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Everything posted by BlackI

  1. Great Game!! I have finished as well. Although, I don't remember the prostitue scene. I will have to go and look for that.
  2. Can anyone tell me if there is an advantage or disadvantage to cross Training? I have been reading many posts, and have noticed that alot of artist are crossing traing. Especailly in BJJ. Does anybody know why? I was just curious....
  3. I don't know much about Aikido, but from what I have read and seen it is pretty effective. I see that a lot of the postings say that it takes along time to master this Art, does anyone know approx how long it takes a typical student to gain mastery of the techiniques
  4. Thanks, I will have to try this. What I meant by Pump, is to throw 2 or more at one time. Yes this is a point fighting situation. If it were street fighting I would grab the leg, kick to the groin(like you mentioned), or do a sweep. Point fighting is hard for me, espeacially with people faster and more flexible then myself. I guess this is because I am use to a more street oriented fight. I hate point fighting sometimes, but I must admit it is could for perfecting your techinique..
  5. What is the best counter move when someone is throwing a pump roundhouse or side kick. I have a hard time countering this move. I can circle around the opponent, but I want to be able to counter.
  6. Always look for the vital strikes when in true combat. I must admit I have trouble point sparring taller people. this is only because I am overly consciounous of getting hit...... But point sparing will make my overall fight game better
  7. I misspelled that The Karate Kid's Teacher's name Mr. Meogee(I know I spelled it wrong). Sorry..
  8. Sorry for the misunderstanding.. I was not speaking from a personal perspective. I was talking about his overall impact. When I made the reference to being easier I was not talking about your actual workout, but what has to come about for this workout to even happen. The need for a gym/study(which is supposed to have insurance, I lot of Ins Co. still give gym problems when it comes to getting coverage), gear, Instructors and students. I lot of people were actual inspired by Bruce, which inturn created a snowball effect for the rest of the MA world...
  9. We do something similar. We have two different versions. One is called a squat thrust and the second is pile up. The squat thrust Standing feet should width apart, Squat down and place your palms on the floor and Kick your feet out, into push up position. Preform that sequence in reverse and you have performed one. We do about 50 of these at a time. The Pile up is just like a squat thrust except you do a push up. Now I think this is where it differs a little bit from the one described on the web site. Once we are in push up position we do a push up, but the number of push up you do has to match the number you are on. One pile up, one push up, Pile# 2 2 push ups, Pile #3 three push ups and so on and so on. These are a really good Cardio work out. Our black belt have to do 35 of these none stop. I can only do about five, for now
  10. You all have a point. I just wish there was more coverage. It would be good for the MA world. If applied properly. Just look at UFC with the Gracie's, I would have never heard of Brazilian Jujitsu if it was not for that. Now, how much more could we learn if there were more coverage
  11. You can say that you are not practcing because of Bruce. I will give you that, but I will say this, just think how easy it would be to practice if he did not have such an impact on the MA world in the states. I am sure someone else may have had a great impact, it was bound to happen, but you can not deny the impact he had on MA in the USA
  12. Why does Western Boxing get so much more publicity then MA matches???
  13. Unfortunately, in the states we are viewed as out casts, but anywhere else in the world we are respected. Go figure.. I will this it really bothers me that everything is either Karate Kid this Meigeedo that. I have always struggled with this since I practice a non asian art and the Westerns feel that MA is totally comprised of Karate and Kung fu. No disrepect to you Karate and Kung Fu artist..
  14. I think a cult would have been started I can't say if he would be the one who started it. What we must all realize it that if it we not for Bruce we would not be MA's to start with. Now, I am not a Big fan of his, but I definitely respect him and what he did for MA in the States. Before his appereance there was very little in the way of MA in the states. Even now there is not a great respect and admiration for traditional MA, but there is for Western Boxing. I think that is ironic.
  15. I like that Danny Boy. Very True!!! I agree with both sides of the agruement, but I think if a person is comfortable with their techinique and their ablities I don't think It will matter. I am not a big Bruce Fan, but I love this quote, " When my opponent contracts I expand, when my opponent expands I contract"
  16. The Champ hit that one on the Nail. You could also try to spar more, explain your frustrations to your instrutor. Sometimes repitition is good for getting things into your mind. If you practiced being calm while spar this will definetly transcend to real life situations.
  17. Jumping jacks are good also. Just remember to stay on the balls of your feet. Also, if you have steps in your home this is good for a workout. Just run up and down the steps. Try doing five(up and down is one set), I bet you will feel the burn...
  18. I have never have never heard of KuK Sool Won. What type of art is it? What are it's origins?
  19. thank you for welcoming me, This site is great. You get insight for so many MA angles.. Well it sounds like you have it all worked it out. Good look to your in you MA travels
  20. It had to be pretty practical for self-defense, because there were some revolts in Brazil with this Artist at the center of it and it was also out lawed by the Brazil Government...
  21. hey Jack, You mentioned that you are filling fulfilled at you current gym. This happens to alot of people, espeacially if you go thorough the same routine time and time again. But, before you leave you current gym, my I suggest that you explain you problem to you head instructor. You relationship to your art is just like any other relationship you have to let the other side know how you are feeling. Now if you have already done this and nothing has changed, then I suggest you look into some other arts
  22. I may be getting off the subject a little. I have not seen Greco Roman Wrestling and from what I hear TKD on receives points only if they hit in the colored targets. In my opinion why have the competitior from all styles within the countries just compete in a MA tournament. You could keep the boxing seperate, but the boxers could particapate also(Boxing is a MA). What does everybody else think, I'm I off base or WHAT???
  23. I would say that it looks more like African Dance then Break Dancing, but I guess they both have the same roots. If you know anything about African Martial Arts you will be able to relate Capoeira to traditional African Dance. It seems that no one knows if this Style orginated in Africa or in Brazil. Either why it was created by the African Slaves, so it is African in Orgin. This Style is great. From what I understand about it, everything is done with their basic movements which is called the jinga.
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