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El Guerrero Loco

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Everything posted by El Guerrero Loco

  1. Side kicks are great. Prolly one of the best, that and the roundhouse. I stuffed a 2nd degreee with one recently won the match:), and i'm only 3rd kyu, hehe, i also took on and tied someone much bigger than me, i used lotsa sidekicks, as well as roundhosues, i find, using kicks against punchers, woerks pretty well
  2. True dat, still highly unlikely. You guys act like its most likeley to happen.
  3. Don't be ridiculous, one on one, no weapons the Thai Boxer would beat the shit out of the so-called street fighter and time anywhere. Dang ppl, i dun believe u'd even ask this. Can someone who plays soccer once in a while by himself, be better than a pro who nto only practices all the time but knows far superior ways of handling the ball? Gimme a friggin break.
  4. I think cross-training is a good thing. I'd say a martial artist of any style could prolly beat a regular street fighter, providing he's not to much bigger and stuff. Still, its better to do more i'd say, as far as pure combat is concerned. I don't agree that Karate is useless of course. Its one of the arts i do. I assure you, i can fight just fine. WHy do Karate guys not win in NHB? Because the ones who have, only do Karate and nothing else. Karate is still good, just when fighting a cross-trained dude, he loses if he hasn't done so as well. Simple as that. Also the individual counts too, y don't u see alotta Karate guys in NHB. COz they ain't interested, look at the principles of karate, they're against fighting unless forced to. Many Karateka have no interest in doing nhb fighting. I do not share those views nor to i hold dear pretty much any of karate's ideology, i use my own pretty much. And also, for those who say high kicks don't work...LOOK AT NHB, they sure look like they work to me. Also, wat u guys think about Sambo?
  5. You need to be confident, don't worry if you screw up, its happened to the best of us. Thank God I almost never screw up, and am proud to say i'm the best in my class in pretty much everything, rivaled only by my brother,lol(funny how that works eh?) Just relax and be confident, space out. Hope i helped
  6. Prolly roundhouse or sidekick, lol i got my friend to hold up some couch pillowes and stand a few feet from my wall, i sidekicked him and he flew through the air and broke my wall oops
  7. I think BJJ is a great art. Submission fighter, u saw a karate expert lose to a streetfighter? McDojos really are a problem, i can't see how a trained fighter could lose to a streetfighter. Anyways, i wouldn't mind takin BJJ but there is only one dojo that offers it here and i think its a MCDojo anyway, so i'll prolly go into Sambo. Me and my friends practice groundfighting, but with no formal instruction, but i'm very confident that i'd be more than able to use the ground skills i have now effectively ont he street, i'd prolly strike tho.
  8. You're an odd one there Bon, never heard of such a strange reason to start Karate, but hey good luck, hope you end up going out with a chick that can wipe the floor with ur ass I Am planning to start another martial art on top of the one i now do and I too was hoping to find a nice gurl there, i think the best part would prolly be that she'd actually be into martial arts (wouldn't mind gettin in some hot chicks guard)
  9. I think Aikido is a good art with some potentially nasty techniques. However i don't agree with some of the theory, such as defending urself without damaging the enemy. In that case, u really did nothing more than any blocking techniques could. Still, Aikido could be used to create great damage if some of the pracitioners would stop acting like friggin tree huggin hippies(just kidding). Aikido also seems liek it would take a long time to learn, but hey if u got 10 years then go for it, just make sure u practice against resisting opponents throwing quality strikes or it will practically be all for nothing.
  10. To be hard i think someone must be a skillful fighter as well as someone who can take a hit and has a strong mental drive to be the best, also they should be confident, not really arrogant juss comfortable in himself, but not timid.
  11. I'm a Christian too, i dun see how chi and stuff could go against wat God says...i know it says in the Bible that magic and pychic stuff is the work of the devil, not chi and stuff, if one does have "magical" powers i would tend to think that were under demonic influence too since it is inhuman, but chi is juss natural, sometin about magnetic fields er somfin plus, it dun do anytin magical anyways.
  12. Prolly side kick to the solar plexis, or roundhouse to the jaw hinge, my head high roundhouse kick is almost as fast as my lead hand jab!
  13. Thx guys, i eat, live, sleep martial arts. I think about it prolly more than anything.
  14. How can one say that a soft style is better than a hard style, they may attack in different ways, but the result is ultimatley the same, the destruction of one's opponent. Say my opponent threw a punch, i grabbed his arm, threw the opponent down then slapped on an arm bar, is that better or worse than say an aikidoka who redirects te oponents engery into a throw of his own then slaps on an aikido lock? I'd say their about even, the biggest difference is that harder styles are generally easier to learn but gets weaker with age(like i mean when someone gets old) whereas, with a soft style is takes longer to learn but gets better with age.
  15. I think thay either way its ur own fault for not blocking it, whether or not it was intentional, u as a martial artist should be able to defend it, if not, juss keep werkin at it.
  16. I do Wado-Ryu Karate. Its pretty versatile, you do kicks, punches, elbows, knees, joint locking, pressure points etc. I have taken tot he kicking apect and grappling aspect most i think.(I like to incorperate tkd kicking techniques into me style)
  17. Hey my brethren. I know what most ppl say about TKD, and i'm sure all of u do as well. But i have found that i am a natural foot fighter and that even tho my punching is good(i do Karate we punch alot,lol) i don't at all feel safe in that range. I like to either be out in long range or in grappling range so i can grapple. However, if i'm to do TKD i'd like to know how you guy train...like drills, forms etc. Also, how is ur full contact sparring is it realistic enough? ANy TKD ppl hear ever used it in a real fight? thx guys
  18. Anybody here do this art? its supposed to be like the most complete art with techniques in long range, mid rang, close rang, as well as alotta grappling, plus internal chi stuff, and 108 weapons. Sounds good to me, lol wish i could do it
  19. What do u get when u cross muay thai and TKD? Thai Kwon Do _________________ "Live free. Die well..." [ This Message was edited by: El Guerrero Loco on 2002-07-30 14:29 ]
  20. I'll prolly make my own style one day, it will prolly be an NHB styl eart tho with striking and grappling
  21. ONe time a guy was running after me as i went around a guy he came around too that's when i nailed him with a sidekick to the solar plexis, dat was the end of that. ANother time this guy was messin with my lil' bro so i jumped him
  22. Definatly TKD i love kicking, its a wonder i dun actually do TKD, instead i do Karate
  23. I meant like actual mantis styles not wushu which is pretty much a big compilation of styles put together doing lotsa fancy forms i think. I mean an actual mantis style like the 8 step preying mantis kung fu style
  24. You pretty much start doin a front kick and then instead of shotting your leg straight out twist it to the side and hit with ur instep. However i'm a Karateka not a Tae Kwon Doist, i particularily dun like the kick(its not a Karate kick) it hurt the knee seemingly and its not real strong but pretty good for scoring points, if ur into that kinda thing.
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