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Everything posted by Symphony-x

  1. Children? I still find it hard to get my belt tied However, it could be useful to spend 20mins of a class showing students and parents how to tie their belts?
  2. thank god, he was a sloppy gfighter, only good due to his size
  3. So in september I'm going off to Aberdeen [scotland] to university, so I'm having to change my training camp. Instead of my Kickboxing i'll finally get to pick up T. woot. However I have always wanted to learn grappling and ground skills, and in Aberdeen there are several places I could learn. I have the choice of either Wrestling, Judo or BJJ, but to be honest, I havnt a clue what to choose. I've always liked slams, but also love takedowns and throws as well as submission. I'm pretty strong, so can anyone give me help on what to choose, or help me figure out what would be best for me? thanks
  4. all that for 2 small punches? move your hips foreward more, and don't push your guard so close together
  5. hey guys and girls, wanted to share a few images from my karate class last night, some are blurry, and it wasn't the best class we've ever had, but, I'll show anyway the style we do is called 'Freestyle Karate'. This is a mix of traditional karate styles and kickboxing, along with some TKD... sounds weird, I know, but I love it, anyway... enjoy http://file021a.bebo.com/3/large/2007/07/14/11/2232743521a4969737080l.jpg http://file021a.bebo.com/3/large/2007/07/14/11/2232743521a4969737147l.jpg http://file021a.bebo.com/3/large/2007/07/14/11/2232743521a4969737227l.jpg http://file021a.bebo.com/3/large/2007/07/14/11/2232743521a4969752998l.jpg http://file021a.bebo.com/3/large/2007/07/14/11/2232743521a4969753118l.jpg http://file020a.bebo.com/13/large/2007/07/14/11/2232743521a4969771405l.jpg http://file020a.bebo.com/13/large/2007/07/14/11/2232743521a4969771480l.jpg http://file024a.bebo.com/8/large/2007/07/14/11/2232743521a4969778307l.jpg The class is full of varied skill levels, some have been doing it for years, some only a few weeks or months.
  6. I've did some MT, but couldn't help you with events etc. sorry
  7. Dan Severn is most deservant in my opion
  8. In my opinion, I think competitions are great, not only do you get to 'fight' someone different, it also is an eye opener for what to change in your fighting style and comes with a great load of experience.
  9. ...But, In Boxing, KBoxing, MT, whatever... why do many people only learn to fight in one stance, IE Right or Left [or south paw... whatever]? I personally believe in learning/training in both stance, not only does it get my skill level; up, but switching around in fights can confuse oppenents etc... Anyway, What are peoples opinions on this, and what do you train as left, right or both? Thanks
  10. if you wanna do MMA, or competitions, you should be keeping your guard up more. if i was fighting you, you'd be asking me to hit u 1 like that Also, for kicking, don't 'step in' then kick, slide your back foot. keep practicing
  11. thanks yeah i had a comp on sunday and did better. tho i do think the fight was close in that vid
  12. theres no point in practicing the wrong thing a million times: if you've did it wrong so many times you'll never manage to change habits
  13. the 1 in the full black sparring gear
  14. well currently I train 2 days a week boxing and 3 karate. but i also have college and alot of time off. in this free time I know there is WTF TKD classes where my boxing is with a 5th Dan instructor, so I thought it was a good idea.
  15. club: Wright Fitness and Freestyle Centre City: Buckie, Elgin and Forres: Scotland Sensei: 3rd Dan Graeme Wright, 2nd Dan Helen Wishart, 1st Dan Andrew Middleton and 1st Dan Danield Balsdon tho, Graeme should be about 8th Dan by now, he just doesnt really do gradings
  16. Well currently I do karate, and i'm best using my hands rather than kicking. I also do boxing, which is probably why im better/more confident with my hands. Anyway, I was considering doing some either WTF or ITF TKD [again] every so often between trainings to help improve my kicking. Good idea?
  17. https://www.download.com and search avi video converter
  18. correct, this is just to 'show off' her skills
  19. Chloe Bruce atthe irish open 2007. Shes scottish, like me ^^ Part 1: Part 2: [11 seconds]
  20. My first fight at light continious kickboxing. Unfortunately I list, but I personally think I won, anyway, the guy had a vaste amount of experience more than me, so yeah... enjoy
  21. I use a side kick as push away or a 'warning' kick
  22. -Tim Sylvia vs. Randy Couture -Matt Hughes vs. Chris Lytle -Rich Franklin vs. Jason MacDonald -Renato "Babalu" Sobral vs. Jason Lambert -Martin Kampmann vs. Drew McFedries my predictions: winner in bold[/b]
  23. yeah thats a suspended speedball. its more timing and moving.
  24. i bow: before getting on the mat. before i start my kata. after i finish my kata before i move off the mats as i leave the mat
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