aw i missed it! oh well at least u got through it! now you know the rules and things of the kinds of tournaments ure club goes to! im just talkin from comaa's perspective, you would be in the executive coloured belt division, this is not a overly large division, but the guys here do like to hit alot harder for some reason... that is why for future reference you always want to end the fight as quickly as possible. As soon as fight, hajime, or begin (whichever you guys use) is called go... do not wait for your opponent until mid fight if it is even, you want to get as many points right off the bat as possible... Also since you are a white belt, the best strategy i have found against beginner belts (white-orange) is to continuously twich ure front leg, slightly raising your knee as if to kick, due to inexperience they will pay full attention to your leg giving you the perfect opportunity to strike with a punch or backfist to the side of the head... good luck in future tournaments