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Everything posted by Athena

  1. Doesn't make a lick of sence to me..not at all..wait- you can buy swords in newyork? sweet ^.^ *ish a huge sword fan* anyways...i agree that banning nunchucks sounds really ridiculous..but there is a michigan law that still says that's it's a hanging offence for cattle rustling and that a woman can not cut her hair with out her dad or husband's permission. and blah blah blah...it's still ridiculous.
  2. i am part german...i only know a few words..but I can identify german *nods* it's some strange talent i got i guess O.o
  3. *blinks* german...hmmmm
  4. *reads* well it does sound like it neh? but...I do have a definate way of fighting. Move fluidly, dodge, get in close, use pressure and weak points, and get the job done as soon as possible..all while using as little energy as possible Thank you for the link baron ^.~ Edit: ahhh! bruce lee got some of his philosophy from tao te ching by lao tzu!!! *runs arouns screaming* I have a translated version of that book O.o It is very old though, smeels like old and wet ink and has some pages torn out *shrugs* but it's a good book
  5. I LIKE the "don't hit a girl rule" it gives me an advantage XD Of course, if all men went by that rule then i wouldn't have any men as occasional opponents and I never get into fights with other women..so then I'd Have no reason to study martial arts ^.^;; see how the world is? *sigh*
  6. Perhaps baron...but I've never really got a good description on jeet kune do I HAVe however seen a video of bruce lee doing some kicks and stuff and then telling people to "be water" -.-;;; don't get me wrong though, I like the concept of "being water" I don't have many kicks in my style though...not many at all ^.^;; it's more of a close combat sort of thing..i can give a better description somewhere else..hmmm
  7. I suppose it has to do with the beleifs of this traing method. I also Agree that a little conditioning to be able to take a hit is a god thing. But the master guy was whacking on the students with a blade thing ^.^; that goes a little too far for me.... -experience is good when you are forced into a fight,a fight can be hard on a first timer- -i once got punched in the gut by a big guy once and it no longer affects me like that- -I also, at one point had half my bottom lip torn in a fist fight without feeling it- (so half my bottom lip was just hanging there >.> with blood too) ok..with these facts, I'm starting to think Ima freak >.>;; No offence ment to any who would take that as offencive..ok i'll shut up now >.<
  8. Thank you ^.^
  9. hmmmm I've always kiaied O.o No one ever told me to, it just feels natural to me. *shrugs* it helps me focus and transfer my energy ^.~ that is part of my own style but i've never kiaied when punching a punching bag XD
  10. It isn't an insult if I call myself that right? Anyways ^.^ I am Athena nice to meet you all I have been very interested in martial arts for many years now. My story is sort of funny. At least to me. It all started with samurai Jack O.O That got me interested in samurai/anime and that got me interested in japan in general. Now, Im the type of person that studies what they happen to be interested in at the time. ^.^;; So I studied japan,wich lead to my study of martial arts. So then i took a break from that, but then I watched karate kid. A great movie, I wound up watching more of the movie series. Anyways, then I studied not only japan again but Okinawa and even china. In my study hours, I have found and studied a bunch of different martial arts. I eventually decided to train myself. Self training, not only by exploring the possibilities of motion myself, but watching some movies. Yes that did help actually.. So...it's been nearly 5 or 6 years O.o and I am finally starting to peice together my own style, after look at each style that I could and experimenting with that. I now have the base for my own style but...It has no name XD Anyways..that is my story..as to how the heck I got here. I was looking up "How can I make My own martial arts style?" on ask.com (also..I took a little bit of wrestling so XP) There, now you know about me ^.^ what about you?
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