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Everything posted by Athena

  1. something's been bugging me for a while -.- in the thread 'you know you're addicted to martial arts when..." someone mentioned being proud of bruises and stuf...and i saw a few admit to it. So I wonder...how can anyone be proud of bruises?
  2. i got my gerbil! XD yayz! *would huggle fido but he/she's tiny* >.
  3. -.- forget it i had talked with him already by now. He said he'd tell me later. I shall edit when that happens. if you're reading this thanks for at least taking some interest ....
  4. ok so my science class has a class pet gerbil and i had been helping take care of it for the year. And today I got told i had first dibs on him/her and could have it to keep if dad said yes. Welll i was pretty confident because well my dad is a nice guy most of the time but when i asked he said no and when i asked why he replied with "how would you like it if i stuck you in a cage" then i walked off to think about how i could argue my point. And then i remmebered that we had a pet bird that we kept in the cage most of the time and i can remember a couple poccasions where it was my dad who shoved him into the cage. Now I really want to argue this point but it's my dad. I've never really been good at fight8ing for what i want with him. And he's my parent, what he says goes and he can often be stubborn. Need Advise. Also, he's scary when angered O__O
  5. indeed...the base man is just smiling as he walks off with 2nd and 3rd XD tis funneh 8sighs* oh and i guess while you're at it..might as well watch this for more amusment. >.> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lDZLvZetJQ&NR=1 though it's a bit off topic, at least it has to do with baseball..uh sort of o.o;
  6. xD that'd probably work..if we all knew each other well enough *shrugs*
  7. probably got enough 'welcome to KF" 's but.. welcome to KF XD
  8. OMG XD hilariuos..tho it's my first time watching that
  9. CAN ANYONE ELSE FEEL A PERSON'S PERSONALITY LIKE A WEIRD CLOUD AROUND THE PERSON?! >.< _____________________________________________________________________________________________ seriously tho..i've been able to do this for like a couple months >.> There are intese feelings and then there are like...very quite it's almost like that feeling how you can feel the tension in a room -.- like that only you can feel other stuff. You can feel the excitement in the air or yea *shrugs* and it took alot of guts for me to put this here because..just reading this makes me want to laugh at myself O__O
  10. errrm..swing the punching bag and hit when the bag is still coming towards you (was actually hard for me to do at first XD ) err >.> *slips out*
  11. hmm hobbies? - music - training psysicly -training mentally -training vocally - ocassional games of shogi, chess, checkers, and even more occasionally..go - anime -manga - trying to improve drawing XD - studying up on things that interest me - health! I love my health >.< - cooking - cleaning OTHER people's messes -reading -writing own books/stories - playing with kids - trampoline!
  12. a bunch of friends and i used to sneak into the wrestling room in school and do this during gym time Make sure to have a fairly good sized area, with no objects to trip over and have the participants create a circle. Then have them toss around one of those exorise balls...except you don't catch it and throw it to someone else..you hit it when it comes towards you. keeps you moving because it won't always be coming directly at you..it might be off to the side a bit also i love these...make sure you are in an area with a solid floor and bounce a bunch of reaction balls around and try to catch them Really silly and it can probably make even the stiffest person laugh XD
  13. Bouncing: while bouncing can be used to an advantage against inexperienced or angery fighters who can't think straight through anger i think it uses to much energy to keep bouncing up and down up and down. Energy that you will need for blocking,dodging and striking. besides that..ima girl. I don't bounce XD Stance: um..to describe my stance..i have to pretend I'm faced against someone and then take notes on it. It's my own default posiotion that i must have picked up somewhere >.< *has had no teacher until recently* (must be backstance) XD I actually yes, do turn my body so that my left side is facing my opponent, my left arm is slightly extended in front of my and my figers are relaxed and naturally curled. My right hand is also relaxed but held back more towards the right side of my belly. I find this quite comfortable and I can move freely ^.^ ....i can actually feel that there is more weight on my right lg tho (wich is faced away from the opponent and slightly bent)
  14. at what point does a tanto turn to wakizashi? i need to know this >.<
  15. Bushido..i like your instructor XD
  16. well...it LOOKED cool, i have no audio XD
  17. blood, gore is prutid the sight makes me gag forever blood sick (it was a random thing and it turned out to be perfect haiku >.>;
  18. I don't know the count of sylybles needed for a haiku >.< so here goes XD) The wind blows I hear the music I hum too >.> something about me: usually when the wind blows...it's almost musical to me ^.^)
  19. You knwo..I always did wonder about weighted colthing and stuff... my frind(teacher guy >.<) just keeps telling me they mess you up big time *shrugs*
  20. XD great You know I tried to teach some friends of mine...it didn't turn out so well >.<
  21. funny..though i pretty much firgured out that diablo was going to finish it
  22. well....it hides blood good >.>;; anyways, cool article If i had the choice, and the money..i'd probably have a whole spectrum of colors and weights in gi s XD
  23. I don't have much advise for you..but one time my friend was hyper and she was just joking around but she used her finger to poke me in the little crevice pinched between the should, armpit and shoulder blade...both my arms were sore for the rest of the week >.<;;
  24. Learning other languages is good XD I am taking french right now while trying to home study Japanese (going to college later hopefully) learn from a danish friend some danish.. going to be taking spanish later in school ^.^ Here's how I figure it..2 years french, 2 years spanish.. And I absolutely love latin and old english and err shakespeareian XD (oops..looks like you can't delete this...oh well) http://www.shotokankarate.ca/counting%20in%20japanese.htm
  25. i know a dojo is like a school place.. sensei= teacher ichi= 1 ni=2 san=3 shi=4 go=5 (i believe )
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