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Some time ago a friend of mine handed me a video of some basic taichi. I watched that video several times a week and learned to throughly copy the routine and movements. (the movements as best I could of course) One day I was walking home from school and stepped on a patch of ice. As I was slipping I snapped into a position that I had learned from the video. Spread feet. One hand on the ground infront of you, one hand up in the air above you. I went home happy that I didn't fall on my face, and that something I learned came in handy in an everyday situation. so, any simular stories?
What is JKD?
Athena replied to Mistassailant5's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
Indeed XD To say that it is a style is to say that it has specific rules and forms that absolutely must be adhered to- but that's exactly what he was trying to be rid of. -
Would You Like to Train Via Skype?
Athena replied to sensei8's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
well, this is interesting -
It depends on what I'm practicing specifically. But yes, I do listen to music.
What is the reason why you joined the Martial Arts?
Athena replied to Adonis's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
I'd have to say it was a natural interest based on my environment groing up, (dad=marine, cousin went to military school, grew up watching lots of jackie chan movies...et cetera) *shrugs* and the family military recod effects it because my cousin would mess with me and test my reflexes, and dad knew alot about how to fight. Plus the jackie chan movies got me interested in actual martial arts, so I looked them up on the internet and asked questions. Things just kind of developed from there. -
"talent can be overcome with hard work" random quote from awesome anime. anyways: O.O *stare*
Affliction of Principles
Athena replied to Adaptation-M.R.'s topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
I just thought that an example would be nice. Fluidity helps with speed. speed is good. But sttrength is too. put them togetehr and you get power. fluidity+rigity= power um right...to the point. When I punch, I don't clench my fist tight from the start. My initial fist is loose, this helps me to get my fist to its target faster. Only when I am within an inch do I tense up and deliver the strength behind it, which is then coupled with the speed that I gained from the concept of fluidity. For an extra boost, add the concept of eruption um.. did this help any? -
^^; i don't really know how to used the phonetic alphabet
i have a question about muay thai... how does one properly pronounce it? is it like moi tai or just how it looks, with actually pronouncing the 'th'?
I'm wondering what sort of martial arts might match up with my strengths/ what I'm looking for. I'm pretty good at evasion/blocking I like close quarters and don't care for kicking all that much I like to be direct, and try and end as quickly as possible, and with little energy used. I apply knowledge of the body (balance and pressure points) Sometimes i have locks involved.. I don't really want to break bones, but am not against it if it is called for.
i have been conflicted for...a few years now, and haven't yet been able to find the right balance. I enjoy martial arts..right...obviously..'cause i'm here >> I know that it should be for self-defence only..but i enjoy sparring, and fun sort of challenges too. so that's my confliction...and i don't know if any of you guys have run into that before...or find it perfectly natural and just live with both sides of the coin.
Who Are Your Martial Art Heroes?
Athena replied to Johnlogic121's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Bruce lee - for the obvious reason that he is awesome and Pat Morita - though I don't think he really knew/knows karate XD still, mr. Miyagi is awesome and was one of my early inspirations to try out martial arts. no offence to jet Li and jackie chan, who are also awesome, but these two are the ones that I think of first ....oh... *went back to read previous posts* ...i already posted..dang it's been so long i don't even remember where it was that I posted in XD so if anyone has the power to delete posts, you may do so to this one. thank you -
thankies all
I've had two people ask me this today but i don't know and it's got me curious as welll.... some people insist (i am with them) that there is a movie with pat morita (we know him dearly as Mr. Miyagi) and a girl learning karate. Does anyone know this movie?
Who Are Your Martial Art Heroes?
