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Xtreme Fury

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Everything posted by Xtreme Fury

  1. well im already a beginner so i can't really start all over again. so probably enshin karate for standing and BJJ for grappling. <--this isn't the best combo or anythin, just one i kinda like. the only downside to this combination is you dont get much weapons training!
  2. sorry i dont think enshin has anythin to do with ashihara. I think enshin is just based off of kyokushin, but with changes. but the internet has a lot of weird info, all i know is enshin has somethin to do with kyokushin lol.
  3. he was really good. now we may look back and think some of the stuff he did may have not been a big deal, but if he lived now then he would probably be better then anyone(saying he was still young) because he was so determined to be the best. he found out a lot of things, it may be obvioius now but it wasn't back then and that's what makes him amazing, he figured out a lot of stuff. sure he was a movie actor but he was training all the time, and he beat people that were much bigger then him. even today most people aren't half as good as him. but i don't think he was the best, i dont think anyone can be the best. im not really a fan of his, i don't think i know much about him, ive haven't really watched his movies, but i still know he was great at what he did.
  4. Yeah I'm like Mike. I tried to volunteer at an animal shelter, but they said I need to be at least 16.
  5. I dun know you but hullo there and welcome backto this forum.I am pretty new.
  6. thanks for your replies. i told my friend that, but i dont think i will take muay thai, not that i don't like full contact or anything, the art itself doesn't seem right for me. and i agree xpoison freex. a lot of girls i know aren't interested in fighting or anything, they're interested in just fitness and maybe even sparring light contact. but still there are quite a few girls that want to go full out and beat up the boys or something. lol.
  7. i have an N64. I don't like any games they have, too "kiddy." I cant wait till i can get a PS2. can anyone tell me which one they think is better? a ps2 or an xbox?
  8. i posted this on my other enshin thread. im not sure if everything is correct though. im planning to take it soon but i havent started yet so i dont know much. -Circular moves -lots of conditioning, full contact sparring -Has throwing, knees, elbows, punches, kicks, sweeps, blocks and maybe jointlocks? -Doesn't believe in meeting force with force, but instead when someone punches you move away to the "blind spot" of the attacker and attack fom there. -It's based off of ashihara(sp?) karate. ashihara was made by a student of mas oyama. It's similar to kyokushin i think, focuses a lot on sparring and has some aikido principles.
  9. It's growing and getting more popular. I think it's good but it does have it's downsides.
  10. I searched some more on enshin karate, and if any of you like EOT are interested, this is what i found about enshin. i think some of the info might be wrong, im not really sure. -Circular moves -lots of conditioning, full contact sparring -Has throwing, knees, elbows, punches, kicks, sweeps, blocks and maybe jointlocks? -Doesn't believe in meeting force with force, but instead when someone punches you move away to the "blind spot" of the attacker and attack fom there. -It's based off of ashihara(sp?) karate. ashihara was made by a student of mas oyama. It's similar to kyokushin i think, focuses a lot on sparring and has some aikido principles.
  11. Do you play a sport? If so which one? Has martial arts improved your sport at all? Me, well I don't play a sport. I used to play basketball but quit. I also played tennis for some time, but quit. I think I'm going to get back into it or another sport soon though, but I can't say martial arts has improved my sport since I don't play one currently.
  12. I heard most shotokan places has turned into a more sporty type of art. I think I'm wrong though.
  13. i dont know about weapons but eskrima/arnis(i think theyre the same thing) is probably one of the best weapon style.
  14. wow good job! uve come a long way.
  15. take tkd if you want. But the thing is when I had no fighting experience i sparred a black belt in TKD. He's kicks were very fast and impressive, though he didn't use his hands even once. we couldn't grab, but i know that if we could I could have just grabbed his leg and pushed him down, at least i think i could have.. it just seemd so easy to beat him. i think tkd is good as long as you know it's more for sport, unless you take ITF or you have a really good instructor. but it has cool kicks.
  16. I'm interested in Enshin Karate too. Enshin Karate is very tough, kind of like muay thai. It focuses a lot on full contact sparring and conditioning unlike most styles of karate and it's not a linear style but more of a circular style using the opponents strenght against them but at the same time it's very aggressive. im not sure if that's right but that's all I know. does anyone know anything about it. like does it have joint locks, throws, breakfalling, weapons, knees, elbows, katas. oh yea what is sabaki? and how does enshin karate compare to wing chun? wing chun is suppose to be really fast because it uses attacking and defending at the same time using both hands simutaneously(sp?), but from what i know karate does blocking first, than punches so it's slower. how about enshin. excuse my english, sometimes i can't explain things too well, it's not my first language.
  17. I don't think your sensei should be kicking people in the groin.
  18. I think 45 minutes to one hour is perfect for beginners and intermediates. 2 hours for really advanced people.
  19. hi, you see lots of kung fu people training till they're like in their 80s, but is this possible for muay thai/kickboxing? I heard it wasn't, but if it isn't, why not? Is it because their kicks damage the joints or bones or anythin like that? or is it just because their training requires lots of strength which goes down with age? another question. i know all of you consider muay thai a martial art, i do too, but does the general public consider it one? and laasst question. how do you pronounce muay thai? lol
  20. Saying that the streetfighter has little to no fighting experience, no weapons, and no buddies to back him up, I'd say the thai boxer would win. I don't think all streetfighters carry weapons, um at least I hope not! I don't think the streetfighter always has the advatage of surprise on his side either so he won't always be prepared with a knife right. Unless it was like a surprise attack such a rape or something.. but if it was a rape well they wouldn't try to rape anyone fighting back according to an article I read in Jubeis.. Maybe I should post it here.
  21. Yeah you should enter one of those karate tournaments, I think there's more of those tournaments than wing chun. But then you might need to buy a gi or belt or something. I'm not sure.
  22. I don't have tattoos, I'm too young to get them. But I think they're okay, I just don't like it when people have a million tattoos that cover their whole skin. I think one or two, or even three tattoos are pretty cool, as long as you're sure you want it!
  23. i dont think you usually see girls in muay thai. so this is for anyone in here that takes kickboxing or muay thai: are there girls in your class and if there is how many? my friend(she's a girl) is planning to take it, but she wants to know. i might take it with her...
  24. Hello. What does your name mean?
  25. Cool! I'm gonna get me a six pack soon. What are crunch twists and side v ups and reverse trunk twists?
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