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Xtreme Fury

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Everything posted by Xtreme Fury

  2. I don't think low stances are great, but I think with enough training you could become mobile while still in it, since ninjutsu has low stances. Or at least it does from what I've seen. I like standing up and hopping around better, isn't that most effective? or is just standing without hopping better?
  3. Thanks Jack, am I glad or what. and Radok are you sure we can go boobless?? I've seen girls way stronger then those muscular guys(so they must have trained strength a lot since big people are pretty strong) but still they don't seem boobless.....
  4. oh okay, thanks for the warning.
  5. take whatever you want but personally if i had a choice out of all those arts i'd pick wing chun. muay thai is good too but you can't really practice it with other people too well once you get old.
  6. Hi, I've been doing lots of strength training lately, but then something came to mind. Can girls get humongous muscles if they do too much strenghting exercises? Because that's the last thing I want, I don't think they look good on guys anyway, they would look worse on girls i think. I just want muscles that are somewhat visible and in good shape, but still small.. I think this is called "ripped" or something. lol.
  7. Oh yeah the first time I noticed it was after I fell off my bike onto my stomach, and got a humongous bruise there. 10 minutes later I also noticed that thing under my skin a few inches next to the bruise. Maybe that's what caused the first one.
  8. ah thanks chh. That makes me feel better, at least I'm not as worried as before, I thought it was cancer or something! Phew, but I better get it checked by a doct, just in case. And I don't think it's a old martial art injury, seeing I'm pretty young and unexperienced in MA(haven't been doing it for that long, only like a year.) oh well, thanks again chh.
  9. yes of course it will increase your strength and also muscle endurance. I think you should do calithenics(sp) and maybe try weight training once or twice a week to see if it helps any.
  10. Does anyone know anything about SKA(shotokan karate of america). is it any good? the place i go to sounds good, it's nonprofit, only 35 dollars a month(Even if it's four hours a week!) and belt tests are.. FREE except after black belt. which is really cool. in your opinion what should be better to take, enshin or shotokan(just your opinion, it doesnt have to be fact)? thanks.
  11. hmm well one of them has been there for like 4 years lol. im not sure if it's a welt. i wish it was.
  12. No it doesn't feel like anything. I've been doing research for the last 30 minutes, it sounded like a few things but when I looked at the picture of it, it never looks like the thing I have. Anymore ideas? Please say somethin, i really wanna know, even any guesses are ok too.
  13. I'm not sure about lau guar, but muay thai has clinching, kicking, punching, elbows, knees, and it's easy to learn and very effective. You should expect to focus on sparring at least 60 percent of class, and it has lots of conditioning too. It's great if you want to be able to fight, but don't take it if you just want self defense without injuring your opponent, because you will. The only downside is that from what everyone tells me, by the time you're old you can't really do it because it's so hard and your shins might brittle fom all the conditioning.
  14. i posted this at another forum, but here goes: im planning to go see a doct about this, but before i do which may be not till a while i wanted to ask you what this is. well there this thing under my skin, yes under my skin(i know it's ewwy). it's the color of a bruise, but it's under my skin and it's not 2 dimensional like a bruise it's 3D and when I touch it I can feel it(under my skin). its kinda creeping me out.. what could this be? cancner? aids? lol. if anyone knows or has any guesses please tell me. its kind of like a "round" bruised color thing under my skin. i know it sounds nasty but it doesn't look that bad, does anyone have any ideas what it might be?
  15. I think kung fu is generally more circular while karate is more linear(other then enshin and ashihara karate). Some chinese martial arts mimic animal movements which kinda looks funny , they have reeeaallly low stances, which again, looks funny(but as long as it trains leg strength i guess it doesnt matter). that's all i can think of. Oh yeah.. in karate you have gi's and belts, kung fu usually has those shiny clothes and sashes.
  16. in american is that 2 dollars every two hours? if it is that is really cheap! but how do you find the time to do three arts?? i can barely find time for one.
  17. from what i understand karate people don't punch from the hip in a real fight. you don't have to.
  18. shes a monkey in disguise.
  19. hey i live in the US currently but ive lived in two other countries before i moved here.
  20. No offense risingdragon but I suggest trying to find a MA school as soon as possible. I don't think you understand the use of the horse stance either..
  21. oh my god i feel young and stupid now. im 13.. but because of my maturity level, size, and intellgence(yea right lol) , people that don't know me well think im 14 or 15... or at least 3 people i know did!
  22. hi knockdown. thank you so much for the book recomendations and info.
  23. hey don't let your artificial foot give you an excuse or anything like that, you can be better then anyone no matter what. i hope u continue enjoying your aikido classes. I'm really happy you found the right art!!
  24. Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world. I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants. Why don't sheep shrink when it rains? Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.
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