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Everything posted by KarateEd

  1. Nope, ya'll aren't too late, we've started another round. Ed
  2. My running shoes. Ed
  3. Sounds sort of like Chi Sao, as aefibird says. We do something similar within Youn Wha Ryu TKD, but it's a little different. Ed
  4. I've seen this before, but it is still funny. I like his hair! Ed
  5. I agree with lordtariel in that how a car was treated and in what conditions it was driven plays a large part in the condition in which you will find it after 100K miles. When looking at a high mileage car I want to know if they were highway miles, for the most part, or around town miles. After that I want to see maintenance records. A proper oil changing regimen can do wonders for a car's longevity. As a general rule, though, Hondas, Toyotas, and 240 series Volvos have a reputation for lasting a long time and being relatively inexpensive to fix. Ed
  6. bushido_man The idea of "down time = KF time" is one of my better ones BlahuKahuna, Thanks for declaring me the winner ("you people love me, you really love me!" ). I'm willing to judge the next round of haiku wars. Ed
  7. You sound like me! I've had some serious down time at work recently, so I've had plenty of time to peruse the message board and think up haikus like the one above. Ed
  8. Seems like two very disparate skill sets. I wonder how that computer Deep Blue would fair in the boxing portion of the contest. Ed
  9. I am curious why he felt the need to purchase a black belt. Ed
  10. This has no seasonal reference, but here goes. Karate Forums browsing topics not working - boss appears, no job No this hasn't happened.....yet Ed
  11. It is interesting that the common theme running through most of the posts is that of the trailing, or back, foot with the heel off the floor. I never learned this formally in either TSD or TKD. I do, however, do this while sparring, but I picked it up from a volume of Bruce Lee's Fighting Method (it was either Vol. 2 or 3) Ed
  12. I may not have the right amount of syllables, but I'll give it a go. Jogging in the park the cricket's chirp keeping time - two more miles to go. Ed
  13. Thanks for the information bushido_man Ed
  14. I was at a local TKD school the other day and while talking with the instructor discovered that his TKD organization taught their students to spar in a back stance (with the front foot pointing toward your opponent). I can understand using this stance within the confines of point sparing where strikes below the belt or to the knees may not be allowed, but from a street fight perspective it seems that one would not want use this stance because the knee might be a tempting target since force directed straight at it would more then likely hyper-extend it. I usually spar with my front foot at about a 45 degree angle from the centerline of my body. I am curious about others' thoughts on sparring from a back stance. Ed
  15. I have always been intrigued by fencing and would enjoy studying it, but finding a place that teaches it is difficult. In Teri Tom's book, Straight Lead: The Core of Bruce Lee's Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do, she mentions two people that heavily influenced Bruce Lee, Aldo Nadi (fencing) and Jack Dempsey (boxing), two westerners. I found that interesting. Ed
  16. Oh man, there are so many "studies" that determine supposed correlation. What most people don't know is that correlation doesn't equal causation. I don't know about green tea per se, but I do remember a couple of studies about coffee. One said that drinking it was, basically, a sure way to bad health and the other that it was good for one's health. Go figure Ed
  17. I was curious if anyone has read Akido and the Dynamic Sphere by Westbrook and Ratti? It looks interesting, though I do not currently take akido. I read their book Secrets of the Samurai. It has sort of a hokey sounding title but is a real good historical/reference book. Ed
  18. I had a Beta fish from 2001-03. That little sucker lived about 2 Beta life spans. No other pets since. Ed
  19. Good job! Sparring always seems to take longer when you are in the middle of it as opposed to just watching it! Ed
  20. I'm impressed by all you folks in those videos. I'm glad I don't have a video of myself to watch right after watching ya'll or I'd get depressed! Ed
  21. I first became involved in MA because the principle of my grade school started teaching TSD classes at the school (this was a Christian school and we trained in the fellowship hall). So, that was a case of what was convenient. After about two years he moved to take a position at another Christian school. I pursued other things for a while. Then as a undegrad. my interest in MA was rekindled. I wanted to stay within a stand-up, hard style of MA since that was what my previous training had been in and that was all that was available in my town at the time. I looked at three schools in town. One was a TKD franchise place (I wasn't impressed with students' abilities and the way I figured it, from the information provided, one could get a black belt in about 1 year). Anyhow, I checked out a Shotokan school. I thought the instruction was good, but I also checked out a little TKD school (also conducting classes at a church) and felt like it was the right place. The students were respectful and pretty darn good at MA, and the instructor impressed me with his skill and knowledge. Plus, the progression to BB was within a time frame that I felt was appropriate. I have been training with him ever since. Ed
  22. I hate to laugh at your misfortune masterintraining, but......... .....I can't help it, that's pretty funny! Ed
  23. Thanks, but I can't take credit for the idea, one of my instructors recommended it to me. Ed
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