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Everything posted by BlackI

  1. Does anyone know when Jet Li's new movie "Hero" is due to come out?
  2. Hey Check out this link. http://www.mma.tv/ You can start here
  3. I agree with KSN Doug. You will flourish in an environment you are uncomfortable with. Soon you will association discomfort and humilation with your train when it should do the exact opposit. Please find a new Gym!!!
  4. Let be clear about one thing. Point sparring helps to hone technique, speed, reflexes. Also it helps teach a person how to deal with strikes and blows. I don't know about you all, but the gear padding that I use is not that thick and we don't pull punches or kicks. We have had Knock outs and knock downs at my gym. So, it might not be street fighting but it gets pretty close...
  5. I wrote about this in another post. Tito is diffently a champion. The way he beat Frank Shamrock shows that.
  6. I use creatine once, but got a bad rash from using it. In my opinion anything that the body can naturally process (weather working out or not) should not be used
  7. In my opinion Hapkido is a very complete system. They do ground and standing techiniques.
  8. Sorry I also forgot Blade I and Blade II Star Wars Return of the Phantom Menace Star War Attack of the Clones
  9. I Love Iron Monkey(Quentin Tartino Version I seen somewhere on this site that there is another version) ,The Legend with Jet Li, and Enter the Dragon with Bruce Lee. Oh, Almost forgot Five Deadly Venoms, The Kid with the Golden Arms, Master Killer and Druken Master.
  10. You are either a Eagle or a Zebra personality. But you may also be a Rooster personality I have to read each one before I decide.
  11. Did anyone hear about all the Reserve troops being called to service? N. Korea and Iraq at the same time, this has me worried.
  12. Hook Kick is a great kick. I love to throw a hook kick to the head and have my opponent block/duck it and as I just pass by their head I snap back with a roundhouse. I have to work on my speed, but I have nailed a couple of people with this
  13. I must agree with KickChick. I alot of it has to do with poor technique, but I also feel that you should know some grappling/wrestling moves also.
  14. Your Buggin..... BrotherHood of the Wolf was an excellent. Good plot great fight scenes Mark Dacacoss was the man in the movie and I think he will do good in Cradle to the Grave. Yes DMX is supect but Jet Li and Mark Darcacoss will be great...
  15. Did anyone see the fight between Ken Shamrock and Tito Ortiz. Shamrock was talking major thrash and got the sh*t kicked out of him. He is still tough though but Ortiz is tank
  16. I would suggest you try to time him when he is about to kick. When you see it coming you must jam his kick. It is better to be closer to him then outside of his range. You can also throw some fakes and like it has been previously mentioned move side to side. Don't feel bad, I have been have the same problem when I spar one of the black level guys in my class. But I started jamming their kick and i punish their bodies everytime.
  17. This was a really strange event. I am pretty sure the will be studing this for years to come.
  18. [Edited by Moderator: Please make your nominations via PM directly to LeaF .... Do not make public!]
  19. So if the smaller guy has the advantage on the inside doesn't that neutralize the big guys advantage and put them on equal footing. Like previously stated it is a matter of skill.
  20. I practice my blocks in a doorway, say the door way into my bathroom. I stand in the middle and move thru them like actual combat. The frame helps to give a good sense of where you zone should actually be, and the frame also gives the ablity to appoximate how much force I should put in to the block Hope this helps
  21. Yeah Mel does alot of grappling in those movies. I would almost say that this is probably the best set of squeals every to be release. Not counting Star Wars(Not actually a squeal, more like a saga)
  22. How do you feel about Congress giving Bush all this power?
  23. This sounds really cool.
  24. Any art is good as long as the instructor has a good philosophy
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