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Xtreme Fury

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Everything posted by Xtreme Fury

  1. Hi Venezolano, If you think taekwondo and karate are Mcdojo styles and unrealistic, why do you take both of them?
  2. The best fighter can make a mistake, and the worst fighter can beat him. Some streetfighters are experienced, and some have nuthin to lose.
  3. I saw a few hapkido clips today. I really don't know how they can throw someone just by twisting their wrist but you can't throw someone twice your size can you? Also practicing these drills(all those wrist stuff) will give you arthritis when you get older am I right?
  4. If aikido doesn't work out there's always hapkido. Which I heard was like aikido, ju jitsu, taekwondo(only with a lot more handstrikes) put together and also with some weapons. Im not sure on this though.
  5. I think it's good to train in full contact, but isn't it dangerous to be doing it all the time? Maybe once a week would be good. There's a hapkido place I might go to. It seems pretty traditional but they go full contact and sparr a lot, and I think a lot of traditional places do too.
  6. Muay thai is good if there's one available around your area. I think you can learn to use it somewhat well within 6 months, even if it takes years to get really good at it.
  7. Hehe uh oh Jade Lotus. I think the fighter is more important than the style, but the style has a lot to do with the fighter.
  8. S'up? Hope you enjoy the forums!!!!
  9. Hello.
  10. Solar Plexus.
  11. Hi there, nice to meet you.
  12. Hi everyone, thanks for the great welcome. It's not that I quit taekwondo after a few weeks, but I quit taekwondo a few weeks ago(more like one week and a half now that I count.) But I took it for about 7 months. I wasn't too fond of the place I went to.
  13. Kensai if you really wanted to be good don't you think you should know some groundwork if you did a stand up art, and some stand up fighting if you did a grappling art? So that you know what to do standing up and on the ground.
  14. Hi. I'm considering hapkido, muay thai, ninjutsu, kickboxing, wing chun, jeet kune do, aikido... Well that's a lot. I'm mainly thinking about either hapkido or muay thai, maybe even wing chun or jeet kune do. I might start taekwondo again at a different place if something doesn't work out. And thank you for the welcome Red J!
  15. Oops, I meant to put this in another section of the message board. Getting started in the Martial Arts, I think it's called. Can anyone move it? Thanks.
  16. Hi, the best way is to type in "Muay thai Baltimore Maryland" in https://www.google.com-best search engine on the net. You should get a few sites if there are any muay thai schools near you. Check in the yellow pages if you haven't already.
  17. Has anyone done his exercises before and know if they work? I think I might buy his book: Combat Conditioning. It's suppose to be different exercises that improves strength and endurance without using weights, how cool is that? So I'm wondering if they really work and are they more affective than weights like he says they are? Thanks! P.S. Can anyone give me any sites that might have some sample exercises from his book and how to do them?
  18. Hi, I posted in the introduction about this, but anyway I took taekwondo just a week or so ago for quite a while, but it just wasn't for me. My sister is still doing it, but I quit. I don't know if the dojang just wasn't right for me, but now I'm looking for another art to start up. There's a hapkido place nearby, the instructor is legit and he's been practicing for over 30 years. I think hapkido's striking comes from taekwondo, so does that mean hapkido wouldn't have very good hand striking skills or is hapkido's hand strikes a lot different from taekwondo? Can a skilled hapkidoist beat a skilled muay thai? Okay has anyone used hapkido for tournaments or real self defense? But I know hapkido isn't really a tournament art. Bye.
  19. What's your way of viewing this forum? Do you go to that scrolly thing and go to "posts in the last 24 hours" part, or click on "new posts" or do you click on each section(like karate, korean arts, japanese, chinese, etc) and check the posts? Just curious.
  20. Hi MonkeyGirl. You should be done with the test by now I think? How did it go? I hope you did well! Bye bye.
  21. Hi I'm from the U.S., and I took taekwondo but quit a few weeks ago, and im planning to start another art this week or go back to taekwondo. My sister gave me the address to this site. It's awesome, and i just wanted to say hi, hi!
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