Well I'm in my last year of secondry school and will be staying on for college, then go to uni and all that hopefully end up being a lawyer, and at the same time I'll still be in the martial arts and hope to take up to some weapons
I like to see different senseis that focus more on one thing than the other e.g in one class we focus a lot on kata another class a lot of focus on kumite and self defence and another class focusing on the basics
I love going on a holiday where I'm just calming down for a couple of week, my favorite holiday would be going to spain a family friend has a place that isn't around all the tourists theres a nice big pool and tennis courts which we mostly have to ourself I mean who other than me would play tennis when its over 40 degrees !! Nice family pub place with karoke every night great place to go been there about 3 times loved it hopefully going in 2007!!
I used to be able to do the side split, but when I stopped training for a while, I didn't practice and couldn't do it but now I'm back training in gradually getting there:)