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Everything posted by BlackI

  1. I am sorry to be responding so late on this topic, but I have been sick and loaded down with school work. In regards to our debate Jade_Lotus, I see we just have a difference in opinion, but that does not make either one of them bad. I am just going to comment on your Good and Bad statement about the ARTs. I agree that there is good and bad with everything, but when it comes to the Martial Arts or any art for that matter there is no good and bad. It is art one person may say that Beetohoven sucks when some else feels that it is moving. This is why I say that all arts are equal and it is only the philosphy of the teacher who in fact corrupts the art. Just my opinion.
  2. Congrats, Monkeygril. It is truely a blessing to have obtained you bb at such a young age. I am still working on mine and I am much older.
  3. It is funny you stay that KarateMom. Everybody thinks that MA is so brutal, but we actually have a low occurence of injuries. Most injuries happen outside of class. So far as you sparring. Make sure you listen to your instructor for instructions while you are sparring. This is the most important factor.
  4. Jade_Lotus you last post was a bit condescending and contradictary. Jade's Quote: It is not solely the art, and it is not solely the fighter, it is both. Howerver, the art is more imporant. You must take into account the means by which the fighter fights, for his art makes him the fighter he is. Right here you say that it is both but you lean towards the art, in so far as, to decide who the victor would be. Jade's Quote: First, it must be realized that not all arts are equal, and not all arts are good. Then you fully commit to say that there are inferior arts Jade's Quote: I was responding to the comment "style don't mean much". I don't comment on specific styles, I have quite a different belief about "styles" in general. Then you made this statement in you last post. I did not think that you were insulting HKD, it was taking that you feel that there are inferior arts. I am almost willing to say that is ludicrous. Is there any scientific data to prove this fact. Can you say that ever time a HKD vs TKD, one or the other will win? No, I don't think you can. To many unknown varibles to name a winner, if you want to stay scientific about this whole thing. It is not the art/style perse that make a difference but the philosophy behind the teaching. This is why you have alot of people feeling that there are inferior/superior arts. If you have a bunch of Mcdojo's then there will always be inferior fighters, but that is not to stay that a fighter could not go to the same style and a different school and become a great fighter. That is the bitter and sweet that you are talking about. It is solely the fighter that has the work ethic, commitment and intelligence to become a could fighter. Not style. I am almost willing to bet that if you take the greatest fighter in the world that happened to be trained in a form of karate and then strip him/her of all his/her skills then trained in Tai Chi, they would still become the best fighter in the world. Just my Ideas and opinions
  5. Here, here.... I agree. depending on the situation it could go either way. A grown adult can hurt anybody MA or not
  6. I don't know about the arthritis question, but I will tell you, that you can throw someone twice your size. It is all scienctific. Motion and energy can be very devastating.
  7. There is no such things as an inferior art. Just an inferior fighter, and an inferior philosophy Hapakido is an great system. The believe in being fluid and formless, which I think is very cool.
  8. There are many systems that can make you a better fighter Muay Thai being one of them. IF you have an interest in Muay Thai you should definetly explore it. Check out a few schools and sit in on a few classes. Also, make sure you are inline with the head instructor's philosophy.
  9. I just watched it again for the 2nd time last night and I noticed Donnie Yen did the martial arts choregraphy for this movie. He is the guy how played in Iron Monkey
  10. That's were you are wrong. I started competing when I was young and have attended all types of tournaments. Usually, it will be standing sparing or grappling. Now of course grappling always starts from a standing position and ends up on the mat, but the rules allow for that. Stand up fighting does not have rules for mat work, the whistle is blown and you come back to the line. Now tournments differ region to region, style to style. There might be some tourns that allow everything, but from my experience I see one or the other, never combined
  11. No it doesn't have not. I have not see Karate tournament do grappling and standing at the same time. It is usually one or the other. Use some of boxing's rule in regard to points and knockouts and use the tapout rule for the mat work
  12. Cool Post. Informative, but unbias. Spoken like a true MA.
  13. Sometimes in my class we will do all conditioning days. running, Jumping jacks, Push ups, squat thrust, sit ups, squats, leg raises, V-ups, lunges, calf raises. Then we strecth and possibly spar. My instructor feels this is important, for several reasons, one reason is that he feels that you must change your work out to keep you body producing, secondly, he wants us to go thourgh these routines so we know the proper way to do them, third reason is to push you self past what you have ever done before. This is great for Confindence and sore muscles..
  14. I disagree... If done properly, I think it could be very effective. There could be takedowns, grappling, kicks, punches, elbows, and knees. No strikes to the groin, joints and back. Then all the people that beleive that one art is better then another would be able to see if this is true.
  15. I think I said this in another topic. Why can't the have the top MA's in the country compete? Of course you need to establish some kind of rules, but once this is established then all MA's can compete. Not just TKD or Judo. Because believe it or not the MA's have more incommon then all of their so-called differences. What do you think?????
  16. Hey what is Aki Jujisu???? I guess it is a japanese system..
  17. Lenny Kravitz's "I want to get away"
  18. Drive right in. No time like the present!!!!! As, previously said, as long as you get a good instructor it will be know sweat I was lying, there will be plenty of sweat..
  19. You can lose weight and gain muscle at the same time. If you burn enough fat and you put on some muscle you can do it at the same time. I think KickChick will chime on this, she tends to have very good tips espeacially about fitness
  20. Why is the whole world against this? I have not seen anything to say yeah let's go over there. I was also against the first gulf war. I thought they should have gotten him the first time. It seems like the Bushs would like to add our 51st state in Middle East. Check out some of the headlines https://www.forbes.com Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi was quoted as saying on Monday that the world had to be convinced by the United States that an attack on Iraq was merited before it could go ahead http://www.gulf-news.com/Articles/print.asp?ArticleID=62596 Scott Ritter, a former UN arms inspector who rejects U.S. charges that Baghdad is developing weapons of mass destruction, said in Iraq yesterday it would be a "historical mistake" for Washington to attack.
  21. My school does not have a testing fee. I didn't know that this was such a wide spread thing.
  22. I have to agree that most arts are complete. I totally disagree with the idea of a complete art is outdated and I blame this on publicity. The problem is that no one stays with it long enough to get to that point. Someone watches a movie and they want to learn that lastest style. No one is true to their system anymore. TKD, Karate and Kung Fu artist can be effective on the ground. I guess no one really remembers why certain styles within a system would emulate a animal such as snake, which deals with a lot of ground strikes, sweeps and locks. I guess when these arts came into existence no one ever thought of fighting on the ground. Remember, there is nothing new under the sun.
  23. Actually, it is almost as portable as a nunchaku, just a lot bigger. it folds and there are cases for these weapon. Al
  24. What is everybodies opinion on Iraqi invasion? Are you fo or against and why?
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