Athena replied to Johnlogic121's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
BRUCE LEE! - for obvious reason but I still gotta comment on how AWESOME he was >.>; Jackie Chan- gotta love him Jet Li- yea >.> I can't leave him out of my list... Pat Morita - is awesomeness.. I have no idea about his real martial arts abilities..but he makes good old man sensei..wish I knew a guy like that.. My Cousin- >.> my cousin is the one who got me interested in fighting in the first place >.>; uh the girl who played Annie in the movie "Annie" XD "Hiya! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I didn't really think it'd work" So hai - uh the old man in "drunken master" I'm not giving them a real order..just listing them..but bruce lee is top ..and my cousin is SOMEWHERE in the top XD -
"Things that come fast may leave fast, things that come slow may take many years to leave" - actually...me XD "I do not wish to die in my sleep, I would rather suffer any amount of pain than to die in my sleep. This is because if I were to die in my sleep, I could not say goodbye to those I love" - again, me "If you learn to die, then you learn to live" Morrie from "tuesdays with Morrie" a true story.. in fact..i'm going to give several quotes from the book...hold on.. "the most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in" "it's only horrible if you see it that way" "it's horrible to watch my body slowly wilt away to nothing. But it's also wonderful because of all the time i get to say goodbye. Not everyone is so lucky." "sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have to believe what you fell. And if you are ever going to have other people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them too-even when you're in the dark. Even when you're falling." "the culture doesn't encourage you to think about such things until you're about to die. We're sowrapped up with egotistical things, career,family,having enough money,meeting the mortgage,getting a new car, fixing the radiator when itbreaks--we're involved in trillions of little acts just to keep going. So we don't get into the habit of standing back and saying, is this all? Is this all I want? Is something missing?" "everyone knows they are going to die, but nobody believes it, if we did, we would do things differently" "but there's a better approach" To know you're going to die, and to be prepared for it at any time. That's better. That way you can actually be more involved in your life while you're living" "most of us all walk around as if we're sleep walking. We really don't experience the world fully, because we're half asleep, doing things that we automaticlly think we have to do" "...you strip away all that stuff and you focus on the essentials. When you realize you are going to die, you see everything much differently.." "you see that? You can go out there, outside, anytime. You can run up and down the block and go crazy. I can't do that. I can't go out. I can't run. But you know what? I appreciate that window more than you do" " The fact is, there is no foundation, no secure ground, upon which people stand today if it isn't the family............If you don't have the support and caring and concern that you get from a family, you don't have much at all. Love is so supremely important. As our great poet Auden once said, 'love each other or perish'" "I don't want to leave the world in a state of fright. I want to know what's happening, accept it, get to a peaceful place, and let go..." ____________________________________________________________ I could quote the whole dang book, but that would be too much work XD ...Morrie is so great...too bad I didn't get a chance to meet him personally. So. here are a couple more quotes before i close off. "love is the only rational act" Levine "A teacher affects eternity, he can never tell where his influence stops"- Henry Adams ....then there are the quotes in mysiggy..again, those ones are made by moi (me in french)
How scared REALLY are you to fight?
Athena replied to Throwdown0850's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
me? Oh, I'm always ready to fight XD I am confident in my skills and actually sometimes look for some guy to put me in my place >.> It's a bad battle..to be fighting within yourself >.> anyways! yea..me= prepared to fight sometimes when I'm walking around and get close to people...I get a look at how their standing, how they could come at me with a strike, and how I could possibly block then counterstrike... -
XD yes that's right.. there's definately more to get out of it...but people in general think fighting and the good ones think self defence when they hear "martial arts"
I enjoy martial arts an an amazing degree ^.^
recently I have come head to head with the following creditted but very annoying opinion: Why practice martial arts? we are in the age of the gun. O.O And now I prance around with a smile on my face because I have just the answer. Because not everyone HAS a gun. There you go, simple as that..and I just wanted to get this off my chest so there it is. Thank you for tuning into this bit of randomness ^.^
The style if you had the time...
Athena replied to NightOwl's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
let's see....i teach myself in all the spare time not counting computer time >.> but if I could have clases in anything I wanted if i had the time? I need to make a list. I would like to cross train in all of these if there was time and the proper place/teachers: Drunken fist kung fu Snake kung fu Tai chi Kendo Judo >.> everthing there, besides kendo would be like the "ingredients" to my own personal style + the knife hand -.-; Kendo would just be for my own interest outside of my fighting. I would also like to add these things that are not martial arts : Gymnastics Yoga Pilates Breakdancing These are like..side things that are there for my interest/ extra physical conditioning ^.^ Hopefully I am going to start gymnastics next year As you can see...I would need alot of time.. and probably money >.< -
thanks ^.^ Jay thank you for your input and suggestions to make my training idea better. If you do try it, I hope it works for you. and they may be boring to you they were just random examples XD yes >.> I am well aware of how long a song can last XD my songs last anywhere from 1 minute to 8 >.> and i personally have no problem having bag work for 7 minutes XD I've done longer. I love bag work actually >.>
I was wondering if any of you think this would be ok... I play a long list of amusic and for each song, I choose a random exercise and stick with that for the whole song.. you know it could be like song 1 - small arm circles song 2- big arm circles song 3- cat and cow yoga poses song 4 - sit ups song 5 - push ups song 6- round house kick song 7- air punching song 8- punching bag I do this 2- 3 times a wekk and it would change every day ?
*reads dete's comment*....*blink* Right well... Even though all these good points are made about the nunchaku and how it might or might not be a good wepaon >.> have any of you tried fighting with a rope dart? It's no good to you in a fight unless you know how to use it. period. There's a very slim chance of compromising, though I'm sure there are still those that could..somehow. Need to put this. Some of you say how impractical a metal fan would be..well at least it's metal and there's some room for compromising..just you might not be able to see it. rope dart = very hard to master and probably harder to fight with. I never realy cared to try as I'd probably be hitting myself more then the opponent XD I DID learn some neat tricks though Edit: Good point of rope dart: once you're mastered using and fighting with it..it's easily portable