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Everything posted by NewEnglands_KyoSa

  1. No problem I know how you feel and like i said this is the first time i've ever really thought about it like that. But, it's happened to everyone, people come and go in your life...it's guaranteed. You may never get over it, but you may forget it. But keep training...that's always the best remedy.
  2. haha that's one i didn't expect, but yes...that'd be true.
  3. Big fan...such a big fan!
  4. That's awesome. That has always been my dream...a trip to Korea. Just curious, and if you don't mind sharing...how long are you going and how much do you roughly think its going to cost you(flight, board, food, etc.)?
  5. I gotta say theories, i love working with and teaching theory. there's just so many. i don't know, it's an odd thing that martial arts give me but i just love theory, it always just makes so much sense
  6. I can relate to your story in a different way. when i was younger and in the gup ranks, there was this thirty-something-year-old woman named kerry. we had become fantastic friends and long time training partners for about three years, and then suddenly one day, she left without notice and i have not seen her since. one day my chief instructor told me she'd be coming back and she wanted to put her son in my class. i was ecstatic, but she never came. i was very disappointed and always miss her. i just wish i had found a way to tell her what an influence she had on my before she left. i really think she's one of the reasons that people acclaim me one of the "great instructors" with a "gift" i really think she taught me how to deal and relate with people. she was always a very very pleasant and funny person. i've never really told anybody how sad i was that she left. i still have a picture of me and her, recieving ranks as green belts. let me tell you, i wish i had those days back for just a day.
  7. UFC event, no. Nor would i really like to. But we do have two kickboxers out of my school and they have a few fights a year. We were just at manfredo's gym in RI a few weeks ago for a full night of fights, it was great!
  8. No tallgeese, that is not just your opinion. It is mine as well I think the comparisions of styles using words and hypothesis is almost worthless. It's like saying now...which sport is more of a workout...a soccer game or a basketball game. well you can't really be accurate because you could have a really energetic healthy basketball team but a really slow, lethargic soccer team. i think general comparisons are O.K. but you really can't have a full on argument based on your words and thoughts, it just doesn't work like that.
  9. I've heard of deceptive conversations and i think that deceptive conversations are a valuable tool for life not just MAs. I usually never brag or tell of injuries which i can probably attribute to just stubbornness and a superwoman attitude that i have, but i later realized that not telling people worked to my advantage in some situations. Like say i was a basketball player for instance and i had a busted left shoulder and i really shouldnt be playing, but i am. Now i definately don't wanna go up to my opponent who's going to be covering me and go hey, i busted up my left shoulder real bad i need surgery i just need to get through this game, can you make sure you go easy on it? hahah, you'd never do that because you never know what kind of person you're talking to. okay, maybe that opponent i talked to was nice and listened to me but what if she wasn't...i'd be outta the game! I thinks it's a good tool in all facets of life home life, family life, sports life, MA life, work life, etc.
  10. Sounds like you'll more than fit in. Welcome!
  11. Yes, indeed thank you. This is a very useful tool to many instructors out there. I teach many of the concepts and drills you went over, they are great. And yes basics are terribly boring...but a must! Great post Bushido, im sure i'll be referring back to this sometime!
  12. I believe in the GENERAl concept of Chi/ki but i think i can confidently say more than 90% of the people on her do not believe fully and completely 100% in this stuff. But i do believe in it in a more general sense, levatation? no. killing people with your chi/ki powers? no. that's just about where i draw my line right about where logical claims end and the bizarre ones begin.
  13. Ours is very similar: 1.block/evade in basic terms...don't get hit! 2. quickstrike...or stun something simple quick, key is on quickness not strength or power. 3.off balance...bent over, take down, wrist lock 4. kill, once they are on the ground or vulnerable from your offbalance(all offbalance techniques should make them vulnerable) go in for the final kill technique. very similar to yours, sir and then of course we have our philosophical principles, nine virtues and ten creeds.
  14. wow, that sounds awesome. i'd love to have one of those at my school. we use redmans to do our womens self defense clinic and its so hard to move in them. and once you fall onto your back...game over, you need like six people to get you up. that suit sounds awesome. wish i had the money to invest in something like that. that's soundsl like a worth while self-gift!
  15. Congratulations. I cannot believe you have only posted 5 times over the course of a year! That's certainly not a bad thing, but i simply just can't keep my mouth shut...as im sure we all know. Anyway, congrats!
  16. very very jealous. i've heard the caronlinas are gorgeous. i have a black belt who just moved down to the triange area for business particularly the Apex and Cary area. I also have a friend who goes to myrtle beach every summer. They sing nothing but praises of the carolinas, i myself would like to go someday!
  17. Good thing we have these lovely emoticons to display our emotions for us! Sorry, just had to chime in and lighten the mood. Hehe
  18. I gotta say, that stinks man. I wish you much speed in this! But i haven't had my ACL done. But in september i blew everything and i mean EVERYTHING in my left ankle except for the bone, which actually would have been better for me. It was devastating because of what an athlete i am. Up until the point of my surgery i ran 3 miles daily then did my abs and arms everyday, no burn out, and i loved it. Then karate m-f teaching or learning. So it was a hard blow to my psyche to say the least. Well i got my reconstruction surgery on april 16th, it was pretty heavy duty, they repaired, they drilled, a piece of my bones gone and re-growing, and a permanent plastic piece is now housed in my bone. That was april 16th and i was walking 12 days later on the 29th while i was teaching my tang soo do class. I wasn't walking well but i was walking at the least. I've been since then and as of now i have 5 weeks of rehab until i can start jogging and lightly kicking my way back up. It will be a total of 12 wks recovery from the surgery. And it's been a rough journey. It's really made me quite greatful of the body, general health, and physical stamina i have. I can't wait to get back to training, im very very excited. I wish you the best!
  19. For information purposes i think you might want to wait until you have class and then if you can't get answers feel free to go to the home base. This is assuming that you're not going to say "hey look i have a question for you that my local school here isn't telling me" Just find a respectful and diplomatic way to ask your question so it doesn't appear like you're bad mouthing your school or like you're trying to hack into some big karate secret!
  20. I think you've made a very hard, but very good decision here. I wish you luck. Let us know how you made out.
  21. I second that youtube comment made by tallgeese...alittle scary. as an instructor i would never use that as a reference. that's like me being a college professor and allowing students to go use Wikipedia!
  22. I understand the whole "karate" thing but i think the reason for that is people who don't do MAs refer to MAs as karate. People just generally say and ask oh do you do karate? what style of karate do you take? which is wrong. now we as Martial artists know better. i know that my style is tang soo do, not karate. it is a martial art. although on flyers i refer to is as "A Korean Style Karate" which is accurate because im saying it's like karate not that of karate. But i wouldn't say its a bad thing necessarily, it's just that people now a days have grown to refer to all martial arts as karate because of lack of knowledge thanks to movies, television, etc.
  23. I have no idea, im terribly confused. But it sounds like you know what you want and you sound confident, i hope it all works out for you.
  24. Absolutely positively the Olive Garden. but Fire&Ice keeps a close second...
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