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Everything posted by ashworth

  1. Well If I had training I'd have to go with the bo, is something I want to learn looks so fun!! and seems to have a good range
  2. Welcome to KF:)
  3. Well I'm in my last year of secondry school and will be staying on for college, then go to uni and all that hopefully end up being a lawyer, and at the same time I'll still be in the martial arts and hope to take up to some weapons
  4. only ever bought a few things of internet and that was on ukfitnesssupplies.co.uk because of where i live it was free delivery:)
  5. I have to forums on when I'm on here so when one page is loading up I'm reading or posting on the other one.
  6. never been though it but it sounds well alkward, keep your chin up it'll work out:)
  7. welcome greenthumb keep us posted on the guys history:)
  8. hey chuck is my favorite fighter as well hope he beats ortiz
  9. save up the money to buy a dog!!
  10. hey welcome to KF!!
  11. good luck i'm sure you'll do fine!!
  12. remain focus and if sparring concentrate on just getting the next point if that is how you spar I don't do TKD so might be wrong hope i help though
  13. close eyes, meditate for a few hours then open to find more attackers take first one out with a spining hook kick!!
  14. got to be coke!!
  15. I trained In another karate style before the one i do now
  16. jump turn cresent kick to finish off that attacker ready for the next
  17. I like to see different senseis that focus more on one thing than the other e.g in one class we focus a lot on kata another class a lot of focus on kumite and self defence and another class focusing on the basics
  18. land in kiba dachi and perform hammer fist to the groin!!
  19. side kick to the held holding it there for 3 seconds
  20. I love going on a holiday where I'm just calming down for a couple of week, my favorite holiday would be going to spain a family friend has a place that isn't around all the tourists theres a nice big pool and tennis courts which we mostly have to ourself I mean who other than me would play tennis when its over 40 degrees !! Nice family pub place with karoke every night great place to go been there about 3 times loved it hopefully going in 2007!!
  21. Well at least I'm not the only one thats had an incidence with a mirror I feel out of bed bashed my head on the bedside table that hurt a bit!!
  22. Yeah same here!!
  23. I used to be able to do the side split, but when I stopped training for a while, I didn't practice and couldn't do it but now I'm back training in gradually getting there:)
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