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Everything posted by obiwansbane

  1. easy fix... technique used by all spirit of the dragon students... (i own them but thats besides the point... they're style works 99% of the time... especially against punchers) work on ure balance, and constantly have ure leg chambered... as soon as he even shifts his weight, kick out and rechamber... eventually he will dive in and your kick will score before his punch another option is to go right in ureself, as soon as u hear fight just jump in with a side thrust kick and a combo of punches, if you go fast enough he wont have time to throw his combo before you get the point
  2. hey congrats i remember the feelin when i passed my test.. i was real scared at first, but u pulled through as well keep it up
  3. yes xma is fun to watch indeed, and those kids have a great talent being able to do these things... will it help them in a real fight? very unlikely, but it will give them the confidence in themselves to try new things that they most likely will excell at... TMA probably being one of them
  4. aw i missed it! oh well at least u got through it! now you know the rules and things of the kinds of tournaments ure club goes to! im just talkin from comaa's perspective, you would be in the executive coloured belt division, this is not a overly large division, but the guys here do like to hit alot harder for some reason... that is why for future reference you always want to end the fight as quickly as possible. As soon as fight, hajime, or begin (whichever you guys use) is called go... do not wait for your opponent until mid fight if it is even, you want to get as many points right off the bat as possible... Also since you are a white belt, the best strategy i have found against beginner belts (white-orange) is to continuously twich ure front leg, slightly raising your knee as if to kick, due to inexperience they will pay full attention to your leg giving you the perfect opportunity to strike with a punch or backfist to the side of the head... good luck in future tournaments
  5. for point sparring, i usually talk to everyone in my division... this easily lets me know whos confidant and whos not... i then, yes u may call it cheating but its what i do, try and go up against an unconfidant person in the first round... this allows me to look at the confidant people and see what will be required to win against them... then i go into the fight and forget everything i had noticed and just fight, while adapting to what gets and doesnt get points... i know i dont use the gathered info but i go through the routine anyways everytime
  6. ???? shouldnt this mean that the brown belt should have been attacking and the black belt should have been blocking? i guess our club just does it differently... when we spar its all control, but if we are doing one step, and you get hit, its your fault for not blocking the attack even though you knew it was coming... so i say, the black belt was being dumb, and should have just stepped up his game, its not like there was anything to lose by being hit cause its not like they were fighting for points... just shows immaturity is all really... if he is throwing things with no control just deflect them and tell them what they are doing wrong till they fix it.. no need for violence of that extent... also the part about where the brown belt flew to ure end and hit a wall made me chuckle a little... he mustve been owned pretty hard to go that far without being able to stop himself...
  7. haha nice one! im sure shes happy with it... good luck to her on her quest for a black belt
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