and i love them all very much.
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